Jleeci / ngbatis

Ngbatis is a database ORM framework for Nebula graph + springboot. Take advantage of mybatis' usage habits to develop. (NGBATIS 是一款针对 Nebula Graph + Springboot 的数据库 ORM 框架。借鉴于 MyBatis 的使用习惯进行开发。)

Home Page:https://corvusye.github.io/ngbatis-docs/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


English | 中文


NGBATIS is a database ORM framework base NebulaGraph + spring-boot, which takes advantage of the mybatis’ fashion development, including some de-factor operations in single table and vertex-edge, like mybatis-plus.

If you prefer JPA, graph-ocean is a good choice.

How it works



  • Springboot
  • Maven
  • Java 8+

How to use

You could refer to ngbatis-demo in this repo.

  • Include in your pom.xml
  • Referring to ngbatis-demo, which was smoothly integrated with spring-boot. The API examples could be found under the test of it for all features of ngbatis.

  • Configure the NebulaGraph Database

    Configure application.yml with the host and credential to enable access to the NebulaGraph Cluster.

  username: root
  password: nebula
  space: test
    min-conns-size: 0
    max-conns-size: 10
    timeout: 0
    idle-time: 0
    interval-idle: -1
    wait-time: 0
    min-cluster-health-rate: 1.0
    enable-ssl: false
  • Dynamically register beans
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = { "ye.weicheng", "org.nebula" })
public class YourApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplication(YourApplication.class).run(args);


a. The MyBatis fashion(compose nGQL queries)

a.1 Declare the data access interface

package ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.repository;

import ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public interface TestRepository {
    Person selectPerson();
    Person selectByPerson(Person person);
    List<Person> selectAgeGt(Integer age);
    List<String> selectListString();
    List<Map> selectPersonsMap();
    Map<String, Object> selectTriple();

a.2 The query statments



    <select id="selectPerson" resultType="ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person">
        match (v:person) return v.person.name as name, v.person.age as age limit 1

    <select id="selectAgeGt" resultType="ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person">
        MATCH (n: person)
        WHERE n.person.age > $p0
        RETURN n
        LIMIT 100

    <select id="selectByPerson" resultType="ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person">
        MATCH (n: person)
        WHERE n.person.name == $p0.name
        RETURN n
        LIMIT 100

    <select id="selectListString" resultType="java.lang.String">
        match (v:person) return v.person.name as name limit 100

    <select id="selectPersonsMap" resultType="java.util.Map">
        match (v:person) return v.person.name as name, v.person.age  as age limit 100

    <select id="selectTriple" resultType="java.util.Map">
        MATCH (n: person)-[r: like]->(n2: person)
        RETURN n, r, n2
        LIMIT 100

        更多复杂的 nGQL 可能还需要充分的测试,
        Path 因为开发中基本都可以用 n, r, n2 的结构处理,便还没来得及支持。


b. The MyBatis-plus fashion

b.1 model-vertex

package com.example.model.vertex.Person;

import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;

@Table(name = "person")
public class Person {
    private String name;
    private Integer age;

b.2 model-edge

package com.example.model.edge.Like;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.Table;

@Table(name = "like")
public class Like {
    private Double likeness;

b.3 dao

package com.example.dao;

import org.nebula.contrib.ngbatis.proxy.NebulaDaoBasic;
import com.example.model.vertex.Person;

public interface PersonDao extends NebulaDaoBasic<Person, String>{}

b.4 xml

Note, this is a mandatory requirement.


b.5 service

package com.example.service;

import org.nebula.contrib.ngbatis.utils.Page;
import com.example.dao.PersonDao;
import com.example.model.vertex.Person;
import com.example.model.edge.Like;

public class PersonServiceImpl {

    @Autowired private PersonDao dao;

    public void demos() {
        // 实现 两个节点插入
        Person tom = new Person();
        dao.insert( tom ); 
        Person jerry = new Person();
        jerry.setName( "Jerry" );
        dao.insert( jerry );

        // 建立两个节点的关系
        Like like = new Like( 0.99999 );
        dao.insertEdge( tom, like, jerry );

        // 查找喜欢 jerry 的人
        String jerryId = jerry.getName();
        List<Person> whoLikeJerry = dao.listStartNodes( Like.class, jerryId );

        // 查找唯一喜欢 jerry 的人。非唯一时报错。(限定在特定关系仅有一个上游的场景)
        Person tom = dao.startNode( Like.class, jerryId );

        // 查看 Tom 跟 Jerry 之间的 Like关系
        String tomId = tom.getName();
        Boolean tomLikeJerry = dao.existsEdge( tomId, Like.class, jerryId ); // true
        Boolean jerryLikeTom = dao.existsEdge( jerryId, Like.class, tomId ); // false
        // 可怜的 Tom

        // 根据 Tom 的名字查找全部信息
        Person tomDb = dao.selectById( "Tom" );

        // 查找分页
        Page<Person> page = new Page<>();
        List<Person> personPage = dao.selectPage( page );
        page.getTotal(); // 2 rows, Tom and Jerry
        Boolean theyAreFamily = page.getRows() == personPage; // true

        // 故事总想要有个好的结局
        dao.insertEdge( jerry, like, tom );

        // 更多 基类的操作还在开发中。期待


Upstream projects

  • beetl, BSD-3, we proudly use the beetl template language as our template engine, which is consumed in binary package(as is).


NGBATIS is under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Ngbatis is a database ORM framework for Nebula graph + springboot. Take advantage of mybatis' usage habits to develop. (NGBATIS 是一款针对 Nebula Graph + Springboot 的数据库 ORM 框架。借鉴于 MyBatis 的使用习惯进行开发。)


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%