JosieHong / SiamPolar

[Neurocomputing] Realtime Video Object Segmentation with Polar Coordinate Representation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the codes of SiamPolar: Realtime Video Object Segmentation with Polar Representation.


If you find this code useful in your research then please cite

  title={SiamPolar: Semi-supervised Realtime Video Object Segmentation with Polar Representation},
  author={Hong, Yuhui and Song, Yonghong and Zhu, Chao and Zhang, Ying and Wang, Ruihao},


1. DAVIS2016

Methods J_M​ J_R​ J_D​ F_D​ F_R​ F_D​ Speed
SiamPolar-light 66.4 89.7 0.2 50.8 52.2 0.4 63.20 FPS
SiamPolar 71.4 96.2 0.7 56.7 60.0 18.1 59.20 FPS

2. DAVIS2017

Methods J_M​ J_R​ F_D​ F_R​ Speed
SiamPolar 55.2 69.4 39.0 23.7 59.20 FPS

Setup Environment

SiamPolar is implemented on mmdetection. It can be installed easily as following, and more details can be seen in ./

git clone
cd SiamPolar

# conda environment (recommend) 
conda create -n open_mmlab python=3.7 -y
conda activate open_mmlab
# or virtualenv environment
# virtualenv env
# source env/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip
# Please install a PyTorch version fitted your CUDA driver 
# from
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install "git+"

python develop
# or "pip install -v -e ."

If there is any problem with the environment, please check the versions first:

  • CUDA == 10.1
  • torch == 1.2.0
  • torchvision == 0.4.0
  • mmdet == 1.0rc0+3ad0a02
  • mmcv == 0.4.3

Prepare Dataset


  1. Download DAVIS2016 from kaggle-DAVIS480p.

  2. Convert DAVIS2016 to COCO format by python ./tools/convert_datasets/ 2016 <path to DAVIS2016 dataset> and organized it as following: (The files in brackets are not used in SiamPolar.)

├── mmdet
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│  ├── DAVIS
│  │  ├── Annotations
|  |  |  ├── 480p_train.json
|  |  |  ├── 480p_trainval.json
|  |  |  ├── 480p_val.json
|  |  |  ├── (db_info.yml)
|  |  |  ├── (480p)
│  │  ├── (Imageset)
|  |  |  ├── (480p)
|  |  |  |  ├── (train.txt)
|  |  |  |  ├── (trainval.txt)
|  |  |  |  ├── (val.txt)
|  |  |  |  ├── (test.txt)
│  │  ├── JPEGImages
|  |  |  ├── 480p


  1. Download DAVIS2017 from DAVIS-2017.

  2. Download db_info.yml from davis-2017/data/db_info.yaml.

  3. Convert DAVIS2017 to COCO format by python ./tools/convert_datasets/ 2017 <path to DAVIS2017 dataset> and organized it as the structure of DAVIS2016.

SegTrack / SegTrack v2

  1. Download SegTrack Dataset / SegTrack v2.
  2. Convert SegTrack / SegTrack v2 to COCO format:
# First, please change the file name 'ground_truth' in penguin into 'ground-truth'.

python tools/convert_datasets/ [path to SegTrack dataset]
# e.g.
# python tools/convert_datasets/ /data1/datasets/SegTrack

python tools/convert_datasets/ [path to SegTrack v2 dataset]

Train & Test

SiamPolar can be trained and test as other mmdetection models. For more details, you can read mmdetection-manual and mmcv-manual. Please check all the configures of SiamPolar in ./config/siampolar/.

# train
python tools/ <path to configure file> --gpus <gpu index> --resume_from <path to pretrained model>

# test
python tools/ <path to configure file> <path to pretrained model> \
--out <path to output pkl file> \
--eval vos

There are some examples in ./ Please set them to your own configures.


cd ./demo

python <path_to_img_dir> <img_name> <polar_num>


For academic use, this project is licensed under the 2-clause BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details. For commercial use, please contact the authors.


[Neurocomputing] Realtime Video Object Segmentation with Polar Coordinate Representation

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 90.8%Language:Cuda 5.9%Language:C++ 3.0%Language:Cython 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%