Jman012 / SCIMFilterPathParser

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SCIM Filter & Path Parser

This is an exercise in building a parser for the SCIM protocol filters and paths grammar in the Swift programming language.

Disclaimer: This code has unit tests but should not be considered production-ready without further analysis and testing.

Known issues:

  • The string literal token in parsed expressions only contains the literal representation, not an actual string value yet.
  • Some grammatically valid but illegal filters can be created (ATTRNAME.subAttr[valFilter])


The grammar is sourced primarily from

With additional grammar specificatons and information from

  • RFC 7159 JSON Data Interchange Format
  • RFC 3986 URI Generic Syntax
    • Referred to in the official SCIM filter/path grammar for URN identifier prefixes.
    • Not used in revised grammar in this project.
    • Appendix A Collected ABNF for URI
  • RFC 2141 URN Syntax
    • Originally referred to from RFC 3986, but obsoleted by the preferred RFC 8141 below.
  • RFC 8141 URNs
    • Latest and more correct syntax for URNs, obsoleting RFC 2141 above.
    • Used in revised grammar in this project.
    • Section 2 URN Syntax
  • RFC 7643 SCIM Core Schema
    • Additional context for the reasoning behind the specified SCIM filter/path grammar.


Original Grammar

The following is the original collected ABNF grammar for RFC 7644.


FILTER    = attrExp / logExp / valuePath / *1"not" "(" FILTER ")"

valuePath = attrPath "[" valFilter "]"
			; FILTER uses sub-attributes of a parent attrPath

valFilter = attrExp / logExp / *1"not" "(" valFilter ")"

attrExp   = (attrPath SP "pr") /
			(attrPath SP compareOp SP compValue)

logExp    = FILTER SP ("and" / "or") SP FILTER

compValue = false / null / true / number / string
			; rules from JSON (RFC 7159)

compareOp = "eq" / "ne" / "co" /
				"sw" / "ew" /
				"gt" / "lt" /
				"ge" / "le"

attrPath  = [URI ":"] ATTRNAME *1subAttr
			; SCIM attribute name
			; URI is SCIM "schema" URI

ATTRNAME  = ALPHA *(nameChar)

nameChar  = "-" / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA

subAttr   = "." ATTRNAME
			; a sub-attribute of a complex attribute


PATH      = attrPath / valuePath [subAttr]

The following sections describe considered errata and further revisions to the grammar for use in this project. The aim is to have a more specific and correct grammar with which to implement.

Core Revisions


The following Errata exist on RFC 7644, and they are taken into account in the revised SCIM filter/path grammar used in this project.

  • Errata 7319
    • Reported by the author of this project.
    • Adds an optional SP (space) between "not" and "(" in the FILTER and valFilter nonterminal symbols.
    • This was included in the revised grammar, in order to comply with the specified examples in Section, as well as to comply with how most other parsers for this grammar are designed to work.
  • Errata 4690
    • Reported by one of the authors of RFC 7644.
    • Separates the logExp nonterminal symbol into a new valLogExp for use in valFilter, in order to prevent accidental illegal recursion.
    • This is because SCIM restricts complex attributes to only contain non-complex sub-attributes in schemas, and thus making it invalid to require nested/recurred filters.
    • This was included in the revised grammar, in order to more accurately model filter expressions and disallow invalid filters.
  • Errata 7122
    • Adds the attrExp nonterminal symbol as an option for the PATH.
    • This is in order to allow for the logic in RFC 7644 Section to be made possible.
    • This was included in the revised grammar.
  • Errata 4670
    • Clarifies the order of precedence in operators for for SCIM filters and paths.
    • This is not explicitly taken into account in the revised grammar, but is considered in the implementation of the expression representation and parser logic.

