JorgeAugusto / java-spring-skills-tracker

Deploy a containerised Java Spring app on GCP Cloud Run

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Java Spring Skills Tracker

A reference project to deploy a containerised Java Spring app onto GCP Cloud Run

An app to track users, their skills and achievements

Run/Build Locally

  • In project root directory, run docker-compose up to start a PostgreSQL database
  • Then with Maven, select dev profile and run maven clean install followed by maven spring-boot:run


  • Once app is running, authenticate user by making a POST request to http://localhost:8080/login with the following body:
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "password"
  • From response header, copy the Authorization header bearer token i.e. Bearer eyJhb...Eyw

  • Make a GET request to http://localhost:8080/api/v1/profiles with an Authorization header with the bearer token as value

  • See Postman collection here

Deploy to GCP Cloud Run

  • Populate the variables in terraform.tfvars
project                = <GCP-PROJECT-ID>
credentials_filepath   = <PATH-TO-GCP-SERVICE-ACCOUNT>
bucket_name            = <STATIC-SITE-BUCKET-NAME>
# and other variables
  • Create GCP resources with Terraform:
cd deploy # change to deploy directory
terraform init # initialises Terraform
terraform apply # deploys GCP stack
terraform destroy # destroys GCP stack
docker build -t<your_gcp_project_id>/java-spring-skills-tracker .
docker push<your_gcp_project_id>/java-spring-skills-tracker:latest
gcloud run deploy<your_gcp_project_id>/java-spring-skills-tracker:latest --update-env-vars POSTGRESQL_URL=jdbc:postgresql://<CLOUD-SQL-PUBLIC-IP>:5432/skillsdb,POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=postgres
  • Then on Cloud Run console, update POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD, and JWT_SECRET as secured environment variables. Re-deploy Cloud Run service


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




Deploy a containerised Java Spring app on GCP Cloud Run


Language:Java 95.7%Language:HCL 3.3%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%