Build your own CNC machine/laser with CNCLib and CNCStepper.
Both projects are on github.
CNCLib is a Windows and Web application.
The web application is hosted here:
- USB Port
- Axis count and size
- Probe definition
- Initial commands
- Custom commands
- Send commands (gcode)
- Move axis
- Define zero-shift
- Read/Write SD
- Define rotations
- Configure CNC machine by writing to the Eeprom
- Watch command history
- Scroll
- Zoom in and out
- Rotate
- Define colors for machine, laser, mill, ...
- Import as it is
- Add linenumbers
- Convert e.g. g82 (drill command) because your machine does not support the command
- Import HPGL with "Resize" and "Move"
- Option for "grave" => the CNC program will follow the line
- Option for "cut" => the CNC program is created with an offset (laser-size or mill diameter)
- Import Image - for laser
- Dither
- Differnet hole shapes (diamond, heard, circle, ...)
With this import option a CNC program is created to cut holes into e.g. a paper. The width of the holes are calculated from the image depending on the brightness.