JorgePerC / IntroToCV

Files to learn CV, for the moment, only

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Files to learn CV, for the moment, only in Python.

So... I'm really new to this.

Remember to activate your venv

Topics I should learn:

  • Python, objects
  • Python, list comprenhension
  • Python, Generators
  • [] Whats a mask
  • Whats a kernel
  • [] Whats a cascade. Other methods to detect faces.
  • [] Whats a pipeline, from a reliable source.
  • [] Color spaces. Expand with images
  • [] Convolutions
  • [] Filters
  • [] Leonardo Chang
  • [] Sistemas embebidos (C++)


  • [] Even more matrix
  • [] Used funcitons (Canny, Gaussian blur , Hanning, etc. )
    • Gaussian blur.


Someone recommended me this site to learn on my own:

Also, I'll be guiding my-self on this book:

This book seems interesting:

*You shouuld use a Tec account to read them

Links that have helped me:

What I learned from vimtutor:

The following are based on the default setting. Maybe I can change them later.

  1. To move the cursor:

    • h <-
    • l ->
    • k R
    • j v *I can also use arrows, but its supossed to be slower.
  2. Exit Vim:

    • Press to enter nomal mode. In order for the following commands to work, you should be on normal mode.
    • To save: :wq +
    • To not save: :q! +
  3. Modify file:

    • x -> Delete character on cursor
    • i -> Insert character (left) of cursor.
      • Here you can't use hjkl to move. You should go into normal mode.
      • You can use arrows to move.
      • You can't delete anything previous of what you just wrote. Except for supr.
    • A -> "Append". This is just like insert but the difference relies on the fact that you'll be overiding characters as you go by, instead of simply adding them. Hmmmmm... Thats how it worked for me, but the description says something different.
    • dw -> Delete word.
      • If you are not on the word's first character, then it's going to delete from the character that you were untill the end.
      • If you keep w pressed, then you'll jump between words.
      • There are more commands to delete. d is the deafult letter for this action. Hoever, I see it as uncesary to learn the rest of the commands.
    • dd -> Delete line.
    • d$ -> Delete the rest of the line from where your cursor is.
    • . -> Delete line.
      • If at the end, it starts going backguards.
  4. Open files:

    • Open bash.
    • Go to the desired folder.
    • ´vim fileName´


Files to learn CV, for the moment, only


Language:Python 53.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 42.4%Language:Shell 3.0%Language:C++ 1.2%