Jkim516 / dsc-k-nearest-neighbors-lab-seattle-ds-062419

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K-Nearest Neighbors - Lab


In this lesson, you'll build a simple version of a K-Nearest Neigbors Classifier from scratch, and train it to make predictions on a dataset!


You will be able to:

  • Implement a basic KNN algorithm from scratch

Getting Started

You'll begin this lab by creating a classifier. To keep things simple, you'll be using a helper function from the scipy library to calculate euclidean distance—specifically, the euclidean() function from the scipy.spatial.distance module. Import this function in the cell below.

from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean as euc
import numpy as np

Great! Now, you need to define a KNN class. Since you don't need to do anything at initialization, you don't need to modify the __init__ method at all.

In the cell below:

  • Create an class called KNN.
  • This class should contain two empty methods--fit, and predict. (Set the body of both of these methods to pass)

Completing the fit Method

Recall that when "fitting" a KNN classifier, all you're really doing is storing the points and their corresponding labels. There's no actual "fitting" involved here, since all you can do is store the data so that you can use it to calculate the nearest neighbors when the predict method is called.

The inputs for this function should be:

  • self, since this will be an instance method inside the KNN class.
  • X_train--A 2-dimensional array. Each of the internal arrays represents a vector for a given point in space.
  • y_train--the corresponding labels for each vector in X_train. The label at y_train[0] is the label that corresponds to the vector at X_train[0], and so on.

In the cell below, complete the fit method.

def fit(self, X_train, y_train):
# This line updates the knn.fit method to point to the function we've just written
KNN.fit = fit

Helper Functions

Next, write two helper functions to make things easier when completing the predict function. The first helper function should return an array containing the distance between a point we pass in and every point inside of X_train.

In the cell below, complete the _get_distances() function. This function should:

  • Take in two arguments: self and x
  • Create an empty array to hold all the distances we're going to calculate
  • Enumerate through every item in self.X_train. For each item:
    • Use the euc() function we imported to get the distance between x and the current point from X_train.
    • Create a tuple containing the index and the distance (in that order!) and append it to our distances array.
  • Return the distances array when a distance has been generated for each item in self.X_train.
def _get_distances(self, x):

# This line attaches the function we just created as a method to our KNN class.
KNN._get_distances = _get_distances

Great! The second big challenge in a predict method is getting the indices of the k-nearest points. To keep our coming predict method nice and clean, abstract this functionality into a helper method called _get_k_nearest.

In the cell below, complete the _get_k_nearest function. This function should:

  • Take in 3 arguments:
    • self
    • dists, an array of tuples containing (index, distance), which will be output from the _get_distances method.
    • k, the number of nearest neighbors we want to return.
  • Sort our dists array by distances values, which are the second element in each tuple
  • Return the first k tuples from then (now sorted) dists array.

Hint: To easily sort on the second item in the tuples contained within the dists array, use the sorted function and pass in lambda for the key= parameter. To sort on the second element of each tuple, you can just use key=lambda x: x[1]!

def _get_k_nearest(self, dists, k):

# This line attaches the function we just created as a method to our KNN class.
KNN._get_k_nearest = _get_k_nearest

Now, you have helper functions to help you get the distances, and then get the k-nearest neighbors based on those distances. The final helper function you'll create will get the labels that correspond to each of the k-nearest point, and return the class that occurs the most.

Complete the _get_label_prediction() function in the cell below. This function should:

  • Create a list containing the labels from self.y_train for each index in k_nearest (remember, each item in k_nearest is a tuple, and the index is stored as the first item in each tuple)
  • Get the total counts for each label (use np.bincount() and pass in the label array created in the previous step)
  • Get the index of the label with the highest overall count in counts (use np.argmax() for this, and pass in the counts created in the previous step).
def _get_label_prediction(self, k_nearest):

# This line attaches the function we just created as a method to our KNN class.
KNN._get_label_prediction = _get_label_prediction

Great! Now, you need to complete a predict method.

Completing the predict Method

This method does all the heavy lifting for KNN, so this will be a bit more complex than the fit method. Here's a rough outline of how the method should work:

  1. The function takes in an array of vectors that we want predictions for.
  2. For each vector that we want to make a prediction for: 1a. The classifier calculates the distance between that vector and every other vector in the training set. 1b. The classifier identifies the K nearest vectors to the vector you want a prediction for. 1c. The classifier determines which label the majority of the K nearest neighbors share, and appends this prediction to an array we will output. The index of the prediction in this array should be the same as the index of the point that it corresponds to (e.g. pred[0] is the prediction for X_test[0]).
  3. Once predictions have been generated for every vector in question, return the array of predictions.

This tells us a few things about what our predict function will need to be able to do:

  • In addition to self, our predict function should take in two arguments:
    • X_test, the points we want to classify
    • k, which specifies the number of neighbors we should use to make the classification. We'll set k=3 as a default, but allow the user to update it if they choose.
  • Your method will need to iterate through every item in X_test. For each item:
    • Calculate the distance to all points in X_train by using our _get_distances() helper method we created.
    • Find the k-nearest points in X_train by using the _get_k_nearest() helper method we created
    • Use the index values contained within the tuples returned by _get_k_nearest() to get the corresponding labels for each of the nearest points.
    • Determine which class is most represented in these labels and treat that as the prediction for this point. Append the prediction to preds.
  • Once a prediction has been generated for every item in X_test, return preds

Follow these instructions to complete the predict() method in the cell below!

def predict(self, X_test, k=3):
KNN.predict = predict

Great! Now, try out your new KNN classifier on a sample dataset to see how well it works!

Testing Our KNN Classifier

In order to test the performance of yur model, import the Iris Dataset. Specifically, use the load_iris function, which can be found inside of the sklearn.datasets module. Then call this function, and use the object it returns. Also import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection, as well as accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics. Note that there are 3 classes in the Iris Dataset, making this a multi-categorical classification problem. This means that you can't use evaluation metrics that are meant for binary classification problems. For this, just stick to accuracy for now.

Run the cell below to import everything you'll need from sklearn to test our model.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

iris = load_iris()
data = iris.data
target = iris.target

Now, you'll need to use train_test_split to split our training data into training and testing sets. Pass in the data, the target, and set a test_size of 0.25.

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = None

Now, instantiate a knn object, and fit it to the data in X_train and the labels in y_train.

knn = None

Now, create some predictions on the test data. In the cell below, use the .predict() method to generate predictions for the data stored in X_test.

preds = None

And now, for the moment of truth! Test the accuracy of your predictions. In the cell below, complete the call to accuracy_score by passing in y_test and our preds!

print("Testing Accuracy: {}".format(accuracy_score(None, None)))
# Expected Output: Testing Accuracy: 0.9736842105263158

Over 97% accuracy! Not bad for a handwritten machine learning classifier!


That was great! Next, you'll dive a little deeper into evaluating performance of a KNN algorithm!




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