Further Revisions

  • Extension of Errata 4690
    • The original Errata 4690 introduces valLogExp = attrExp SP ("and" / "or") SP attrExp
    • However, this would restrict the level of recursion for value filters.
    • For example, this filter would be illegal according to Errata 4690:
      • emails[type eq "work" or (type eq "home" and value ew "")]
    • The revised version is valLogExp = valFilter SP ("and" / "or") SP valFilter to allow for recursion.
    • This was later submitted as a correction to Errata 4690 as Errata 7322.
  • URIs and URNs
    • Disregard the reference to URI with RFC 3986 in the attrPath nonterminal symbol.
    • According to the specification, any URI must be a URN. So, for example, an HTTP URL would be technically invalid.
    • Instead, the revised grammar refers to the URN's namestring in RFC 8141, for a more specific and targeted overall grammar. This reduces the surface for grammatically valid but illegally constructed SCIM filters.

Revised Grammar

The following grammar has revisions according to the above, and stays true to the original intent of RFC 7644.


FILTER    = attrExp / logExp / valuePath / ["not" [SP]] "(" FILTER ")"

valuePath = attrPath "[" valFilter "]"
			; FILTER uses sub-attributes of a parent attrPath

valFilter = attrExp / valLogExp / ["not" [SP]] "(" valFilter ")"

valLogExp = valFilter SP ("and" / "or") SP valFilter

attrExp   = (attrPath SP "pr") /
			(attrPath SP compareOp SP compValue)

logExp    = FILTER SP ("and" / "or") SP FILTER

compValue = false / null / true / number / string
			; rules from JSON (RFC 7159)

compareOp = "eq" / "ne" / "co" /
				"sw" / "ew" /
				"gt" / "lt" /
				"ge" / "le"

attrPath  = [namestring ":"] ATTRNAME *1subAttr
			; SCIM attribute name
			; namestring is from URN RFC 8141

ATTRNAME  = ALPHA *(nameChar)

nameChar  = "-" / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA

subAttr   = "." ATTRNAME
			; a sub-attribute of a complex attribute


PATH      = attrPath / valuePath [subAttr] / attrExp

Elimination of Left Recursion

The original and revised grammars are not LL(1). In order to build a top-down recursive-descent parser, the grammar must be converted to LL(1) by eliminating left recursion in the grammar.

Algorithmic techniques to eliminate left recursion, in this instance, led to a legal but undesirable grammar that is difficult to make sense of or to model after in code. After analysis and trial-and-error, in addition to the use of several useful tools, the following changes were chosen.


FILTER    = attrExp / logExp / valuePath / ["not" [SP]] "(" FILTER ")"
logExp    = FILTER SP ("and" / "or") SP FILTER

valFilter = attrExp / valLogExp / ["not" [SP]] "(" valFilter ")"
valLogExp = valFilter SP ("and" / "or") SP valFilter


FILTER          = filterValue *(SP ("and" / "or") filterValue)
filterValue     = attrExp / valuePath / ["not" [SP]] "(" FILTER ")"

valFilter       = valFilterValue *(SP ("and" / "or") valFilterValue)
valFilterValue  = attrExp / ["not" [SP]] "(" valFilter ")"

The logical expression nonterminal symbols logExp and valLogExp were removed. The "and/or" structure was moved upward into the higher-level FILTER and valFilter symbols as a list of values. And the types of values were moved from FILTER and valFilter down into new filterValue and valFilterValue symbols.

This has a benefit during parsing. The original grammar enforced an ambiguous tree structure that was enforced at the grammar level. A flat list of mixed "and"s and "or"s could have any tree structure during parsing, and would be difficult to untangle. However, by specifying the grammar as a list of additional filterValues connected with and/or logical operators, post-processing can be done to determine the correct hierarchical structure.

Full grammar without left recursion:


FILTER          = filterValue *(SP ("and" / "or") filterValue)
filterValue     = attrExp / valuePath / ["not" [SP]] "(" FILTER ")"

valuePath       = attrPath "[" valFilter "]"
				; FILTER uses sub-attributes of a parent attrPath

valFilter       = valFilterValue *(SP ("and" / "or") valFilterValue)
valFilterValue  = attrExp / ["not" [SP]] "(" valFilter ")"

attrExp         = (attrPath SP "pr") /
				  (attrPath SP compareOp SP compValue)

compValue       = false / null / true / number / string
				  ; rules from JSON (RFC 7159)

compareOp       = "eq" / "ne" / "co" /
					"sw" / "ew" /
					"gt" / "lt" /
					"ge" / "le"

attrPath        = [namestring ":"] ATTRNAME *1subAttr
				; SCIM attribute name
				; namestring is from URN RFC 8141

