JoshPaulie / toolbox

🧰 Catppuccin's development tools

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😸🧰 Toolbox

Catppuccin's development tools

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A set of software tools by Catppuccin developers, for Catppuccin developers


πŸͺ΄ Index



πŸ‘· Palette Builder

Export the colors of every Catppuccin flavour into various formats. Currently it supports:

  • CSS
  • Json


$ git clone && cd toolbox/palette_builder
$ npm install	# fetch dependencies
$ npm start <format> <out_file>


  • <format>: can be json or css +<out_file>: is an optional parameter. In its absence the new format is printed to the console


🟠 Circular Thumbnails Generator

Generate circular thumbnails of the palettes


$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
$ python3 <--show>


  • --show: is an optional parameter that displays the PNGs in your device's image previewing software instead saving them into an out/ directory


πŸ–ŒοΈ InkCat

InkCat is a minimal and versatile solution for displaying colors from each one of Catppuccin's flavours in your terminal. This program also allows you to copy them to your clipboard.


$ npm install -g @catppuccin/inkcat && inkcat --help	# Install command
$ npm uninstall -g @catppuccin/inkcat	# Uninstall command

Note: use sudo if needed

Help info:

	#1: inkcat <palette(s)> <color(s)>
	#2: inkcat <flags>

	<palette(s)>            Palettes separated by commas (e.g. frappe,latte)
	<color(s)>              Colors separated by commas (e.g. peach,rosewater,lavender)

	-h,--help               See this help message
	-n,--no-copy            Don't copy the colors to the clipboard
	-f,--format             Specify format (hex, hsl, rgb)

	#1: inkcat frappe,latte peach,rosewater,lavender
	#2: inkcat macchiato base,yellow --no-copy
	#3: inkcat mocha
	#4: inkcat mocha maroon --format rgb


$ npm install	# fetch dependencies
$ make link	# to link the binary locally
$ make unlink	# to unlink the binary

Note: use sudo if needed


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ DocPuccin

Docpuccin is a small program that fetches health files needed per project type


$ npm install -g @catppuccin/docpuccin && docpuccin --help	# Install command
$ npm uninstall -g @catppuccin/docpuccin	# Uninstall command

Note: use sudo if needed

Help info:

	#1: docpuccin <health_file_type> <file(s)>
	#2: docpuccin <flags>

	<health_file_type>	Check the "Available health files" section
	<file(s)>		Health files to be downloaded. They can be comma separated (e.g. npmrc,npmignore)

	-h,--help		See this help message

	#1: docpuccin npm npmignore
	#2: docpuccin repo license
	#3: docpuccin any makefile,editorconfig`

To see the available health files please download the tool and run it with the --help flag.


$ git clone && cd toolbox/docpuccin/
$ npm install	# fetch dependencies
$ make link	# to link the binary locally
$ make unlink	# to unlink the binary

Note: use sudo if needed


πŸ–ΌοΈ Puccinier

If you wrote a v1 or v2 Catppuccin theme, you may use Puccinier to automatically create the the rest of the v2 themes. Puccinier supports the conversion of properly formatted hex, rgb, and hsl colors (case insensitive).

Help info

puccinier 0.1.2
ap-1 <>
Generate the rest of the Catppuccin palettes off of a template file written in one of them

    puccinier --source <FILE> --output <TYPES>...

    -h, --help                 Print help information
    -o, --output <TYPES>...    Set the themes (space-separated) to generate from the source file
                               [possible values: latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha]
    -s, --source <FILE>        Set the source file to convert
    -V, --version              Print version information


You can find binaries built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-apple-darwin, and x86_64-pc-windows-msvc in the releases tab. Alternatively, you can use cargo:

cargo install puccinier

To build from source, you must use cargo:

git clone && cd toolbox/puccinier
cargo install --path .


🎨 Catwalk

A sweet program that takes in four showcase images and displays them all at once.

Install with pipx (preferred):

$ pipx install catppuccin-catwalk
$ catwalk <images>

Install using pip (inside of a virtual environment):

$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade catppuccin-catwalk
$ catwalk <images>
# if `catwalk` doesn't work for you, please try:
$ python3 -m catwalk
Parameter Description
images 4 images to merge into one. REQUIRED. All other parameters are optional.
--layout Choose the style of the showcase image. Available options are composite (default), grid, and stacked.
--gap Size of the gap between the grid layout. Defaults to 20px.
--background Places the screenshot on a background colour of your choosing. Provide a hex value like "#89dceb".
--margin Defines the margin around the screenshot. Defaults to 40px.
--radius Sets the corner radius for the window. Defaults to 50px.
--outer Set the radius for the background image. Defaults to the value of --radius.
--shadow Enables a drop shadow behind the screenshot, and sets and the strength of the blur. Defaults to 12, if no value is passed.
--rainbow Adds a rainbow background. Will override the --background setting.
--preview Previews the output with your image viewer, instead of saving it.
--help A summary of the available parameters.


🌈 Contrast Test

Test Catppuccin's flavours compliance with modern web contrast standards


$ git clone && cd toolbox/contrast_test/
$ npm install	# fetch dependencies
$ npm start


😽 Meow

"Waouh Waouh", said the French Poodle

❄️ Nix

With Flakes

Add the following to your flake.nix:

    inputs = {
        catppuccin-toolbox.url = "github:catppuccin/toolbox";
    outputs = {nixpkgs, catppuccin-toolbox, ...}: {
        nixosConfigurations.HOSTNAME = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
          modules = [
              environment.systemPackages = [
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    home-manager = {
      url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

    catppuccin-toolbox.url = "github:catppuccin/toolbox";

  outputs = {nixpkgs, home-manager, catppuccin-toolbox, ...}: {
    homeConfigurations."user@hostname" = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;

      modules = [
            home.packages = [
Without Flakes

Add the following to your configuration:

{config, pkgs, ...}: let
  flake-compat = builtins.fetchTarball "";
  catppuccin-toolbox = (import flake-compat {
    src = builtins.fetchTarball "";
in {
    # Home Manager
    home.packages = [

    # Nix
    environment.systemPackages = [


Copyright Β© 2021-present Catppuccin Org


🧰 Catppuccin's development tools

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 38.0%Language:Python 31.3%Language:Rust 17.6%Language:Nix 10.3%Language:Makefile 2.8%