JoKneeMo / chatgpt-mattermost-bot

A very simple implementation of a service for a mattermost bot that uses ChatGPT in the backend.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A ChatGPT-powered Chatbot for Mattermost

There's a nice detailed guide about how to do all of the steps below written by @InterestingSoup, here: Create a ChatGPT bot on Mattermost

Here's the short version - it's easy if you have a Docker container. You need

First step is to clone this repo.

git clone && cd chatgpt-mattermost-bot

For testing, you could now just run npm install and npm run start or node src/botservice.js directly, but be sure to set the below environment variables or pass them to the node process, first!

For production use, in order to create a service on a docker container that will always provide the service without you having to run it on your own PC, you can do the following:


Create the docker image

docker build . -t yguy/chatgpt-mattermost-bot

Run Docker service

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
  -e MATTERMOST_URL=https://mattermost.server \
  -e MATTERMOST_TOKEN=abababacdcdcd \
  -e OPENAI_API_KEY=234234234234234234 \
  --name chatbot \

With a custom certificate stored in `/absolutepath/to/certfile.crt´ for your mattermost instance (if required for locally hosted mattermost instances on https) you can do it like so

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
  -v /absolutepath/to/certfile.crt:/certs/certfile.crt \
  -e NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/certs/certfile.crt \
  -e MATTERMOST_URL=https://mattermost.server \
  -e MATTERMOST_TOKEN=abababacdcdcd \
  -e OPENAI_API_KEY=234234234234234234 \
  --name chatbot \

Verify it's running

docker ps

Later, to stop the service

docker stop chatbot

Docker Compose

Edit the environment variables in docker-compose.yml.

Required Environment Variables

MATTERMOST_URL: https://mattermost.server
MATTERMOST_TOKEN: abababacdcdcd
OPENAI_API_KEY: sk-234234234234234234

Optional Environment Variables

# Set this if using a custom username for the bot, default = @chatgpt

# Console logging output level, default = INFO

# Node environment, default = production
NODE_ENV: production

Private TLS Certificate

If your Mattermost instance uses a TLS certificate signed by a private CA, you will need to provide the CA's public root to the container for validation.

If the root certificate is located at /absolutepath/to/certfile.crt, then you would merge the contents below into the docker-compose.yml file:

      - /absolutepath/to/certfile.crt:/certs/certfile.crt:ro
      NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS: /certs/certfile.crt

Run the container as a daemon

When all configuration is complete, start the container service.

docker compose up -d

Verify it's running:

docker compose ps

To stop the container:

docker compose down

Example Conversation

Here's an example chat that I just had with our bot:

@yguy: @chatgpt - please write a short introductory paragraph for the README in the GitHub repo that hosts the sources for you, the friendly Mattermost bot. Tell the readers that you enjoy working for the nice people at yWorks and that everybody should install a Mattermost chatbot into their Mattermost chat system to benefit from a nice and helpful assistant like you are. I will include this in the README on the GitHub repo, so make this an engaging text! Thanks!

chatgpt (BOT) Hello there! I'm @chatgpt, a friendly and reliable Mattermost bot designed to make your communication experience smoother and more efficient. I'm honored to be part of the team at yWorks, where I help employees get things done faster and with less hassle. With my advanced machine learning algorithms, I'm capable of understanding complex natural language queries and providing succinct and accurate responses in a matter of seconds. Whether you're a developer looking for information on your codebase or a manager seeking to streamline your team's workflows, I'm here to help. Installing a Mattermost chatbot like me is a must for any organization looking to boost its productivity and enjoy a more pleasant communication experience. So what are you waiting for? Let's chat!

I built this tool as a quick hack on a rainy Saturday afternoon, but we are using the bot in production in our Mattermost instance at our office at yworks and the bot has proved to be very helpful for many simple tasks. Give it a try and provide feedback if you like! I might also accept helpful pull requests if you find an issue or have an idea for an improvement.

Last but not least check out yWorks' fine diagramming tools for software developers yFiles and our free online graph editors!

This is under MIT license Copyright (c) 2023 Sebastian Mueller (yWorks)


A very simple implementation of a service for a mattermost bot that uses ChatGPT in the backend.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.3%Language:Dockerfile 10.7%