ATTRNAME        = ALPHA *(nameChar)

nameChar        = "-" / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA

subAttr         = "." ATTRNAME
				; a sub-attribute of a complex attribute


PATH            = attrPath / valuePath [subAttr] / attrExp

The aforementioned useful online tools:



The lexer for this project was surprisingly difficult to construct. As with all grammars, deciding where to separate the tokens from the symbols can be tricky. This determines how the split is done between grammar parsing and more simple character recognition. For instance, when a language contains comlex character combinations for operators like <, <=, <<=, etc. The SCIM filter/path grammar does not have that kind of complexity. However, the difficulty comes in with the use of URNs, and how there is no clear separation of a URN and an ATTRNAME.

SCIM structures an attribute path (attrPath) as an optional URN schema identifier, followed by the name of the attribute, optionally followed by the name of a sub-attribute.

attrPath        = [namestring ":"] ATTRNAME *1subAttr

The divider between the URN namestring and the ATTRNAME, however, is a colon (:). The colon is also used as a separator within the URN itself.

An attrPath can be as simple as emails, or as complex as urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User:emails.type. It is easy enough to separate out the subAttr ("type") and the dividing dot character. But then you are left with what looks like a vald URN. However, it's a URN urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User following by a colon and the ATTRNAME or "emails".

When a lexer is going through the input stream of characters, it would consume all of the characters that are valid for an ATTRNAME and a URN namestring, and thus consume through to to the end of :emails.type, because the colon and dot are valid characters for a URN. Typically, one might see a dividing character between the URN and following tokens where the character is not a valid URN character.

So, this lexer has to backtrack after consuming a whole valid URN in order to un-consume the subAttr, the dot, the ATTRNAME, and the dividing colon. This is where the majority of the complexity comes in. It also has to check to make sure that the remaining URN is still valid, however. A URN starts with a urn: followed by the NID, another colon, and finally the NSS. The NSS is what is allowed to contain so many special characters. The string urn:nid:nss.subAttr might invalidly be split into a URN of urn:nid, an ATTRNAME of nss, and a subAttr of subAttr where the URN is not legal. This has to be taken into account properly.

Note that this does blur the line with the grammar compared to the parser. It is not completely isolated to a small subset of the terminal and nonterminal symbols in the grammar. It has knowledge of the attrPath symbol in order to better generate the correct tokens, so that the parser doesn't have to split a longer string of characters correctly.

This lexer was chosen to include a full URN as a token in order to simplify the role of the parser. Another option was to have the lexer produce colon tokens and identifiers, such that the parser could assemble them into a URN later, if valid. It may lead to other complications, though, because if dots are a token, that would divide the URN (dots are allowed in URNs as well). Then the parser would have to consume a mixture of identifiers, colons, and number literals and transform them back into strings. This seems like a bit much for the parser.

Otherwise, the rest of the lexer is msotly straightforward. There is some support for pushing/popping snapshots in order to be able to backtrack along with the parser nicely.


Recursive Descent Backtracking Parser

This is the current/first parser written for this project. A recursive descent parser was chosen due to the ease of programming and understanding it. The backtracking aspect also lead to a clearer set of code that doesn't take too much to understand and correlate it to the chosen grammar.

The fact this is a top-down parser, as implied by the fact that it's a recursive descent parser, requires that the grammar not contain left recursion. The details on eliminating the left recursion is explained further above.

With the complexity of the lexer in assembling and tokenizing the URNs for us, the parser itself was able to stay fairly straightforward. There are a set of helper methods to handle common/simple operations more succinctly, and then a set of methods that correlate closely to each nonterminal symbol in the grammar.

Recursive Descent Predictive Parser

This predictive parser is the second parser written for this project. As opposed to a backtracking parser, a predictive parser does not attempt different paths in a grammar and backtrack to a known good state before trying another path.

