JohnMurray / awesome-actors

An "awesome list" of actor model resources

Repository from Github https://github.comJohnMurray/awesome-actorsRepository from Github https://github.comJohnMurray/awesome-actors

Actors Awesome

An "awesome list" of actor model resources


Unfamiliar with actors? Checkout these pages to quickly get up to speed and answer commonly asked questions.

Interested, but want more? Checkout the Videos & Podcasts section for content or, if you're feeling particularly adventurous you can try out the Advanced Topics section for a deeper dive.

Actor Libraries

Sold on the idea of actors, but unsure where to start? Pick your favoriate implementation or langauge below and get to hacking.

Videos & Podcasts

Advanced Topics



  • Introductory material

    • What are actors? 10k foot view?
    • Primary benefits
      • isolation
      • scalability (through properties of time independence and location transparency)
      • dynamic construction / composition
      • ?? other topics ??
    • When to Use / Comparison
      • Compare the actor model as a form of concurrency against other primitives such as threads, futures, processes, etc.
  • Language specific frameworks

  • Podcasts? (there may not be enough content to warrant)

    • Programming Throwdown (ep82)
  • Advanced Topics (good to segment out information to avoid overwhelming newcomers)

    • Research papers (OG Hewitt&Baker paper + modern advancements)
    • Any good blog posts or talks about advanced topics (clustering, actor scheduling, patterns & practices, etc)


An "awesome list" of actor model resources

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0