Jinksi / cloudrun-helloworld-r

An example of creating serverless functions using R, plumber and Docker

Home Page:https://cloudrun-hello-r-tjf3c3jq4q-an.a.run.app/__swagger__/

Repository from Github https://github.comJinksi/cloudrun-helloworld-rRepository from Github https://github.comJinksi/cloudrun-helloworld-r

Cloud Run with R – Hello World

⭐️ Read the blog post: Serverless R functions with Google Cloud Run ⭐️

Run on Google Cloud

An example of creating serverless functions using R, plumber, Docker and Cloud Run.

Take a look at the Swagger API UI at https://cloudrun-hello-r-tjf3c3jq4q-an.a.run.app/__swagger__/

File descriptions:

  • app.R describes the endpoints of the server and respective request handler functions
  • server.R sets up the server environment with plumber
  • Dockerfile describes the setup of the docker container used to run the app
  • cloudbuild.yaml sets up continuous deployment to Cloud Run, when commits are pushed to master


An example of creating serverless functions using R, plumber and Docker



Language:R 67.8%Language:Dockerfile 32.2%