JoshuaPoddoku / git-test

test repo for the web development course

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


test repo for the web development course

  • At the command prompt in your git-test folder, type
    npm init

  • Install an NPM module, lite-server, that allows you to run a Node.js based development web server and serve up your project files. To do this, type the following at the prompt:
    npm install lite-server --save-dev

  • Next, start the development server by typing the following at the prompt:
    npm start

  • You will use npm to fetch the Bootstrap files for use within your project. Thereafter you need to install JQuery and Popper.js as shown below since Bootstrap 4 depends on these two. At the prompt, type the following to fetch Bootstrap files to your project folder:
    npm install bootstrap@4.0.0 --save
    npm install jquery@3.3.1 popper.js@1.12.9 --save

  • One of the most popular icon font toolkit is Font Awesome. Go to its website to check out more details about this icon font. You can get Font Awesome using npm by typing the following at the prompt:
    npm install font-awesome@4.7.0 --save

  • Another module that we install is Bootstrap Social that enables the addition of Social buttons to our site. You can find more information about it at To install it using npm, type the following at the prompt:
    npm install bootstrap-social@5.1.1 --save


test repo for the web development course


Language:HTML 100.0%