JinSSJ3 / dropzone-ui

Fancy & simple to use React Library Component for drag’n’drop files

Repository from Github https://github.comJinSSJ3/dropzone-uiRepository from Github https://github.comJinSSJ3/dropzone-ui


Dropzone UI

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Dropzone UI is a mini set of React components for managing file uploads. Components were made following some of the good google's Material design principles.

Sample result:

On Drag, drop and upload. (also changing view mode from grid to list)



Dropzone-ui is available as an npm package.

For uploading files, peer dependency axios must be installed together

// with npm
npm i dropzone-ui axios
// with yarn
yarn add dropzone-ui axios

Usage and examples

Here is a quick example to get you started, it's all you need:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Dropzone, FileItem } from "dropzone-ui";
`Function` App() {
  const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);
  const updateFiles = (incommingFiles) => {
  return (
    <Dropzone onChange={updateFiles} value={files}>
      {files.map((file) => (
        <FileItem {...file} preview />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#app"));

Yes, it's really all you need to get started as you can see in these live and interactive demos:

Name Go
Basic example Edit Button
Complete example Edit Button
File item props Edit Button
Server side upload file https://github.com/dropzone-ui/file-upload-server-side/tree/main/expressjs

Dropzone UI Components API

Dropzone API


Name Type Default Description
children node true The content of he component. Normally a list of FileItem or a label
onChange Function undefined The onChange event occurs when the value of the file list is changed
onDrop Function undefined The onDrop event occurs when files are dropped indide the Dropzone. Normally used for retrieving the new files dropped
value FIleValidated[] [ ] The current list of Files
header boolean true if true, shows the dropzone header
footer boolean true if true, shows the dropzone footer
maxHeight string 500px The max height of the container in string format. e.g. '50vh' , '20%', '40em', '1rem'
accept string undefined The default implementation of accept checks the file's mime type or extension against this list. This is a comma separated list of mime types or file extensions. Eg.: image/*,application/pdf,.psd
label string "Drop your files here" Label to place when no files selected
behaviour add | replace add The behaviuor on drop files
fakeUploading boolean undefined If true, this flag will make dropzone to simulate a server upload. Use only in development.
view "grid""list" "grid" grid will display files in a grid layout. list will display files in a horizontal list. Convenient for saving space in page.
onChangeView Function undefined Event that ocurs when view mode has changed. First parameter is the current view mode. the selected view mode
url string undefined The url endpoint to upload the files
method POST | PUT | PATCH POST The method for uploading.
config Object { headers: { "content-type": "multipart/form-data;", }, } Extra configuration for uploading, normally an object with headers or bearer token-
uploadOnDrop boolean false If true, onDrop event will return the list of files, but also will upload the files if url was set, and also config
maxFiles number 7 Max number of files to be accepted. If the value is 1, will click event dialog to allow just asingle file
maxFileSize number undefined max file size allowed in bytes. if not preent, will not be considered on validating the file
clickable boolean true If true, the dropzone component itself will be clickable

FileItem API


Name Type Default Description
file File undefined The actual file
id string number undefined identifier for the file
valid boolean false whether to show a valid or rejected message ("valid", "denied") by def. valid is false (if not present, it's false too)This value wil affect preview behaviour, If not valid, the preview will not be shown, nor the view button
uploadMessage string undefined The message to display when server responds
uploadStatus undefined | "uploading" | "success" | "error" undefined The status of the upload process
onDelete Function undefined A Function of what to do when close button is pressed or clicked
onSee Function undefined A function of what to do when "see" button is pressed or clicked
preview boolean false undefined
info boolean false whether to show the info layer or not also whether to make visible the info button or not
hd boolean undefined If present, preview on full screen will be presented in the real image resolution

FullScreenPreview API


Name Type Default Description
imgSource string undefined The url string representation of the image
openImage boolean false Whether to open the image preview
onClose Function undefined A function that describes the close behaviour


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Fancy & simple to use React Library Component for drag’n’drop files

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 71.6%Language:TypeScript 26.0%Language:SCSS 2.4%