JoGorska / hackathon_team_4

Wellbeing and Mindfulness Hackathon with Code Institute and Soda Social

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


alt text


showpiece home page

Click here to live site.



The success of any organisation depends on the wellness and wellbeing of the workforce. A positive and proactive approach by employers to monitor and promote positive mental health impacts not only productivity, but also employee health and company culture.

Stress and poor mental health prevent employees being fully focused on their work, and can eventually lead to burn-out and absenteeism, impacting company costs and output. COVID-19 has rapidly increased the importance of employers implementing tools and processes to protect the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce.

The MyMindsEye website provides both employers and their teams with a simple and effective way of monitoring mental health, as well as offering simple and practical tools to take action when needed.

User Stories

The following user stories were satisfied:

As a user you can:

#1 Register to the website by using your email address and choosing a password to gain access.

#2 Log-in everyday with your user-name and password and record how you are feeling.

#3 Navigate to the relevant page to get tips on how you are feeling.

#3 Get tips on the mood you are feeling today or other moods you might be feeling.

#4 Get information on sleep and tips for better sleeping.

#5 Get information on a sleep technique to help you sleep.

#6 Navigate back to the home page to choose another emotion.

#7 Get information if you are bored and tips on what to do if you are bored.

#8 Play a game if you are bored.

#9 Get information on happiness and tips on keeping yourself happy.

#10 Get information on stress and tips on how to manage that stress for work, exams or everyday life.

#11 Take a breather and breathe with the timing of the lungs to help manage stress.

#12 Check your mood history.

#13 Navigate back to the homepage easily.

#14 Log-out easily.


The website is designed to mobile first and responsive.

Wireframes were created with Balsamiq. Initital wireframes were made and then modified.

Wireframes design was focused on emotions and letting the user select how they were feeling the day they logged in.

Wireframes final version can be found here

Agile Methodology

Screenshot of the canban board

Github issues were used to assist with creating user stories. The issues are currently in four categories - to do, in progress, on hold or done.

Existing Features

Navbar and Footer

Navbar and Footer has been copied from Bootstrap components and adjusted to the needs of the project.

The navbar is transparent and the colors have been choosen to compliment the body of the website. The navbar collapses into a hamburger menu for mobile view. The navbar features the website logo on the left which will link back to the emotions page. On the right it also consists of a login/register feature which changes to welcome "user name" when logged in and on mobile devices. Links on the right of the navbar include logout so the user can log out, a link to mood history and the homepage. These three features on mobile devices appear in a drop-down when you select the hamburger menu.

The footer contains minimal information about the authors of the website and stays at the bottom of the page on all pages. It does not contain any relevant information for the user or links for the user however links could be added to social media or other useful links for future features.


The hero-image is a person with arms outstretched on a beach in a yopa pose and features on all pages of the website. The image was chosen because it compliments the theme of the website.

Registration Page

The regsitration page allows the user to register by entering their email, first-name, last-name, password and re-enter password. This information is entered in a container in the middle of the page.

Log-in Page

The log-in page allows the user to log their username/email and password to enter the website. This information like the registration page is entered in a container in the middle of the page. If the user finds themselves on this page and has not yet registered there is a link to send them to the registration page.

Home Page/Emotions Page

As like all pages the home page contains the hero-image of the person on the beach. On the homepage there is a container with a welcoming message and links to four emotions for the user to choose from. The four emotions are: tired, happy, bored or stressed. Each emotion has a link that will link to the relevant page. Each emotion has an eye depicting the four emotions. These eyes keep inline with the styling of the page and the name of the organisation "MyMindsEye". If a user chooses an emotion this will be logged and stored for the user to keep a record of their emotions on a particular day.

Emotion Pages

All emotion pages give an introduction to that emotion and tips for that emotion. Each page also contain a 'back to home' link so the user can easily return to the homepage.


If the user chooses 'tired' as their emotion they are directed to the sleep page. The sleep page gives an introduction to the importance of sleep, tips on how to sleep better and features a technique used on how to fall asleep. It is explained what the technique is, how it works and how it is done. The technique is laid out using a bootstrap accordian. The accordian means that the page is not completely overtaken by information and the user can choose to open it as they wish.


If the user chooses 'bored' as their emotion they are directed to the boredom page. This gives and introduction to embrace boredom and tips on how to deal with boredom. This page also features a game called Eye Match, again keeping in with the theme of the website. The came is a simple memory match game where the user matches cards in the fastest time possible. The user can reset the game and play again if they wish. Memory games, while simple in nature, are very effective in improving cognitive function, memory and focus.


