Jobenland / Temperature-Dependence-Analysis

Temperature Dependence Analysis to generate CSV's of given cell test data

Repository from Github https://github.comJobenland/Temperature-Dependence-AnalysisRepository from Github https://github.comJobenland/Temperature-Dependence-Analysis

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Temperature Dependence Analysis

This Program will extract data from multiple temperature ranges and calculate values such as z prime and z double prime It will then place the data in a csv that can be used in graphing in the CSV graphing software available for download on my github

NOTE: When given the option to select a zip file, Mac users should instead select the unzipped folder location of their original zipped file and leave the final box BLANK. Otherwise, The program will not be able to read the zip file and call a critical error causing the program to crash(working on a fix in the future)

UPDATE: To use the New windows for both MAC and Windows make sure to clone version 2.0 and run

Getting Started and Important Notes

Video Example:

NOTE: Please see Images below for information regarding the correct files to give the program

Files MUST be zipped in a folder for correct deployment Ex. this is NOT needed in

On startup, the user will be prompted for a folder of MDAT Files. this program can handle MDATS, ZIPPED folders, and UNZIPPED folders. each file in the folder should be a Temperature for a specific material. For example or EIS_OCV_500_DRT_1pCO2.mdat would be given that contains .mpro, .cor, and .z files. see images below for more information.

Once You have successfully put all your files in a folder and selected start on the main window the program is ready to analyze the data


Programs and other things needed to run this program

Python 3.x


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Automatic Method

pip install -r requirements.txt

Manual Method

pip install pandas 
pip install PySimpleGUI
pip install bokeh
pip install np

Running the program

Video Example:

The best way to install and run the program is to clone this repo to your home directory by typing git clone Once the directory has been cloned, change the directory cd Temperature-Dependence-Analysis to the directory of the repository. Ensure you are in the directory by typing dir and checking the output for a file called TCPV2. Type python --version or python3 -version and ensure the output version is at least 3.x.

Once you have checked the python version the program can be ran by typing python see screenshots for more info and you should be given a UI with a box to select the folder of your files see "Getting Started and Important Notes" for more info regarding file types select the folder location and hit start once start is selected a debug window will appear giving information on the current state of the program. Next, a new window will come up asking for the area, type in a number that is HALF of your actual area. for example, for an area that is 0.31 enter 0.155. Once area has been entered select ok and the program will output a progress bar this may take a while depending on amount of data given once this runs and completes it will show one last popup asking for a combined excel file name. This program compiles all data for all temps and materials into one xlsx file with various sheets for sheet name problems see FAQ After it ammends data to the new file, the program will indicate it is complete with a popup stating complete and the user can hit ok to terminate the program.

Once the program is completed, The user should check the output. navigate yourself to the Extracted_z_and_csv folder and look for the xlsx file you named in the previous step. Two CSV's are generated by each z file with one of them ending in DRTPre-Processing this file can be ignored or deleted as it is used with another program. If this folder does not exist and or the data in it is incorrect see FAQ



some questions can be solved by the video example:

The extracted z and csv folder is not there. How can I fix this? --> best way to fix this is by ensuring you are looking in the right directory and restarting the program

The filenames in the combined excel file are not correct? --> This program works by taking the EIS_OCV out of the file name, taking the next 3 words 500_DRT_1pCO2 and then purging the rest to fix this rename your files using this naming convention

Im getting an error no module found ___ --> enter pip install _____ in your command prompt and restart the program

Im getting other errors and I believe it did not give out the right information --> submit an issue with good information regarding your problem and I will try to fix is as soon as possible


The best way to deploy this software for use in lab is to run locally either through command prompt or a Python Interpreter of your own

NOTE: running through command prompt or terminal will result in faster completion that debugging through a code editor


Fildes to give program start Debug window Area Prompt combined name done folder after finish excel sheets

Built With

  • Pandas - Used to edit and read CSV's
  • PySimpleGUI - Used to create a GUI more efficiently
  • TKinter - Used as backend GUI framework and support
  • Bokeh - Used as plotting software for the plot function
  • NP - Help with scientific calculations


If any Enhancements, Features or Problems arrise, Please submit a request on github


No versioning control has been set up yet but I am working on having this work in the Future



This project is licensed under the GPL License


Temperature Dependence Analysis to generate CSV's of given cell test data

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%