JonathanShitrit / CunyFirstClassesRestfulAPI

A Restful API for retrieving information about each CUNY college

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Restful API for retrieving the subjects provided at each CUNY college. The database is a Firebase Realtime Database.

All data is viewed as json objects.



The base end-point is "colleges". It returns all the subjects provided for ALL the CUNY colleges. ex: ""


The next end-point is "colleges/{college name}". This name MUST be one of the colleges shown with the previous command. It returns all the subjects provided for THIS CUNY college. ex: ""

Specifying .json returns the data as json objects.
Specifying print=pretty returns the data in a human-readable format.

You can read more about using a Restful API with Firebase Realtime Database on their documentation here:


A Restful API for retrieving information about each CUNY college