If the user chooses 'happy' as their emotion they are directed to the happy page. This gives and introduction to happyness and tips to keep that happiness going.


If the user chooses 'stressed' as their emotion they are directed to the stressed page. This page gives an introduction to stress and tips to manage stress. The stress page also features a bootstrap accordion which gives information on tips to manage workplace stress, exam stress and everyday stress.

Future Features

Expansion of Check-In Categories

The website can be expanded to include additional categories of emotive, psychological or mental health states, along with advice and tools for employees to take control over their wellbeing. Potential categories could include areas identified by the organisation as being of particular relevance or importance, or those deemed necessary by the workforce. Examples include job satisfaction, work-life balance, bullying, or employer support.

Benefits to the user/employee:

  • Offers a wider range of advice and tools to support mental health
  • Prompts introspection about areas of mental health at work
  • Ensures a feeling of being valued and supported at work

Benefits to the organisation:

  • Facilitates the prioritisation of areas that are identified as crucial to culture and productivity
  • Enhances company reputation, aiding current workforce satisfaction and future recruitment
  • Provides a means of reducing the costs associated with poor wellbeing.

User Forum

Interaction among users sharing similar experiences can be facilitated with a website forum. Such a resource would facilitate communication and sharing of real-life experience of fellow employees. Forums can be tailored according to the needs of the workforce, organised by category or department, and can be completely anonymous. Reaching out to others is of particular importance to anyone struggling with poor mental health, providing a sense of belonging, as well as the potential for practical advice and support.

Benefits to the user/employee:

  • Provides a means of interaction with those with similar experiences

  • Creates a sense of belonging

  • Access to real-life advice.

Benefits to the organisation:

  • Means of identifying areas of potential concern, requiring policy or other action

  • Promotes a culture of inclusion and support

  • Provides workforce with an additional resource for mental health support.

Employer Blog

The addition of a company/organisation blog to the website, showcasing management articles and company news, would enhance the information available to employees looking for support with personal wellbeing. Blogs can be tailored according to the company or employees’ needs, and designed to be easily searchable by category or author.

Benefits to the user/employee:

  • Gives insight into management culture and personality

  • Will highlight management personnel who can offer particular support

  • Facilitates a feeling of belonging and support by their employer.

Benefits to the organisation:

  • Offers a means of showcasing management values and culture

  • Allows for the communication of issues of particular importance to the organisation

  • Facilitates the communication between management and employees for possible mutual benefit.

Smartphone Fitness App Link

The information being tracked by the website could be developed to interact with similar fitness or wellness apps, to enhance quality of reporting and analysis. Apps with similar functions, e.g. sleep, could be improved with the information being tracked by the website.

Benefits to the user/employee:

  • Integrates with apps already used and relied upon

  • Expands the availability of support and information

  • Offers additional analysis of trends, helping to identify areas of concern.

Benefits to the organisation:

  • Promotes a culture of inclusion, convenience and advancement

  • Provides workforce with access to addition advice and tools

  • Improves company reputation with the providers/promoters of integrated apps.

Nutrition Focus

The provision of diet tracking and recipes has multiple potential benefits. Workplaces focused on wellbeing and mental health are no doubt aware of the importance of diet to overall wellness, but also on the link between work-place stress and poor diet. Workforces at risk or stress or burn-out are likely to cut corners when it comes to nutrition. By offering a means of analysing diet, alongside quick but healthy recipes, employers can help ensure that their teams know the importance of proper nutrition.

Benefits to the user/employee:

  • Increases knowledge of links between diet and overall mental health and wellness

  • Offers solutions for proper nutrition despite time and money constraints

  • Assists those who wish to maintain healthy weight levels and optimise energy.

Benefits to the organisation:

  • Increases overall health and immunity of workforce, directly impacting wellbeing, job satisfaction and productivity

  • Reduces absenteeism for poor health

  • Enhances company reputation with both employees and external stakeholders.

Check-In Trend/Analysis

The features of the website could be enhanced with the provision of detailed and accessible analysis of check-in trends. Graphical representations of mood or emotional changes, employees can gain insight into triggers or areas of potential concern. Trends could be organised by category or level, with users being provided with more focused advice for particular trends.

Benefits to the user/employee:

  • Targeted insight into emotional and mental wellbeing

  • Focused advice where potential issues arise

  • Provides a means of investigating mood and emotive states in conjunction with other areas of life.

Benefits to the organisation:

  • Seen by the workforce to be providing a thorough and holistic tool for wellbeing

  • Potential for highlighting particular trends of concern

  • Promotes a culture of mental health awareness and self-care.

