JimLynx / Channel-Lead-Resources

Milestone 3 Project - A platform for CI Channel Leads to upload and manage presentation resources

Home Page:https://channel-lead-resources.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

main title logo

responsive screens

Table of Contents

Site deployed on Heroku HERE

Please note: To open any links in this document in a new browser tab, please press CTRL + Click.


Every 6 weeks a current student from each of the four main sections of the course is selected to act as a Channel Lead for that respective channel.

Up until now, the Channel Leads have been posting their slideshows, videos and PDF lessons/presentations in respective Slack Channels and 'Pinning' them in the channels. However, this procedure has proven that the information is not intuitive to find and students are asking many questions daily that are answered in these resources.

The aim of this project is to provide a single resource platform for the Code Institute Slack community to easily access these valuable and helpful resources. Not only will this increase learning process for students, but also aims to minimise the amount of questions raised in Slack Channels, and relieve congestion on the Tutor Support platform.

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User Stories

πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“ πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ Users (Code Institute Students)

  • As a user I would like to have access to past Channel Lead presentations in one place, so that I can:

    • periodically refer to them after the live presentations
    • refer to them if I cannot make the live presentations
  • As a user I would like to be able to search the site, so that I can easily find resources that I am looking for

  • As a user I would like to leave a comment so that I can recommend future topics to cover

  • As a user I would like to access the information from anywhere, so that I can watch and read presentations on my mobile phone/tablet

βšͺ Admin_(Code institute Slack Channel Leads)_

  • As an Admin I would like the ability to log into an admin account, so that I can create resource posts
  • As an Admin I would like the ability to upload my presentations, so that I can add new material to the site
  • As an Admin I would like the ability to update my presentations, so that I can maintain material previously uploaded to most recent versions
  • As an Admin I would like the ability to delete my presentations, so that I can remove outdated information, which may become irrelevant due to technological advances
  • As an Admin I would like the ability for users to review my presentations, so that I can be informed of how useful they are and if anything can be improved upon

πŸ”΄ Superuser_(Developer-Site Creator)_

In addition to the above,

  • As a Superuser I would like to be able to keep information aimed at Code Institute Students, so that material posted is not directly available to the general public

  • As a Superuser I would like to be able to Create Admin accounts, so that I can assign them to new users

  • As a Superuser I would like to be able to Delete User accounts, so that I can maintain control of user accounts

  • As a Superuser I would like to be able to Update Category names, so that I can ensure the site is kept neat

  • As a Superuser I would like to be able to Delete Categories, so that I can keep the site clean and clutter free

πŸ”΅ Assessor (Milestone Project Assessor account)

  • As an Assessor, I will require full access to all Superuser privileges, so that I can gain full access in order to assess all aspects of the project

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This website project will target Code Institute Students undertaking the Diploma in Full Stack Software Development. The priority focus is on providing a fluent and structured resource and catalogue of current and past Channel Lead presentations.

1. Strategy

Project and User Goals

  • Provide an easy to navigate resource platform for hosting Channel Lead presentations and videos

  • Provide a pre-determined student User account for Code Institute students to be able to log in and access the resources

  • Provide Admin account for Channel Leads, to enable them to log in and post and manage presentations

  • Provide Superuser account for Site owner to enable frontend login accounts management

  • Provide Assessor account to enable an assessor to gain full access to all functionality in order to grade the project

  • Design backend functionality focussed on defensive design

  • Design frontend UX for:

    • Clean and intuitive navigation
    • Familiarity, using Slack and Code Institute 'look and feel'
    • Responsiveness for use on mobile phone and tablet devices

Main Sections to cover

  • πŸ“ Milestone 1 - Main focus in HTML, CSS (& Bootstrap)
  • πŸ“ Milestone 2 - Main focus in JavaScript (& jQuery) and API's
  • πŸ“ Milestone 3 - Main focus in Python, Databases and CRUD
  • πŸ“ Milestone 4 - Focus on Django Full Stack Frameworks
  • πŸ“ Version Control - All topics relating to Git, IDE's, Repositories and Deployment
  • πŸ“ General - All other topics