Instead, it will look at the current k (where k >= 1) tokens to predict which path is correct. LL(1) grammars, for instance, only need to look one token at most in order to determine which path to take. LL(k) tokens might need to look up to k tokens ahead to determine the path, which might be many tokens.

I believe that the revised, left-recursion-eliminated grammar is LL(1), used in this project.

Some implementation differences/trade-offs:

Area Backtracking Predictive
Difficulty Because Backtracking can simply try one path then the next upon failure, it is fairly straightforward to write code that matches the grammar. A Predictive parser has to know what the "first set" tokens are for a symbol in the grammar, in order to know which function to descend into properly, when presented with a path. This implementation has internal comments in order to show how the first set tokens were determined for each path for required symbols, and leads to some extra complexity.
Readability Backtracking appears to be more readable and straightforward to understand. As long as the path attempts are in a failable function, it can attempt each function and go on to the next. This leads to leaner code that very closely resembles the grammar without much extra to look at. Predictive is still quite readable, however the existence of the first set token checks adds a bit of extra content to the code. This extra checking code surrounds the descent method calls.
Error Handling Error handling may be more vague in a Backtracking parser. Upon the choice of a path, it is possible that no path succeeds and thus a generic error message about not recognizing any path has to be produced. That bubbles up to the top of the parser in this grammar (FILTER and PATH, the topmost symbols, both contain different parsing paths). It is possible that the grammar went fairly deep into one path before failing, and that error message would be pertinent to show, but knowing which path's error to show can be difficult. A Predictive parser is able to much more explicitly report errors, because it knows which path the input went down more exactly and can report what it expected and what it instead found with more certaintty. This is because it is not blindly attempting different parsing paths.
Efficiency Due to the nature of attempting different paths one at a time, and needing to backtrack to an earlier state before attempting a different path, a Backtracking parser is naturally less efficient. Especially when a failed path could have gone quite deep and wasted a lot of computational cycles. A predictive parser, on the other hand, only ever goes forwards with certainty on each path chosen in the grammar. This wastes fewer cycles, and without much extra overhead for predicting the right paths. Noteworthy, though, is the fact that SCIM filters/paths are quite small and the difference with backtracking is likely negligible in real world scenarios.

Recusive Ascent/Bottom-Up Parser

It would also be exciting to try hand-writing a bottom up parser, as practice. This has yet to be researched.

Comparison with Other Parsers

The parser in the go-scim library has some limitations, chiefly the fact that it seems to not be able to handle the valuePath symbol in the grammar, and some examples of nested grouped filters. These either throw errors when parsing, or result in a panic.

It also has a less-clear division between the lexing/scanning and the parsing, relying on what appears to be a state machine to keep track of what it's doing.

Otherwise, it mentions the shunting yard algorithm for creating expressions. I am less familiar with this and overall the structure of this parser, so it is difficult to classify and describe.

This parser thankfully has some docs that describe the revised grammar it uses more specifically than the one in the RFC, much like this project does. It is located at

Of note, it makes the "and"/"or" precedence explicit in the grammar, with this structure:

Filter          <- FilterOr
FilterOr       <-- FilterAnd (SP+ Or SP+ FilterAnd)*
FilterAnd      <-- FilterValue (SP+ And SP+ FilterValue)*
FilterNot      <-- Not SP* FilterParen
FilterValue     <- ValuePath / AttrExp / FilterNot / FilterParen
FilterParen     <- '(' SP* FilterOr 'SP* )'

The limitation here is that this grammar is unable to parse:

a or b and c or d and e

due to the lack of recursion back up to Filter or FilterOr from the lower paths. Instead, it would require the use of parentheses for nesting expressions. This was attempted for this project, but adding FilterOr as an option to the FilterValue symbol lead to lead left recursion again. That said, there likely is a good solution to make this not left-recursive, and to preserve this form of enforcing the precedence, which is desired.

This Filter -> FilterOr -> FilterAnd -> FilterValue design was used, however, in designing the Expression structures for this project.

Otherwise, it seems to use di-wu/parser as the basis for the parsing engine. It is made by the same author. It does not mention what type of parser this is, explicitly.


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%