JoeSmile / HelloXiaoxin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

## Installation

Install all dependencies. 

$ npm install

## Development

Builds the application and starts a webserver with livereload. The only thing you need to do is to run command `$ gulp` or `$ npm start`.

$ npm run dev

## Build

Builds a minified version of the application in the dist folder.

$ npm run build

## Javascript

Javascript entry file: `src/scripts/main.js` <br />



**ES6 with babel**

We are working with the webpack [babel loader]( in order to load our .js/.jsx files. Babel allows you to use ES6 features like class, arrow functions and [much more](


As you can see we are using stylus to preprocess our .scss files. If you didn't work with a css preprocessor before the [stylus page]( is a good starting point to get to know what stylus can do for you.<br /><br />
If you want to use third-party CSS you just include it via `@import 'path/to/your/third-party-styles.css'` at the top of the main.scss file.

## Webpack Hints

You can find the webpack configuration in the [webpack.config.js file](./webpack.config.js).
We use the babel-loader in order to load .jsx and .js files via webpack. If it's possible install all your dependencies with NPM. Packages installed with NPM can be used like this:


var moduleXYZ = require('moduleXYZ');

You can find all loaders in this list.

This framework is just for Xiaoxin simida~


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 77.2%Language:CSS 10.9%Language:Vue 8.4%Language:HTML 3.4%