JonnyRockets / QuirkyPSFunctions

Functions I use every day that aren't employer or customer specific.

Repository from Github https://github.comJonnyRockets/QuirkyPSFunctionsRepository from Github https://github.comJonnyRockets/QuirkyPSFunctions


Functions I use every day that aren't employer or customer specific.

When I end up doing something more than once I put it in here, so I will always remember where it is. They're not at all ready for prime time, they just work for me (more or less). I also add stuff I see on the internet, I've tried to comment the source of each I borrowed.

(some of them, like the Add-User type functions, are obsolete (finally!), but I leave them in because I have to deal with Windows Server 2008 sometimes)

People ask why I don't put this on psgallery or something like that, and the reason is simple: This is a grab bag of stuff I use, that Works For Me(tm). Some have tests, most dont, and there are more than a few in there that flat don't work at all.

The functions are broken out into different areas


Start-ResourceManagerVM Stop-ResourceManagerVM


Get-DSCConfigDetailsPath Get-DSCConfigStatus Get-DSCFunctions Get-DSCResourcesInModule Remove-WSManShells Show-DSCConfigurationComplete Show-WSManShells Stop-PendingDSCConfiguration

File System

Get-ChildItemByDate Get-ChildItemBySize Get-ChildItemDirectories Get-ComputerDiskSpace Get-FileAttributes Get-FileVersion Get-LocalFileName New-QShare Set-FileAttributes Set-LocationFromFile


Find-Items Format-Environment Get-BootTime Get-ComputerShares Get-DotNetVersion Get-EnumValues Get-InstalledApplication Get-PowershellVersion Get-SystemUptime Get-WindowsPID Get-WindowsVersion


Edit-Command Find-CommandSourceCode Get-CommandSource Get-HighestModuleVersion Get-ModuleFunctions Get-ModuleVersion Get-Properties Get-ScriptDirectory Set-LocationToModuleFolder Update-ModulesFromNuGet


Add-QDomainUserToLocalGroup Get-CurrentUser Get-EnvironmentVariable Get-QLocalUser Get-QLocalUsers New-QLocalUser


Add-TrustedHost Add-WindowsRunCommands ConvertTo-UTF8 Edit-File Filter-IsNumeric Find-Items Format-QXml (PSCX's works better) Get-DaysUntilChristmas Get-ErrorInfo Get-Excuse Get-ExpandedURL Get-MD5Checksum Get-NumberOfDays Get-TrustedHost Get-VmIp New-RDPSession Set-EnvironmentVariable Set-IEFriendlyErrors Set-IESecureProtocols Set-LocationToProfileFolder Show-ParseStatus Start-DebugPowerShell Stop-OtherPowershell Test-IsAdmin Test-NeedsReboot Test-Port Test-PropertyExists Test-Transcribing Test-Win32 Test-Win64 Update-SysInternals


Functions I use every day that aren't employer or customer specific.


Language:PowerShell 100.0%