JiaDingYi / PlayableAdsDemo-iOS

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本指南适用于希望借助 Atmosplay 通过 iOS 应用获利的发布商。

要展示广告并赚取收入,第一步是将 Atmosplay 移动广告 SDK 集成到应用中。集成该 SDK 后,您就可以进而实施一种或多种支持的广告格式。


  • 使用 Xcode 10.0 或更高版本。
  • 使用 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。
  • 创建 Atmosplay Ads App ID 和 AdUnitID, 请阅读开发者帮助文档

导入移动广告 SDK


要将该 SDK 导入 iOS 项目,最简便的方法就是使用 CocoaPods
请打开项目的 Podfile 并将下面这行代码添加到应用的目标中:

pod 'AtmosplayAds'


pod install --repo-update

如果您刚开始接触 CocoaPods,请参阅其官方文档,了解如何创建和使用 Podfile。


  1. 直接下载并解压缩 SDK 框架,然后将以下框架导入您的 Xcode 项目中:

  1. -ObjC 链接器标记添加到项目的 Build Settings 下的 Other Linker Flags 中:

  1. $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2 链接器标记添加到项目的 Build Settings 下的 Header Search Paths 中:

  1. 将以下动态库添加到您的工程中:
    • UIKit
    • Foundation
    • WebKit
    • SystemConfiguration
    • MobileCoreServices
    • AdSupport
    • CoreTelephony
    • StoreKit
    • Security
    • AudioToolbox
    • CoreMotion
    • AVFoundation
    • CoreMedia
    • xml2


应用传输安全 (ATS) 是 iOS 9 中引入的隐私设置功能。默认情况下,系统会为新应用启用该功能,并强制实施安全连接。

就任何 iOS 9 和 iOS 10 设备而言,如果运行的是使用 Xcode 7 或更高版本构建的应用且未停用 ATS,那么均会受到此项更改的影响。这可能会影响您的应用与 Atmosplay 移动广告 SDK 的集成。

当不符合 ATS 标准的应用试图在 iOS 9 或 iOS 10 设备上通过 HTTP 投放广告时,系统将显示以下日志消息:

因为不安全,应用传输安全功能已阻止加载明文 HTTP (http://) 资源。但可通过您的应用的 Info.plist 文件配置临时例外情况。

为确保您的广告不受 ATS 影响,请执行以下操作:


Ad Formats


创建 AtmosplayBanner

#import <AtmosplayAds/AtmosplayBanner.h>
@interface AtmosplayBannerViewController () <AtmosplayBannerDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) AtmosplayBanner *bannerView;

@implementation AtmosplayBannerViewController
- (void)initBanner {
    self.bannerView =
        [[AtmosplayBanner alloc] initWithAppID:@"YOUR_App_ID" adUnitID:@"YOUR_AdUnitID" rootViewController:self];
    self.bannerView.delegate = self;
    self.bannerView.bannerSize = kAtmosplayBanner320x50;

Banner 尺寸

/// Represents the fixed banner ad size
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, AtmosplayBannerSize) {
    /// iPhone and iPod Touch ad size. Typically 320x50.
    kAtmosplayBanner320x50 = 1 << 0,
    /// Leaderboard size for the iPad. Typically 728x90.
    kAtmosplayBanner728x90 = 1 << 1,
    /// An ad size that spans the full width of the application in portrait orientation. The height is
    /// typically 50 pixels on an iPhone/iPod UI, and 90 pixels tall on an iPad UI.
    kAtmosplaySmartBannerPortrait = 1 << 3,
    /// An ad size that spans the full width of the application in landscape orientation. The height is
    /// typically 32 pixels on an iPhone/iPod UI, and 90 pixels tall on an iPad UI.
    kAtmosplaySmartBannerLandscape = 1 << 4

请求 Banner

- (void)requestBanner {
    if (!self.bannerView) {
    [self.bannerView loadAd];

实现 AtmosplayBannerDelegate

/// Tells the delegate that an ad has been successfully loaded.
- (void)AtmosplayBannerViewDidLoad:(AtmosplayBanner *)bannerView {
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        CGFloat y = self.view.frame.size.height - (bannerView.frame.size.height / 2);
        if (@available(iOS 11, *)) {
            y -= self.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom;
        bannerView.center = CGPointMake(self.view.frame.size.width / 2, y);
        [self.view addSubview:bannerView];

/// Tells the delegate that a request failed.
- (void)AtmosplayBannerView:(AtmosplayBanner *)bannerView didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {


/// Tells the delegate that the banner view has been clicked.
- (void)AtmosplayBannerViewDidClick:(AtmosplayBanner *)bannerView {


