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Swift for TensorFlow documentation repository.

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Swift for TensorFlow

Welcome to the Swift for TensorFlow development community!

Swift for TensorFlow is the result of first-principles thinking applied to machine learning frameworks and aims to take TensorFlow usability to new heights. Swift for TensorFlow is based on the belief that machine learning is important enough for first-class language and compiler support, and thus works very differently from normal language bindings.

First-class language and compiler support allow us to innovate in areas that traditionally were out of bounds for machine learning libraries. Our programming model combines the performance of TensorFlow graphs with the flexibility and expressivity of Eager execution, while keeping a strong focus on improved usability at every level of the stack.

Note: Swift for TensorFlow is an early stage research project. It has been released to enable open source development and is not yet ready for general use by machine learning developers.

Installation and Usage

You can download a pre-built package for Swift for TensorFlow here. After installing Swift for TensorFlow, you can learn how to use the project here.

For instructions on building from source, visit google/swift.


Below are some documents explaining the Swift for TensorFlow project.

Conceptual overview:

Technical deeper dives:

Swift API reference:

Source code

Currently, the active development of Swift for TensorFlow will happen under the "tensorflow" branch of google/swift.

These projects include:

As the code matures, we aim to move it upstream to the corresponding repositories.


You can find example models in tensorflow/swift-models.


Discussion about Swift for TensorFlow happens on the mailing list.

Bugs Reports and Feature Requests

Please stay tuned on how to file bugs and feature requests. For now, please send comments to the mailing list.


We welcome source code contributions: please read the Contributor Guide to get started. It is always a good idea to discuss your plans on the mailing list before making any major submissions.

Code of Conduct

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

The Swift for TensorFlow community is guided by our Code of Conduct, which we encourage everybody to read before participating.


Swift for TensorFlow documentation repository.