2. Scope

  • Fits in with my current skill-set of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask and MongoDB
  • Implement platform for links to PDF content
  • Implement platform for links to Video content
  • Allow Users to Read material posted
  • Allow Admin to Create, Read, Update and Delete material
  • Allow Superuser to Create, Read, Update and Delete material
  • Allow Superuser to Create, Read, Update and Delete Login Credentials
  • Allow separate Assessor Login, with full rights to investigate all aspects and functionality

3. Structure

The overall structure is for ease of navigation to each section

  • Top navigation menu for general public displays only Home and Login links
  • Logged in Student user account has additional access to Resources and Contact pages.
  • Logged in Lead user account has additional access to Manage Resources and Manage Categories pages
  • Logged in Superuser and Assessor user accounts have additional access to Manage Users page.

4. Skeleton

  • Navigation bar - Menu with links pointing to each page.

    • Home - Intro button leading to Login Page
    • Login Page with basic form with dropdown options for each user type and password field
    • Resource page with information on the site, search functionality and collapsible resource posts
    • Contact page with feedback/suggestion form
    • Admin Dashboard (depending on credentials) with dropdown links to: - Manage Users page - Manage Resources page (with button redirect to Add/Edit Resource page) - Manage Categories page (with button redirect to Edit Category page)
  • Public (not logged in) Public Wireframe

  • Login credentials and accessibility

    • Student (User) Logged in Student Wireframe
      • Access to Resources, Contact pages and Logout link
    • Lead Logged in Lead Wireframe
      • Access to Resources, Manage Resources, Contact pages and Logout link
    • Superuser Logged in Superuser Wireframe
      • Access to Resources, Manage Resources, Manage Categories, Manage Users, Contact pages and Logout link
    • Assessor Logged in (Wireframe as above for Superuser)
      • Access to same as above mentioned in Superuser Logged in
  • Footer with Useful Links, Information on the Code Institute and Social Media icons

5. Surface

The overall UX is clean and coordinates well with the official Code Institute and Slack themes for consistency and relatability.


Colour palette has been chosen to align with the Code Institute and Slack UX for familiarity

Colour Palette - Coolors.co Image


  • "Montserrat" font (with fall-back font of Sans-Serif) is used for heading and body content, which aligns with the Code Institute format


  • I've decided not to use images, which would distract from the simple, direct communication of the information provided.
  • Besides the main logo, the only other images used are on the 404 and 500 error pages.

Design Choices

  • As the project developed, so did the learning of the Flask framework and knowledge of what could further be implemented. For this reason the initial wireframes differ from the final version as new pages, features and functionality were introduced in the process.
  • The Manage Users page and functionality has been added to enable further development at a later stage

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Existing Features

  • Designed with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python3, Flask, MongoDB and Bootstrap
  • Home/Landing page with redirection to Login Page
  • Responsive Bootstrap Navigation bar
  • Footer with useful links and social media links
  • Contact Form

Features Left to Implement

  • Implement YouTube API to display videos on site
  • Events Calendar - Displaying upcoming Channel Lead events and webinars
  • Integrate with Slack
  • Scalability - Vision to use the project as an open-source project for Code Instutute Students & Alumni to add and improve features. This could be a good project for a Hackathon event.
  • Review/Rating of individual resource posts (i.e. like/star rating option). For current scope, the review via contact form will suffice.
  • Spent a lot of time with PDF inputs. Tried a self-hosted option through Google Scripts (and got it working), but this gave endless errors and security issues. Resorted to instructing Leads to host PDF's on their own Google Drives and posting the url link into the form. At a later stage, a better method could be implemented with either paid hosting service or file upload to a Database.
  • For now Videos must be hosted on Youtube as any other source would require seperate url string manipulation in order for them to work as an embedded video. This went far beyond the scope of the project and will be implemented at a later stage.
  • On the Resources page, improvements to be implemented on UX for Search and Pagination functionality, as currently:
    • When Search button is clicked, the page reloads and brings the user to the top of that page.
    • When a new Pagination page number is selected, the new page number renders and also brings the user to the top of that page