Technologies Used

Languages Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Python
  • Django

Technologies and Programs Used:

  • GitHub The Git was used for version control Git issues were used for user stories GitPod was used as IDE to write the code and push to GitHub
  • Heroku The page was deployed to Heroku
  • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL was used as database for this project
  • VSCode VSCode was used on the days when GitPod was down
  • Google Cloud to get api key
  • cloudinary storage for storing static files

Frameworks Libraries and Programs Used

  • Balsamiq: Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design process.
  • Bootstrap 5: Bootstrap was used to add style to the website.
  • Bootswach: Bootswatch wass added to change the standard styling and color pallette provided by bootstrap
  • Bootstrap icons
  • Django

Code Validation

HTML beautify

online HTML code Beautifier.

HTML valiation

HTML validator

CSS validation

W3C validator.

JavaScript validation

Javascript code validation was complited on jshint Initialy it was returning errors in relation of ES6 syntax, which was resolved by adding this line to the beggining of the file

/*jshint esversion: 6*/

Python beautify

All pages were initialy put through Python Formatter which automaticaly sorted most of the too long lines errors. Then the code was checked by pylint and problems were displayed in the console. Once the issues were cleared I have put all code though pep8 validator.

Python validator

Pylint was used to verify Python code. Any errors were corrected and re-run until correct. In some cases, where linting errors were erroneous or unavoidable these were suppressed. Files generated by django and unit tests were ignored.

R0903 (too-few-public-methods) error ignored for .forms Classes as all forms are designed to store information, populate the database, and iterate through form data in templates.

R0901 (too-many-ancestors) error ignored for .views as Classes inherit too many ancestors from Django base classes.

E1101 (no-member) errors are ignored for all apps, as Django dynamically adds 'objects' Manager instance to all models, but pylint is unable to detect this.

W0612 (unused-variable) errors ignored for wellbeing.views as variables would be used for future functionality

W0611 (unused-import) error ignored for user_account.urls and as these are erroneous.

R0201 (no-self-use) error ignored for reporting.views and jocking.views

See Pylint Validation Reports.


Automated tests

Automated tests have not been created due to time constrains of the project.


Manual tests

Manual testing of all buttons, links, functionality and grammer on the website has been carried out. The following was verified by manual testing:

Navigation on all pages

  • that clicking the logo on the nav bar of each page will bring the user back to the home page/index page.
  • that the users name with a welcome note appears on the nav bar.
  • that the user can log-out using the link on the nav bar.
  • that all navigation links work smoothly and link to the correct page.
  • that all navigation links are responsive.
  • nav bar remains in position on all pages.

Registration page

  • Register and log in. note when entering an incorrect password user was unable to register as expected. Once the password was confirmed correctly user was able to register.

Log-in page

  • the user can log-in using their user name and password.
  • the user can see a welcome note with their first name on the nav bar.

Home page/Emotions

  • the user can see four emotions are displayed and are responsive.
  • the user can select the tired emotion and link to that page.
  • the user can select the bored emotion and link to that page.
  • the user can select the happy emotion and link to that page.
  • the user can stressed emotion and link to that page.

Tired/Sleep Page

  • the user can see a container on the page with an introduction to sleep, tips on sleeping and an accordian of information on how to do the 4-7-8 Sleep technique.
  • the user can go back to the home by clicking on the 'Back to Home' button.

Bored Page

  • the user can see a container on the page with an introduction to boredom, tips on managing boredom and a game.
  • the user can play a game and do the following:
    • start the game by clicking on any card
    • flip the cards over, to reveal a mood image
    • match 2 of the same Moods by flipping them over consecutively
    • by selecting 2 unmatched Mood cards will flip them back over
    • can see a timer counting up to see how long it takes them to complete the game
    • can see how many flip of the cards they have made
    • can reset the game by clickong on 'restart'
    • when the game has finished the user will see the time and number of attempts displayed
  • the user can go back to the home by clicking on the 'Back to Home' button

Happy page

  • the user can see a container on the page with an introduction to being happy, tips to keep the happiness going and a link to the tell a joke page
  • the user can go back to the home by clicking on the 'Back to Home' button

Stressed page

  • the user can see a container on the page with an introduction to stress and accordion of information on how to manage stress in the workplace, for exams and everyday life.
  • the user will see an image of lungs which are animated to breathe in and out for relaxation.
  • the user can count with the animated lungs to help regulate their breathing
  • the user can go back to the home by clicking on the 'Back to Home' button.

