Johan-p / i3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • apt-get install i3
  • apt-get install xfce4-panel
  • apt-get install rxvt-unicode
  • apt-get install lxappearance
  • apt install nm-applet
  • apt install pnmixer
  • apt install git
  • apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
  • reboot
  • xfce4-pane
  • add the config file to .config/i3/config
  • mv config .config/i3/config
  • xrdb .rxvt-unicode
  • mv .Xdefault /userfolder/.Xdefault
  • xrdb .Xdefaults
  • xrdb .rxvt-unicode
  • rxvt-unicode
  • reboot
  • xrdb .rxvt-unicode

*geckodirvers for selenium * *export PATH=$PATH:/root/Downloads/geckodriver-v0.23.0-linux64



right click and add the application menu in the preferences.

change the apperance of the xfce4-panel

vim .config/i3/config

border size:

#no windows border: new_window pixel 3

change the following at the line:

#start a terminal uncommend the current terminal and add the one we want to use:

bindsym $mod+Return exec rxvt-unicode

add the following:

#statup panel exec --no-startup-id xfce4-panel --disable-wm-check

Setting the bar at the top

add following at the end (in between the bar brackets)

under status command

	postion top

close and save the file

restart your terminal.

if it doesn't show the new terminal run the following xrdb .rxvt-unicode

to change the colors of the terminal

cd /home/ nano .Xdefaults

fill in the xdefault file

xrdb .Xdefaults if colors aren't picked up with a new terminal


windowstoets + shift + e logout pop up.

windowstoests + pijltje switch naar andere pannel

windowstoests + h voor horizontaal uitlijning

windowstoets + enter voor nieuwe terminal

windowstoets + v voor verticale uitlijning

windowstoets + shift + pijltje swappen van pannels naar richting van de pijl.

windowstoets + shift + nummer voor switchen van item naar andere workspace

windwostoets + nummer voor switchen naar andere workspace.


apt-get install feh

open an image with feh

feh imagename.jpg

set it as your background

cat .fehbg

nano .xinitrc

#add this in the file: ~/.fehbg

close and save. on reboot your background will now be taken from the .fehbg file.
