JoshRodstein / grout

GO command line utility for changing/migrating git remotes en-batch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Git Remote Migration Utility

Welcome to the Git Remote Migration Utility. This command line utility is designed to make finding and changing git remotes easier and less confusing.

What is GROUT?

GROUT is a command line utility for updating local remotes across one or many local repos.

What can GROUT do?

  • Target remotes under a specific org.
  • Change the organization for targeted remotes.
  • Target a specific remote URL.
  • Produce an easily readable JSON plan of the proposed changes for review before updating.

How do I use GROUT?

Locate the binary for your current operating system and run in one of the following two modes...

Interactive (Recommended)

Run the 'grout-<my_OS>' command and follow the prompts to specify...

$ grout-macos

Running interactive mode.

  _____ _____   ____  _    _ _______ 
 / ____|  __ \ / __ \| |  | |__   __|
| |  __| |__) | |  | | |  | |  | |   
| | |_ |  _  /| |  | | |  | |  | |   
| |__| | | \ \| |__| | |__| |  | |   
 \_____|_|  \_\\____/ \____/   |_|    

Github Remote Migration Utility
Current Remote(s) URL ( 
New Remote(s) URL (
Target Github org/owner (All orgs if not set):
New Github org/owner (unchanged if not set):
Search directory (default to current directory):

Grout will then display your selections and prompt for confirmation before creating a migration plan...

    Search Directory:      /Users/username/my/current/directory/{repo}
    Target URL:  
    New URL:     
    Target Org/Owner:      all orgs/owners
    New Org/Owner:         unchanged

Enter 'Yes' to confirm selections and create a plan:

Grout will then generate and display a migration plan for your Git remotes...

Enter 'Yes' to confirm: Yes

Generating plan...
A change plan has been generated and is shown below. These changes have been saved to grout-plan.json

  Repository:   grout
  Path:         /Users/username/my/current/directory/{repo}/.git
  Remote:       origin
    Change:{owner}/{repo}.git ->{owner}/{repo}.git

GROUT will perform 2 change(s) across 1 repo(s)

Enter 'y' to accept and apply these changes: 
 'Yes' to accept and apply these changes:

Once the proposed changes have been reviewed and accepted, Grout will execute and confirm the plan and its results

Completed 1 change(s) across 1 repo(s)

You can re-confirm the changes by running interactive mode again. The plan should result in...

No changes found



Generate a plan for updating git remotes:

  Search all folders under given directory for git repositories and 
  Spit out a plan for updating git remotes to a new URL. Plan is saved 
  as test-grout-plan.json unless otherwise specified.

  grout plan [flags]

  -d, --directory string   Set search directory
      --find-org string    set target org for remote update
      --find-url string    set remote url for remote update (default "")
  -h, --help               help for plan
      --set-org string     set target org for remote update
      --set-url string     set target url for remote update (default "")
  -t, --toggle             Help message for toggle

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.grut_bin.yaml)
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output for logging/debugging


Execute changes in a plan:
  Load and execute a plan from file. GROUT looks for test-grout-plan.json in 
  it's current directory unless otherwise specified.

  grout update [flags]

  -f, --file string   Target a plan file (default "grout-plan.json")
  -h, --help          help for update

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.grut_bin.yaml)
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output for logging/debugging


GO command line utility for changing/migrating git remotes en-batch

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 99.0%Language:Makefile 1.0%