销毁 Banner

- (void)destroyBanner {
    self.bannerView.delegate = nil;
    [self.bannerView removeFromSuperview];
    self.bannerView = nil;


创建和加载 AtmosplayInterstitial

#import <AtmosplayAds/AtmosplayInterstitial.h>
@interface AtmosplayInterstitialViewController () <AtmosplayInterstitialDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) AtmosplayInterstitial *interstitial;

@implementation AtmosplayBannerViewController
- (void)createAndLoadInterstitial {
    self.interstitial = [[AtmosplayInterstitial alloc] initWithAppID:@"Your_App_ID" adUnitID:@"Your_AdUnitID"];
    self.interstitial.delegate = self;
    self.interstitial.autoLoad = YES;
    [self.interstitial loadAd]


- (void)showInterstitial {
    // ad is not ready, do nothing
    if (!self.interstitial.ready) {
    // show the ad
    [self.interstitial showInterstitialWithViewController:self];

实现 AtmosplayInterstitialDelegate

/// Tells the delegate that succeeded to load ad.
- (void)atmosplayInterstitialDidLoad:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that failed to load ad.
- (void)atmosplayInterstitial:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {

/// Tells the delegate that user starts playing the ad.
- (void)atmosplayInterstitialDidStartPlaying:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the ad is being fully played.
- (void)atmosplayInterstitialDidEndPlaying:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the landing page did present on the screen.
- (void)atmosplayInterstitialDidPresentLandingPage:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the ad did animate off the screen.
- (void)atmosplayInterstitialDidDismissScreen:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the ad is clicked
- (void)atmosplayInterstitialDidClick:(AtmosplayInterstitial *)ads {


创建并请求 AtmosplayRewardedVideo

#import <AtmosplayAds/AtmosplayRewardedVideo.h>
@interface AtmosplayRewardedVideoViewController () <AtmosplayRewardedVideoDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) AtmosplayRewardedVideo *rewardedVideo;

@implementation AtmosplayBannerViewController
- (void)createAndLoadRewardedVideo {
    self.rewardedVideo = [[AtmosplayInterstitial alloc] initWithAppID:@"Your_App_ID" adUnitID:@"Your_AdUnitID"];
    self.rewardedVideo.delegate = self;
    self.rewardedVideo.autoLoad = YES;
    [self.rewardedVideo loadAd]


- (void)showRewardedVideo {
    // ad is not ready, do nothing
    if (!self.rewardedVideo.ready) {
    // show the ad
    [self.rewardedVideo showRewardedVideoWithViewController:self];

实现 AtmosplayRewardedVideoDelegate

/// Tells the delegate that the user should be rewarded.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidReceiveReward:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that succeeded to load ad.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidLoad:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that failed to load ad.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideo:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads didFailToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {

/// Tells the delegate that user starts playing the ad.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidStartPlaying:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the ad is being fully played.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidEndPlaying:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the landing page did present on the screen.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidPresentLandingPage:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the ad did animate off the screen.
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidDismissScreen:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {

/// Tells the delegate that the ad is clicked
- (void)atmosplayRewardedVideoDidClick:(AtmosplayRewardedVideo *)ads {




#import <AtmosplayAds/AtmosplayNativeExpressAd.h>

@interface NativeTemplatesAdViewController () <AtmosplayNativeExpressAdDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) AtmosplayNativeExpressAd *nativeExpressAd;

CGFloat width = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width;
// adSize (size of adUnit) is set by you,SDK will return an adview which suits for the adSize
self.nativeExpressAd = [[AtmosplayNativeExpressAd alloc] initWithAppID:@"Your_App_ID" 
                                                                adSize:CGSizeMake(width, 300)];
self.nativeExpressAd.delegate = self;


[self.nativeExpressAd loadAd];


您需要在 AtmosplayNativeExpressAd 的回调中检测回调状态,若状态为成功,会返回一个 PANativeExpressAdView 类型的view对象,您可以调用addSubview:方法,将广告展示到需要的位置。
当您展示广告时,需调用reportImpressionNativeExpressAd方法来通知Atmosplay Ads广告被展示。

实现 AtmosplayNativeExpressAdDelegate

/// Tells the delegate that an ad has been successfully loaded.
- (void)atmosplayNativeExpressAdDidLoad:(PANativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAd {
/// Tells the delegate that a request failed.
- (void)atmosplayNativeExpressAdDidFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
/// Tells the delegate that the Native view has been clicked.
- (void)atmosplayNativeExpressAdDidClick:(PANativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAd {


初始化 AtmosplayNative

#import <AtmosplayAds/AtmosplayNative.h>

@interface NativeAdViewController () <AtmosplayNativeDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) AtmosplayNative *nativeAd;

self.nativeAd = [[AtmosplayNative alloc] initWithAppID:@"Your_AppIDs" adUnitID:@"Your_AdUnitID"];
self.nativeAd.delegate = self;


