Jonplussed / formatting

Format strings type-safely with combinators

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formatting Build Status Hackage

A type-safe text formatting library based on combinators.



Call with a formatting function like:

  • format - Format to a lazy Text value.
  • sformat - Format to a strict Text value.
  • bprint - Format to a Builder value.
  • fprint - Format to stdout.
  • hprint - Format to a Handle.

Call syntax:

format <format combinators> <param1> <param2>



format ("Person's name is " % text %  ", age is " % hex) "Dave" 54

or with short-names:

format ("Person's name is " % t % ", age is " % x) "Dave" 54

Similar to C's printf:

printf("Person's name is %s, age is %x","Dave",54);

and Common Lisp's FORMAT:

(format nil "Person's name is ~a, age is ~x" "Dave" 54)

"Hello, World!": Texts

> format (text % "!") "Hi!"
> format (string % "!") "Hi!"

123: Integers

> format int 23

23.4: Decimals

> format (fixed 0) 23.3
> format (fixed 2) 23.3333
> format shortest 23.3333
> format shortest 0.0
> format sci 2.3
> format (scifmt Fixed (Just 0)) 2.3

1,242: Commas

> format commas 123456778
> format commas 1234

1st: Ordinals

> format ords 1
> format ords 2
> format ords 3
> format ords 4

3F: Hex

> format hex 15
> format hex 25

Monday 1st June: Dates & times

> now <- getCurrentTime
> later <- getCurrentTime
> format (dayOfMonth % "/" % month % "/" % year) now now now
> format day now
> format hms now
> format tz now
> format datetime now
"Mon Jun 16 08:24:41 UTC 2014"
> format century now
> format (dayOfMonthOrd % " of " % monthName) now now
"16th of June"

3 years ago: Time spans

> format (diff False) (diffUTCTime later now)
"2 seconds"
> format (diff True) (diffUTCTime later now)
"in 2 seconds"
> format (diff True) (diffUTCTime now later)
"2 seconds ago"
> format (seconds 0 % " secs") (diffUTCTime now later)
"2 secs"
> let Just old = parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y" "1980" :: Maybe UTCTime
> format (years 0) (diffUTCTime now old)
> format (diff True) (diffUTCTime now old)
"in 35 years"
> format (diff True) (diffUTCTime old now)
"35 years ago"
> format (days 0) (diffUTCTime old now)
> format (days 0 % " days") (diffUTCTime old now)
"12585 days"

File sizes

> format (bytes shortest) 1024
> format (bytes (fixed 2 % " ")) (1024*1024*5)
"5.00 MB"

Compose formatters

%. is like % but feeds one formatter into another:

λ> format (left 2 '0' %. hex) 10

Using more than one formatter on the same argument

λ> now <- getCurrentTime
λ> format (year % "/" <> month <> "/" % dayOfMonth) now


You can include things verbatim in the formatter:

> format (now "This is printed now.")
"This is printed now."

Although with OverloadedStrings you can just use string literals:

> format "This is printed now."
"This is printed now."

You can handle things later which makes the formatter accept arguments:

> format (later (const "This is printed later.")) ()
"This is printed later."

The type of the function passed to later should return an instance of Monoid.

later :: (a -> Builder) -> Format r (a -> r)

The function you format with (format, bprint, etc.) will determine the monoid of choice. In the case of this library, the top-level formating functions expect you to build a text Builder:

format :: Format Text a -> a

Because builders are efficient generators.

So in this case we will be expected to produce Builders from arguments:

format . later :: (a -> Builder) -> a -> Text

To do that for common types you can just re-use the formatting library and use bprint:

λ> :t bprint
bprint :: Format Builder a -> a
> :t bprint int 23
bprint int 23 :: Builder

Coming back to later, we can now use it to build our own printer combinators:

> let mint = later (maybe "" (bprint int))
> :t mint
mint :: Integral a => Format r (Maybe a -> r)

Now mint is a formatter to show Maybe Integer:

> format mint (readMaybe "23")
> format mint (readMaybe "foo")

Although a better, more general combinator might be:

> let mfmt x f = later (maybe x (bprint f))

Now you can use it to maybe format things:

> format (mfmt "Nope!" int) (readMaybe "foo")


If you're using a type which provides its own builder, like the Scientific type:

import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Scientific
scientificBuilder :: Scientific -> Builder
formatScientificBuilder :: FPFormat -> Maybe Int -> Scientific -> Builder

Then you can use later easily:

> format (later scientificBuilder) 23.4

Actually, there are now already two handy combinators (sci and scifmt) for the Scientific type as shown above in the Decimals section.


Format strings type-safely with combinators

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Haskell 100.0%