Joao-M-Almeida / taxonomy

Machine-readable Taxonomies with ID mappings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Machine-readable Taxonomies with ID mappings.

Content category IDs are numerical strings that follow a pattern “ t1 . t2 . t3 . t4 ”

“ A ” = indicates category is a top-level tier and contains within it all IDs that start with that value.

“ A . B ” = category is a 2nd-level tier contained within the top-level tier. This level contains within it all IDs that start with that value.

“ A . B . C ” = category is a 3rd-level tier contained within a 2nd-level tier that is contained within a top-level tier. This level contains within it all the IDs that start with that value.

“ A . B . C . D ” = category is a 4th-level tier contained within a 3rd-level tier that is contained within a 2nd-level tier that is contained within a top-level tier.

The content taxonomy contains 29 top level tiers which contain various tier 2, tier 3, and tier 4 categories.


Machine-readable Taxonomies with ID mappings