[self.nativeAd loadAd];



渲染完毕曝光给最终用户时需调用reportImpression:view:方法告知Atmosplay Ads已经渲染完毕并曝光。
AtmosplayNative与您将用于显示原生广告的UIView相关联,调用方法registerViewForInteraction: nativeAd: 。请确保关联view的 view.userInteractionEnabled = YES;

实现 AtmosplayNativeDelegate

/// Tells the delegate that an ad has been successfully loaded.
- (void)atmosplayNativeAdDidLoad:(AtmosplayNativeAdModel *)nativeAd {
/// Tells the delegate that a request failed.
- (void)atmosplayNativeAdDidFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
/// Tells the delegate that the Native view has been clicked.
- (void)atmosplayNativeAdDidClick:(AtmosplayNativeAdModel *)nativeAd {



  @interface AtmosplayFloatAdViewController () <AtmosplayFloatAdDelegate>
  @property (nonatomic) AtmosplayFloatAd *floatAd;

  @implementation AtmosplayFloatAdViewController
  // 初始化及请求浮标广告
  // AppID:平台申请的应用ID
  // adUnitID:平台申请的广告位ID
  // autoLoad: 是否自动加载下一条广告
  self.floatAd = [[AtmosplayFloatAd alloc] initAndLoadAdWithAppID:@"Your_App_ID"
  self.floatAd.delegate = self;


  // 展示浮标广告
  // point:浮标原点坐标
  // width:浮标宽度。高度由对应比例计算,无需设置。
  // rootViewController:展示浮标广告的控制器

  float x = 10.0;
  float y = 10.0;
  float width = 150;
  if (self.floatAd.isReady) {
    [self.floatAd showFloatAdWith:CGPointMake(x,y) width:width rootViewController:self];


  // 重设浮标广告位置
  // point:浮标原点坐标
  // width:浮标宽度。高度由对应比例计算,无需设置。
  // rootViewController:展示浮标广告的控制器

  float x = [self.xTextField.text floatValue];
  float y = [self.yTextField.text floatValue];
  float width = [self.widthTextField.text floatValue];
  [self.floatAd resetFloatAdFrameWith:CGPointMake(x, y) width:width rootViewController:self];


  // 隐藏浮标广告
  - (void)hiddenFloatAd;
  // 隐藏之后再次展示浮标广告
  - (void)showAgainAfterHiding;
  // 销毁浮标广告
  - (void)destroyFloatAd;


/// Tells the delegate that an ad has been successfully loaded.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidLoad:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidLoad"];
/// Tells the delegate that a request failed.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAd:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd DidFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
    NSString *errorString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"DidFailWithError %@",error.description];
    [self addLog:errorString];
/// Tells the delegate that the user should be rewarded.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidRewardUser:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidRewardUser"];
/// Tells the delegate that user starts playing the ad.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidStartPlaying:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidStartPlaying"];
/// Tells the delegate that the ad is being fully played.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidEndPlaying:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidEndPlaying"];
/// Tells the delegate that the landing page did present on the screen.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidPresentLandingPage:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidPresentLandingPage"];
/// Tells the delegate that the ad did animate off the screen.
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidDismissScreen:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidDismissScreen"];
/// Tells the delegate that the ad is clicked
- (void)atmosplayFloatAdDidClick:(AtmosplayFloatAd *)floatAd {
    [self addLog:@"atmosplayFloatAdDidClick"];

Tools and Debugging


typedef enum : NSUInteger {
    /// The user has granted consent for personalized ads.
    /// The user has granted consent for non-personalized ads.
    /// The user has neither granted nor declined consent for personalized or non-personalized ads.
} PlayableAdsConsentStatus;

[[PlayableAdsGDPR sharedGDPRManager] updatePlayableAdsConsentStatus:PlayableAdsConsentStatusPersonalized];

Test ID

OS Ad_type App_ID Ad_Unit_ID
iOS Rewarded video A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA BAE5DAAC-04A2-2591-D5B0-38FA846E45E7
iOS Intertitial A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA 0868EBC0-7768-40CA-4226-F9924221C8EB
iOS Native Managed Rendering A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA DC9E199C-7C0B-FBFC-7E5A-26E7B5EE6BB3
iOS Native Self Rendering A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA 25AED008-6B6F-BADB-F873-AE7CA61DFE98
iOS Banner A650AB0D-7BFC-2A81-3066-D3170947C3DA A49521F3-339D-994F-FC80-F9C4170AA0CF


License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 88.7%Language:Ruby 11.3%