JohnCosta27 / LearningRepo

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Learning Repo

A repository dedicated to me, learning all sorts of technologies. And maybe implementing them in the future in other projects.

Stuff learnt/learning

  • Auth0/Supabase

    • Auth0 Authentication
    • Supabase PostgreSQL database
    • This little project involved Auth0 authentication using an express package express-openid-connect which allows for user authentication in a Node.js/Express.js back-end. Supabase provides a nice PostgreSQL which can scale, plus I know SQL but I never approached it at a high level.
  • Webpack

    • Webpack is a bundler, it takes .js files and converts them into one big .js file with all the dependencies from the smaller files, it does this by creating a dependency graph. This big .js file contains everything, including CSS.
    • I'm learning it, specially how to configure it and how it works because I have used React a few times, but I always used the "create-react-app" script, and I want to properly understand what I am doing when I use that script.
    • Webpack uses loaders, which is a way to pre-process a file, so that it can be bundled into the bundle (The big .js file).
  • React from scratch

    • A few things are needed here:
    • Babel: A JS transpiler that takes my code, and transpiles it into older JavaScript, which means that it can run on any browser and machine, something that would be excrutiating to do.
    • Webpack: Takes all of the files, and compiles them into one big "bundle". See project above.
    • Webpack loaders: These take a certain type of file and pre-processes them, so they can be included in the bundle.
    • Loaders used:
      • @babel/preset-env - Does the transpiling to older versions of JS
      • @babel/preset-react - Loads react files, which contain JSX
      • style-loader & css-loader - These take the CSS and allow it to be bundled.
    • Plugins:
      • HtmlWebpackPlugin - Creates an HTML file from a template which contains the link to the bundle. This plugin has a rather simple job.

This "React from scratch" mini project, has taught me a lot about the workings of Webpack and Babel. I will keep this repo as a personal "create-react-app" script. So that I can control exactly what modules I have.

Vite + SSR

Wow, I haven't updated this repo in a long time. Much has happened.

At work we have a SSR setup and it doesn't seem ideal, so I wanted to use latest tooling to make it a bit nicer. If I can get Vite in there somehow.



Language:JavaScript 74.3%Language:OCaml 12.6%Language:HTML 9.8%Language:CSS 2.1%Language:TypeScript 1.3%