JivanHuang / ECNetworking

A simple swifty networking layer. Supports custom interceptions.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple swifty networking layer. Supports custom interceptions

let request = ListUsersRequest()
network.send(request) { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
    case .success(let users):


Looking for an Rx version? Checkout RxECNetworking


.package(url: "https://github.com/EvanCooper9/ECNetworking", from: "3.0.0")


Checkout the example project for detailed usage

Initialize a Network

NetworkConfiguration defines a base URL that is used for configuring all requests.

let configuration = NetworkConfiguration(
    baseURL: URL(string: "https://example.com")!,
    logging: true

let network = URLSessionNetwork(configuration: configuration)

Modelling requests

To model a request, conform to Request

struct ListUsersRequest {
    let online: Bool

extension ListUsersRequest: Request {

    typealias Response = [User]

    func buildRequest(with baseURL: URL) -> NetworkRequest {
        let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent("users")
        return .init(method: .post, url: url, body: self)

Sending requests

Initialize a request and send it!

let request = ListUsersRequest(online: true)
network.send(request) { result in
    switch result {
    case .failure(let error):
        // handle error
    case .success(let response):
        // handle response which is of type ListUsersRequest.Response = [User]

Adding request actions

Actions are used to add custom behaviour during the lifecyle of a network request. Things like logging and adding authentication headers can be accomplished through Actions. There are 4 types of actions.

  • RequestWillBeginAction - modify/handle a request before it begins
  • RequestBeganAction - notifies a request has begun
  • ResponseBeganAction - notifies a response has been received
  • ResponseCompletedAction - modify/handle a response before passing it to the caller

Note: A default logging action is available for use through the logging property of NetworkConfiguration. The example project has an additional AuthenticationAction example.

Extending Requests

It may be useful to add other properties to a request. An authentication action, for example, might add authentication headers to requests before they're sent, but not all requests require authentication, like a login request.

Note: A Request is transformed to a NetworkRequest through buildRequest(baseURL:) when being sent. Additional information can be persisted through customProperties. When implementing actions, you can act on the data stored within customProperties of a given NetworkRequest.

protocol MyRequest: Request {
    var requiresAuthentication: Bool { get }

extension MyRequest {
    // Provide default implementation if you want
    var requiresAuthentication: Bool { true }

    // Implement `customProperties` from `Request`
    var customProperties: [AnyHashable: Any] {
        ["requiresAuthentication": requiresAuthentication]

extension NetworkRequest {
    var requiresAuthentication: Bool {
        customProperties["requiresAuthentication"] as? Bool ?? false

And then when modelling requests,

struct LoginRequest {
    let username: String
    let password: String

// Conform to `MyRequest` instead of `Request`
extension LoginRequest: MyRequest {
    var requiresAuthentication: Bool { false }
    // ...

And then in your action,

struct AuthenticationAction: RequestWillBeginAction {
    func requestWillBegin(_ request: NetworkRequest, completion: @escaping RequestCompletion) {
        guard request.requiresAuthentication else { return }
        // Add authentication headers


ECNetworking is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


A simple swifty networking layer. Supports custom interceptions.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%