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Technologies Used

1. Languages

Image HTML5

Image CSS3

Image JavaScript

Image Python

2. Integration

Image Bootstrap - by linking via Bootstrap CDN to HTML Doc

Image FontAwesome Icons for Social Media links

Image Google Fonts - Overall Typography import

Image jQuery - JavaScript library

Image Flask Micro web framework written in Python

Image MongoDB NoSQL database program, using JSON-like documents

3. Dependencies

  • Flask Mail For connecting the application to my mail account to receive communication from users
  • Pymongo and Flask-PyMongo To connect Python and Flask to the MongoDB database
  • Werkzeug WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) for Python
  • Jinja2 Templating language for Python
  • dnspython DNS toolkit for Python
  • autopep8 Python Code formatter
  • blinker Object-to-object and broadcast signaling for Python objects
  • click Command Line Interface creation kit
  • itsdangerous Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and to get it back safely
  • MarkupSafe Implements a text object that escapes characters so it is safe to use in HTML and XML

4. Workspace, Version Control, Repository storage and Deployment

Image VSCode - Main workspace IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Image Git - Distributed Version Control tool to store versions of files and track changes

Image GitHub - A cloud-based hosting service to manage Git repositories

Image Heroku - Container-based cloud platform for deployment and running of apps

5. Other

6. IDE Extensions used in VSCode

  • Auto Close Tag
  • Auto Rename Nametag
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
  • Code Spellchecker
  • Beautify - Code Formatter
  • Indent-Rainbow
  • Bootstrap 4 CDN Snippet
  • Markdown Lint
  • Python
  • JSHint

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Testing documentation can be found on a separate document HERE

Project barriers and solutions

  • Created a branch for the modal confirmations. Modal templates for 'Add', 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'Add User' placed in base.html. The Add buttons on the modals work fine, but the Edit and Delete submit buttons will not work. Assumed issue stems from it being on the same page as the Add modal, causing a submit conflict with that form. Resolved by creating seperate ID's for the template modals, which relate to the form value on each modal, and then wrapping buttons/a tags in form elements, using 'form' attribute on modals to target the ID of the relevant forms. The Delete modals were still deleting the first item on the list, rather than the specific item selected. Rectified this by moving the delete modal code from the base.html to each relevant file and providing id-targeting via Jinja.
  • Videos in iframes in modals continued playing after modal closed. Solution found on Stack Overflow - See Credits

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Code validity

  • HTML - W3C - Markup Validation
  • CSS - W3C - Jigsaw CSS Validation
  • JavaScript - JSHINT - JavaScript code warning & error check
  • Python - Pyton Tester Python code syntax checker
  • TAGS - Closing Tag Checker for HTML5 - Validates all tags are opening and closing correctly.

Version Control

  • Used Git for version control.
  • User-confirmation branch for implementing and testing confirmation modal dialogues.
  • The branch was then merged with the main branch after any conflicts were addressed.


  • All code was written on Visual Studio Code, a local IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
  • A virtual environment was created on VSCode to ensure that the packages installed are only installed in the virtual environment folder.
  • The code was then pushed to GitHub where it is stored in my Repository.

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Local Installation

1. Cloning the project

  • The code can be run locally through clone or download from the repository on GitHub.

  • You can do this by opening the repository, clicking on the Code' button and selecting either 'clone or download'.


  • The Clone option provides a URL, which you can use on your CLI with git clone <paste url>.

  • The Download ZIP option provides a link to download a ZIP file which can be unzipped on your local machine. The files can then be uploaded to your IDE.

2. Create a Virtual Environment

In the Terminal window:

  • Navigate to the folder of the installed files with cd <path>
  • Create the virtual environment folder with python -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment with venv\Scripts\activate.bat

Note: The above commands were used on Visual Studio Code on Windows. For other IDE's and Linux, please refer to Creation of Virtual Environments

3. Create Environmental Variables

  • Create an env.py file in the the config folder. In this file enter the Environmental Variables (replace values with your own) as follows:
        import os

        # base project
        os.environ.setdefault("IP", "IP_ADDRESS")
        os.environ.setdefault("PORT", "PORT")
        os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "SECRET_KEY")
        os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_URI", "MONGO_URI")
        os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DBNAME", "MONGO_DBNAME")

