Johnny-Knighten / leet-code

Assorted leetcode solutions in Go and Python

Repository from Github https://github.comJohnny-Knighten/leet-codeRepository from Github https://github.comJohnny-Knighten/leet-code

Leet Code Solutions

This repo contains my leet code submissions for 2024 and onward. I had another repo with mostly Java solutions from back around 2019, but decided to start fresh again. I will be trying to answer all questions in both Python and Go.


Each problem is labled problem_*.go and has an assoicated unit test file called problem_*_test.go.

To run all tests, open a terminal and change to the go directory then:

$ go test -v

To run a specific test:

$ go test -v problem_1.go problem_1_test.go


For all Python solutions test cases are included in the script entry point; that is the if __name__ == "__main__" section in each script.

To run a specific Python solution, open a terminal and change to the python directory then:

$ python

Dev Container

I have included a devcontainer spec that has all dependencies needed to run the provided solutions. You should be able to open it in VS Code or a JetBrains IDE without any issue.

See here for more details.


Assorted leetcode solutions in Go and Python


Language:Go 61.4%Language:Python 38.6%