Ji4n1ng / my-leetcode-solutions

My C++ solutions of LeetCode Problems

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My LeetCode solutions in C++.

Let's fuck it up.

The order of my solutions is referenced to soulmachine/leetcode.

# