Jon3sjns / BMI_Calculator

BMI Calculator App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BMI Calculator

Screenshot (2)

This is a simple project implementing a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator using Python and the Tkinter library for the user interface.

About BMI Calculator

A BMI calculator is a tool used to calculate an individual's body mass index. This index evaluates whether a person's weight is appropriate for their height. It's a straightforward method for assessing someone's weight status in categories like underweight, normal, overweight.


  • Calculate BMI based on provided weight and height.
  • Provide BMI categories based on the calculated value.
  • Simple user interface using Tkinter.


  1. Make sure Python is installed on your computer.
  2. Download or clone this project to your computer.
  3. Open terminal/command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
  4. Run python to start the application.

Running the .exe file

  1. Navigate to the DIST_BMI_Calculator folder.
  2. Find the executable file (BMI_Calculator.exe).
  3. Double-click the executable file to run the application. If there is a security warning, you may need to approve running the application first.


This project requires Python 3 and the Tkinter library. Python can be downloaded and installed from the official Python website, and Tkinter is usually included in the standard Python installation.


Contributions and suggestions are always welcomed. If you'd like to contribute to this project, please create a pull request or open a new issue for discussion.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.