        # mail settings
        os.environ.setdefault("ADMIN_EMAIL", "ADMIN_EMAIL")
        os.environ.setdefault("MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER", "MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER")
        os.environ.setdefault("MAIL_PASSWORD", "MAIL_PASSWORD")
        os.environ.setdefault("MAIL_USERNAME", "MAIL_USERNAME")

4. Create a .gitignore file

  • Create a file called .gitignore in the root directory and ensure it contains the following git exclusions:

5. Install project dependencies

  • Install project requirements by typing pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Create a database on MongoDB

Register for a free account with MongoDB

  • Create a new Project and call it 'channel-leads'

  • Creater a Cluster, choose the free tier option and select your region

  • Create a new database and call it 'channel_leads'

  • Create three Collections named 'categories', cl_resources' and 'users' an enter key/values as follows:

  • categories collection

            _id: <ObjectId>
            category_name: "<string>"
  • cl_resources collection
            _id: <ObjectId>
            category_name: "<string>"
            title: "<string>"
            description: "<string>"
            video_url: "<string>"
            document_url: "<string>"
            created_by: "<string>"
            date: "<string>"
  • users collection
            _id: <ObjectId>
            user_type: "<string>"
            password: "<string>"

ERD - Entity Relational Diagram

database Entity Relational Diagram

7. Deploy locally

  • To run the project locally, in the terminal type python app.py

  • This will open a localhost address, which is provided in the CLI.

  • Either copy and paste the url shown below into a new browser tab, or hover over it and click follow link


8. Remote Deployment on Heroku

Heroku is a Cloud Application Platform that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications in the cloud.

Deployment process is as follows:

Create a requirements.txt file to store depenecies of installed packages for the project. In the CLI type pip freeze --local > requirements.txt.

Create a file named Procfile to declare what commands are run by the application's dynos on the Heroku platform. For this project, run by the app.py file, the Procfile should contain:web: python app.py

  • Register for a free account on the Heroku Signup page.
  • On the Dashboard, click the 'New' button and select 'Create new app'.
  • Choose a name and region.
  • Under the 'Settings' tab, click on 'Config Vars' to add Configuration Variables from the env.py file (As shown in step 3. Create Environmental Variables above). Remember to use your own credentials.
  • In your CLI terminal install Heroku by typing npm install -g heroku
  • Select the 'Deploy' option from the menu.
  • Under 'Deployment method' select the GitHub option to connect to your GitHub repository. Ensure GitHub Username is selected and use the search function to find the relevant repository. It is recommended using a 'main' branch as default, due to GitHub depreciating the 'master' branch name.
  • Select Automatic deploys from the main branch and click 'Deploy Branch'.
  • Click on the 'Open App' button on the top-right to open the deployed app.
  • There is no difference between the deployed version and the development version.

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Bootstrap 4 CDN Boilerplate

  • I've taken advantage of Simen Daehlin's template boilerplate from his Marketplace

Code Snippets

  • Setting active class to navigation items in Flask, adapted from post on Stack Overflow found HERE
  • Animation for 404 page images adjsacent to button, adapted from post on CSS Tricks found HERE
  • Prevent spaces in username and password entries, adapted from post on Stack Overflow found HERE
  • Javascript solution for cancelling video playback after closing modal from Stack Overflow found HERE
  • Regex code solution for capturing only the hosted Youtube video ID written by Sean Murphy


I would like to thank:

  • My mentor, Aaron Sinnott for his guidance and advice.
  • Tim Nelson, Bim Williams, John Traas, Anthony O'Brien and Sean Murphy for always being open to discussing, helping and generally being awesome people.
  • Everyone in Tutor support for always being patient and friendly when approaching with assistance during course material.
  • CI staff and Slack Community for always being on-hand with questions posted and assistance requests.
  • Everyone that takes part in the Slack calls, specifically from the #In-It-Together and #Study-Group channels.


For any issue resolution or assistance, please email Jim Morel πŸ“§ jim.lynx@gmail.com πŸ“§

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Milestone 3 Project - A platform for CI Channel Leads to upload and manage presentation resources



Language:HTML 71.3%Language:Python 17.5%Language:CSS 10.1%Language:JavaScript 1.0%