John-Howard / Django_and_Folium

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Goals

  • Use the power of Folium to visualize data generated from Django Database on a Leaflet JS map.

  • Use Django Admin Site to Import and Export data into and from the database.

  • Visualize data using Folium's Simple Markers and Marker Cluster.

Data Sources

The data used in this project is downloaded from the Seattle City Open Data website, The following Datasets are used:

Project Preview

Libraries and Packages used

To get started with this project

  • Clone the repository: git clone

  • Change directory to Version_1 cd Version_1

  • Open the terminal or CMD to create a virtual environment like Python virtual environment (venv) or pipenv and activate it.

    • python -m venv venv Create the venv

    • source venv/bin/activate On Linux

    • venv/Scripts/activate On Windows

    • source venv/Scripts/activate Git Bash on Windows

  • Install requirements.txt: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Create the database by running the following commands: python makemigrations seattle python migrate

  • Create a super user: python createsuperuser

  • Login to the admin site with your super user and add the data in 'seattle/data' folder using the import functionality in each model.

  • Run the project: python runserver

Version 2:

In this version I improved the code by combining all the data in one Django Function View to show it in one map.

Added Layer Control functionality to switch between different layers.

Changed the default style of the Markers and used font awesome icons:

* ` h-square ` Icon for Hospitals Layer.
* ` graduation-cap ` Icon for Public Schools Layer.
* ` book ` Icon for Public Libraries Layer.

Version 2 Preview


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 47.8%Language:CSS 39.6%Language:Python 8.5%Language:HTML 4.1%