Johnny-Knighten / text-naive-bayes

Naive Bayes classification for text data implemented in Python

Repository from Github https://github.comJohnny-Knighten/text-naive-bayesRepository from Github https://github.comJohnny-Knighten/text-naive-bayes

Naive Bayes Text Classification

Naive Bayes is a machine learning algorithm used for classification. It is a popular model in the domain of text classification. This package is designed specifically for the application of Naive Bayes for text classification.

In text classification the goal is to classify a text document in some way. Here are a few examples of text classification tasks:

  • Given an Email/SMS determine if it is Spam or Ham(Not Spam)
  • Given a review of an item determine if it is positive or negative review
  • Given a news article determine what category it belongs to(sports, technology, politics,... )
  • Given a book determine who the book's authors is(from a finite list of authors)

This package provides two different implementations of Multinomial Naive Bayes. The main difference between the two models is what type of data is expected by the model. One model expects documents to be represented as lists of words, while the other wants documents to be numpy vectors representing word frequencies.

It is up to the user to pre-process their text data. The most important pre-processing step its to ensure your data is in the right format for this package's models. To ensure higher levels of model accuracy, it is important for text data to be pre-processed in other various ways. Some popular pre-processing steps are:

  • Remove All Non-Text Characters
  • Make All Text Lowercase
  • Make Your Text Into a N-Gram Model
  • Stemming Your Text
  • Removing The Top N Most Frequent Words
  • Remove Stop Words (Similar To Above)
  • Remove Numeric Data(If You Think It Is Not Important)

It is possible to use this package for tasks other than text classification. If your data can be represented by counts(ie how many times some event/item occur for a given data item) then models in this package can still be used. This package does not support the use of continuous data as input.

For more information about Naive Bayes check these links:


To install this package into your current python environment, first ensure your environment has an updated pip installation. Then execute the following command while in this package's main directory(the directory containing

 pip install -e .

This package requires numpy to function. If you want to run the scripts located in the sample_data directory, you will also need to install NLTK to your environment. The scripts in sample_data will create sample data sets to be used with this package.

To install NLTK while installing the package simply execute the following:

pip install -e .[sample_data]

Provided Sample Data Scripts

Contained within this package is two scripts that help create sample data to be used with this package. One is from the NLTK package and contains wine review data and the other is from Kaggle and contains SMS spam and ham data. The NLTK data is self contained and will download the data when the script is executed. The Kaggle data will require you to make an account and download it from here. Once you acquire the data place spam.csv into the following directory: sample_data/kaggle/spam. Both of these scripts will create a pickle file that contains different versions of the data that have already been preprocessed. Both scripts have an optional argument that will remove the top N most frequent words from the data.

Generate Documentation

This package can automatically generate documentation thanks to the Sphinx package. Sphinx provides numerous documentation outputs from HTML to LaTeX and even plain text(for a full list look here). To build the documentation simply navigate to the docs directory and execute the following:

make <doc type>

where is the flag for the type of documentation output you want. The documentation will be found in the docs/_build directory.

Models Provided

This package provides two different Multinomial Naive Bayes models. One operates by using pure python data structures and the other relies on the use of numpy.

The models I provided also can be used for online learning. They have methods to update the model as new data is acquired.


This model uses python data structures only. To train this model, the user most provide a list of list of words and a list of labels. It is up to the user to parse documents into a list of words and provide a label for each document. To predict a documents label, the user must provide the document as a list of words.


This model uses numpy arrays as its main data structures. To train this model the user must provide a matrix of document data and an array of labels. The matrix's rows represent each document and its columns represent a specific word. Essentially each document is represented by a row vector whose elements represent the frequency which a specific word appears in that document. To predict a document label, the document must be transformed into a vector of word frequencies as described as above. Ensure that your training vectors and testing vectors correspond to one another. This means they have the same length and columns correspond to the same word. For example all vectors are length 1 and column 1 represents the word "test"

Example Use

Here is an example of using the dictionary model:

from naivebayes.models.dictionary import Multinomial

train_labels = ["good", "good", "bad", "bad"]
train_data = [["i", "liked", "it"],
              ["it", "was", "very", "good"],
              ["i", "hated", "it"],
              ["it", "was", "bad]]
test_data = [["i", "thought", "it", "was", "bad"]]
model = Multinomial()
model.train(train_labels, train_data)
predictions, scores = model_dict.predict(raw_data)

# Add More Training Data 
# Note: The Dictionary Model Adds New Words To Dictionary
new_labels = ["good"]
new_data = [["i", "love", "it"]]
model.update(new_labels, new_data)

Here is an example of using the vector model:

import numpy
from naivebayes.models.vector import Multinomial

# 0 = bad, 1 = good
train_labels = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0])

word_map = {"i" : 0, "liked": 1, "it": 2, "was": 3, "very": 4, "good": 5,
            "hated": 6, "bad": 7}
train_data = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                       [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
# "i thought it was bad"
# Notice "thought" was dropped because there is no column for "thought"
test_data = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]])

model = Multinomial()
model.train(train_labels, train_data)
predictions, scores = model_dict.predict(raw_data)

# Update Dictionary To Contain The Word "love"
new_word_map = word_map.copy()
new_word_map["love"] = 8
model.update_dictionary(word_map, new_word_map)

# Add More Training Data After Extending Dictionary
new_labels = np.array([1])
new_data = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) # "i loved it"
model.update(new_labels, new_data)

For more examples check in the package's main directory.

Possible Future Updates

Possible updates to this package include:

  • Implement Bernoulli Naive Bayes
  • Implement Complement Naive Bayes
  • Implement Gaussian Naive Bayes


Naive Bayes classification for text data implemented in Python


Language:Python 100.0%