JohnnYDeveloperAHK / SCP-0808-The-Dark-Hall

A functioning Game in progress, made using AutoHotKey, available for community changes. Horror SCP Game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Overview (This description is subject to change, but this is what the project's story is "supposed" to follow.)

[SCP horror game that plunges players into a world of darkness, dread, and enigma. Assume the role of Johnny, a seasoned military veteran with a history of voluntary service for the Special Forces Serbia (SFS). The SCP Foundation has recognized Johnny's unique qualifications and has called upon him to investigate SCP-0808, a classified anomaly deemed too perilous for the unprepared.]

Table of Contents


[For the time being, until the game is compiled, please install autohotkey v1.1 from this website link Autohotkey Website] [Extract the RAR folder/Zip folder anywhere on your desktop, and run the game. eg. (The dark hall.ahk)]


[The gameplay is expected to change, as I'm not quite sure about the story and the gameplay itself. For now, you can walk forwards, and nothing will happen as of this version.] [In future versions, as of this date 21.09.2023, I could add some similar gameplay, that off of FNAF, like the ballerina from sister location. (At least that's the only thing that comes to mind with this kind of style of a game)]

Controls ( Subject to Change)

[Space] to start the game [W] to move [3] to equip the gun

[Alt&F4] or [ESC] to Exit the game


  • [Game Intro]
  • [Gun Animations]
  • [Dialog]
  • [Sounds]
  • [Unimplemented but created: as of 21.09.2023 Creature]


Gun Rise Up Animation


Gun Idle Animation


Gun Movement Animation


Gun Screenshake Animation


Unimplemented as of 21.09.2023 (The creature in the dark)



[This project is completely open source, and if anyone wants to change any code or add your features into it, you're free to do so.] [If you wish for your features to be featured in the newer releases of the game, please add me on my discord, and we'll make it happen.] My discord name: [johnny8056]


Autohotkey GNU General Public License


[If any users contributed to the project, they would be featured in the log below.]

My Steam Profile

Steam Profile

My Discord Username


Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.


Item #: SCP-0808

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0808 is to be sealed and inaccessible to any personnel. Any further exploration of SCP-0808 is strictly prohibited until further notice. Personnel are advised to avoid any information or communication regarding SCP-0808. Any attempts to enter or breach containment will result in immediate disciplinary action.

Description: SCP-0808 is an anomalous entity located within a classified underground bunker. The entrance to the bunker is a deep, seemingly endless hallway shrouded in complete darkness. It is unknown how far the hallway extends, as no exploration has successfully reached its end.

The only known interaction with SCP-0808 occurred during the ill-fated operation on 15.09.2023 involving a subject identified as "Johnny." Johnny, a part-time military worker and voluntary Operator Military Intelligence for Special Forces Serbia, was contacted by [DATA EXPUNGED] to explore the mysterious bunker and its enigmatic hallway.

Equipped with an M1911, a radio, and a classified note containing undisclosed information, Johnny entered the bunker. The bunker's vault door was sealed behind him by [DATA EXPUNGED], leaving him alone in the dark hallway. Johnny maintained communication with [DATA EXPUNGED] via radio throughout the mission.

During the exploration, Johnny reported various unsettling incidents and unknown sounds:

"REDACTED" "REDACTED" "Uhm, how long is this hallway anyway?" "What the hell was that?" "OH MY GO-REDACTED" After the last transmission, Johnny's radio communication abruptly ceased. His fate remains unknown, and there has been no contact or sighting of him since the vault door closed behind him.

SCP-0808 is classified as Keter due to its high level of threat and the complete lack of information regarding its nature and effects. No evidence exists to explain what happens to individuals who enter SCP-0808, and further operations within the bunker are suspended indefinitely.

All information regarding SCP-0808 is considered highly classified, and any personnel attempting to access this information without proper authorization will face severe consequences. All attempts to breach SCP-0808's containment or investigate its properties are strictly forbidden.


A functioning Game in progress, made using AutoHotKey, available for community changes. Horror SCP Game


Language:AutoHotkey 100.0%