Jojoooo1 / debezium-with-confluent

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Debezium stopped to include confluent schema-registry dependencies since version 2.X. This is why we need to inject it inside the connect-base image. This image is only compatible with the confluent schema registry version 7.0.4.

Debezium connect-base

To upgrade the connect-base image, update the FROM condition with the latest release, update the TAG= var inside the Makefile accordingly and run:

make build-and-push-docker-image

Debezium connect

To upgrade the connect image, update the FROM condition with the latest debezium connect-base image you just created, update the Dockerfile with the latest value from connect Dockerfile, update the TAG= var inside the Makefile accordingly and run:

make build-and-push-docker-image



Language:Dockerfile 84.9%Language:Makefile 15.1%