JianyiGao / assignment1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Setup Data Access Object layer with MySQL, Java, and JDBC

The purpose of this assignment is to help prepare you for the first individual programming project.
You are expected to successfully complete the following:

GitHub Setup

  1. Create a github.com account.
  2. Create a private github repository (any name you prefer) and create a remote connection from your local project directory to the new repository.
  3. Clone this repository and push it to your new personal repository.

Code Implementation

  1. Make sure you can build and run the project as-is.
  2. Complete the CRUD functions in AlbumDAO.java and TrackDAO.java
  3. Change from using an in-memory database to persisting data with MySQL.


  • In GitHub, upload all code, and add the TAs as collaborators.
    • Do NOT make changes after the deadline. We will use the final timestamp as the submission time.
  • In Canvas, provide your GitHub username and a link to this project’s repository.



Language:Java 100.0%