Jrjungemann / iOS-Developer-Resources

A fancy list of resources for iOS developers. Please let me know if there is anything that I should add.

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iOS Developer Resources

A fancy list of resources for iOS developers

---- Summaries
Coding Style ----
[Swift] (https://github.com/raywenderlich/swift-style-guide) Swift coding style guide.
[Objective-C] (https://github.com/raywenderlich/objective-c-style-guide) Objective-C coding style guide.
Frameworks ----
[ReactiveCocoa] (https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa) A functional reactive programming framework that provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values.
[AFNetworking] (https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking) The most famous networking library for iOS and Mac OS X.
[MagicalRecord] (https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord) The fastest and easiest way to work with Core Data.
[JSONKit] (https://github.com/johnezang/JSONKit) A high performance JSON library for Objective-C.
[CocoaPods] (https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods) The most used dependency manager for Xcode projects.
[UI/UX Libraries] (https://github.com/cjwirth/awesome-ios-ui) A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries.
Backend Solutions ----
[Parse] (https://parse.com/) Backend solution with SDKs for all platforms.
[KiiCloud] (http://en.kii.com/platform/enterprise-applications) An backend alternative to Parse
Blogs / Forums ----
[iOS Dev Weekly] (http://iosdevweekly.com/) The best of iOS Development links every Friday
[NSHipster] (http://nshipster.com/) Focuses on a different tool for iOS each week. Also has examples in Swift and Obj-C
[objc⇅] (http://www.objc.io/) A periodical about best practices and advanced techniques for iOS and OS X development.
[Ray Wenderlich] (http://www.raywenderlich.com/) Blog articles posted all of the time and they also have a ton of tutorials
[This Week in Swift] (https://swiftnews.curated.co/) A weekly swift article published by NatashaTheRobot
Podcasts ----
[Developing Perspective] (http://developingperspective.com/) A podcast by David Smith discussing news of note in iOS Development, Apple and the like.
[Debug] (http://www.imore.com/debug) Debug is a conversational interview show about developing software and services, primarily for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and gaming
Design Tools ----
[Photoshop] (http://www.photoshop.com/products) Image editing tool. Costs $20 per month
[GIMP] (http://www.gimp.org/) A free alternative to Photoshop
Pixelmator A full-featured, layer-based, native Mac image editing app. $30.
[Sketch] (http://bohemiancoding.com/sketch/) Useful for creating design documents
[MakeAppIcon] (http://makeappicon.com/) Resizes and optimizes your icon designs into all formats needed for iOS and Android
[CoreAnimator] (http://www.coreanimator.com/#animatecode) Create animations and turns them into native iOS code
[Wireframe.cc] (https://wireframe.cc/) A lightweight wireframe tool
[Mockup.io] (http://mockup.io/about/) Create app mockups
[LaunchKit] (https://launchkit.io/) Have app reviews go to Slack and your inbox. Also, generate app store images in Sketch
[SimPholders2] (http://simpholders.com/) Access iPhone simulator app folders
[App Screenshots] (http://appscreenshotstemplate.com/) Make beautiful app screenshots that sell
Flat UI Colors Nice flat colors to use for your user interface
Documentation ----
[Dash] (http://kapeli.com/dash) Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager
[Markdown Life] (http://markdownlife.com/) The last Markdown editor you may ever need (99 cents in the MacAppStore)
[MacDown] (http://macdown.uranusjr.com/) A free, open-source Markdown editor
AppleDoc Auto-generated Objective-C documentation
[Jazzy] (https://github.com/realm/jazzy) Auto-generated Swift documentation
File Backup ----
[Dropbox] (https://www.dropbox.com) 2 GB of free Data Storage and 1 TB for $9.99 per month
Free Obj-C Tutorials ----
[Code School] (https://www.codeschool.com/paths/ios) Simple intro to iOS tutorial
[Route 85] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvyk5iRymqA&list=PLOU2XLYxmsIKGQekfmV0Qk52qLG5LU2jO&index=1) Set of video tutorials by google
[Stanford iOS 7 and Objective-C] (https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-7-apps-for/id733644550) A full set of lectures dedicated to learning iOS 7 and Objective C
[RyPress] (http://rypress.com/) A couple of simple tutorials on Objective-C and Git
Free Swift Tutorials ----
[iOS Networking with Swift] (https://www.udacity.com/course/ud421) Learn how to incorporate networking into your apps
[Stanford iOS 8 and Swift] (https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-8-apps-swift/id961180099) A full set of lectures for iOS 8 and Swift
[Bloctris] (https://www.bloc.io/tutorials/swiftris-build-your-first-ios-game-with-swift#!/chapters/675) Build a tetris clone with Swift
Have Questions? ----
[Stack Overflow - Objective-C] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/objective-c) Ask Objective-C related questions
[Stack Overflow - Swift] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/swift) Ask Swift related questions
[/r/iOSProgramming] (https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming/) A subreddit dedicated entirely to iOS development
Contributors ----
Jon Jungemann https://github.com/Jrjungemann
Aaron Brager https://github.com/getaaron
Marius Horga https://github.com/mhorga
Dulio Denis https://github.com/duliodenis
Eric Gu https://github.com/ericcgu


A fancy list of resources for iOS developers. Please let me know if there is anything that I should add.