JosephClay / respondent-image

responsive images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm i -S respondent-image


Based off of responsively-lazy

  • optimized for performance using requestAnimationFrame
  • better api: manually .update(), .maximize() or .destroy()
  • background image support
  • request optimization: resizing smaller doesn't trigger image loads

Setup: html

<!-- sample image -->
<img src="images/2500.jpg" data-srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w" srcset="" />

<!-- sample bg -->
<div data-bg="images/2500.jpg" data-srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w"></div>
// the default image, for SEO and browsers that don't support srcset
// the image definition for responsive images
data-srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w"
// a small, base64 encoded image that prevents the src from loading

Usage: js

Plain old js:

const respondent = require('respondent-image');

// all the images
// a particular image

// an element with a background'#img'));

// calling respondent returns an array of instances
const results = respondent('img');
// results => [inst, inst, inst ...]

With jQuery:

const $ = require('jquery');


As a React component:

NOTE: uses Object Rest Spread proposal, following React's recommendations. The babel plugin transform-object-rest-spread will be needed.

const Img = require('respondent-image/Img.jsx');
const render = function() {
	return (
		<Img src="images/2500.jpg" srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w" />

const Bg = require('respondent-image/Bg.jsx');
const render = function() {
	return (
		<Bg bg="images/2500.jpg" srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w" />


responsive images


Language:JavaScript 100.0%