Mood History page

  • the user sees a container where they can enter the start date and end date
  • the user can select the calender icons to choose dates.
  • the button 'Mood History' will link to their mood history.
  • the user will see their mood history displayed on the screen.
Reported Issues on Mobile Devices
  1. Game not centered on happy page and footer not in place
  2. Content spaced too far from nav bar
  3. Alignment of text not centered on Tell a Joke page
  4. Save button on Tell a Joke needs styling
  5. Content too close to nav bar on Time for a Joke page
  6. Styling on Time for a Joke after submission
  7. Part of mood history hidden

Project Bugs and Solutions:



Deployment and making a clone

Deployment to heroku

In your app

  1. add the list of requirements by writing in the terminal "pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt"
  2. Git add and git commit the changes made

Log into heroku

  1. Log into Heroku or create a new account and log in

  2. top right-hand corner click "New" and choose the option Create new app, if you are a new user, the "Create new app" button will appear in the middle of the screen

  3. Write app name - it has to be unique, it cannot be the same as this app

  4. Choose Region - I am in Europe

  5. Click "Create App"

The page of your project opens.

  1. Go to Resources Tab, Add-ons, search and add Heroku Postgres

  2. Choose "settings" from the menu on the top of the page

  3. Go to section "Config Vars" and click button "Reveal Config Vars".

  4. Add the below variables to the list

    • Database URL will be added automaticaly
    • Secret_key - is the djnago secret key can be generated here.
    • Cloudinary URL can be obtained from cloudinary follow the steps on the website to register.
    • Google API key can be obtained here you will have to register with google and create new app to get the API key. Follow the instructions on the website.

Go back to your code

  1. Procfile needs to be created in your app
web: gunicorn PROJ_NAME.wsgi
  1. In settings in your app add Heroku to ALLOWED_HOSTS

  2. Add and commit the changes in your code and push to github

Final step - deployment

  1. Next go to "Deploy" in the menu bar on the top

  2. Go to section "deployment method", choose "GitHub"

  3. New section will appear "Connect to GitHub" - Search for the repository to connect to

  4. type the name of your repository and click "search"

  5. once Heroku finds your repository - click "connect"

  6. Scroll down to the section "Automatic Deploys"

  7. Click "Enable automatic deploys" or choose "Deploy branch" and manually deploy

  8. Click "Deploy branch"

Once the program runs: you should see the message "the app was sussesfully deployed"

  1. Click the button "View"

The live link can be found here.

Forking the GitHub Repository

By forking the GitHub Repository you will be able to make a copy of the original repository on your own GitHub account allowing you to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the [GitHub Repository](repo here???)
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page) just above the "Settings" button on the menu, locate the "Fork" button.
  3. You should now have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account.

Making a Local Clone

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the [GitHub Repository](repo here???)
  2. Under the repository name, click "Clone or download".
  3. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone with HTTPS", copy the link.
  4. Open commandline interface on your computer
  5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  6. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3.
$ git clone http..repo here???
  1. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.

Setting up your local enviroment

  1. Create Virtual enviroment on your computer or use gitpod built in virtual enviroment feature.

  2. Create file. It needs to contain those 5 variables.

  • Database URL can be obtained from heroku, add PostgreSQL as an add on when creating an app.
  • Secret_key - is the djnago secret key can be generated here.
  • Cloudinary URL can be obtained from cloudinary follow the steps on the website to register.
  • Google API key can be obtained here you will have to register with google and create new app to get the API key. Follow the instructions on the website.
os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] = "..."
os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "..."
os.environ["CLOUDINARY_URL"] = "..."
os.environ["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] = "..."
os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"
  1. Run command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Online resources

Tutorials and inspiration

  • The Sleep Technique was found on the website

  • Inspiration for the introduction to the importance of sleep was provided from an article written by Alison Brown, MSc. and can be found here

  • Total Health Pharmacy provided a lot of information and inspiration for the tips and content. In particular their info-graphics. Click here for more information on Total Health Pharmacy.

  • The inspiration for the boredom content can be found here and here


MyMind'sEye was created by: Joanna Gorska Nick Chapman Rachel Rock Conor Gorman Lydia Wright

A big thank you to:

  • Iryna Sanzhara for mentoring and encouragement
  • The Slack Community
  • Yoni Lavi, Maria Kuzak, Natalia Obregon and Megan Wood for their very insightful webinar on Accelerating the future of workforce well-being and mindfulness.


Wellbeing and Mindfulness Hackathon with Code Institute and Soda Social


Language:HTML 51.2%Language:Python 24.9%Language:JavaScript 11.4%Language:CSS 8.0%Language:Dockerfile 4.6%Language:Procfile 0.0%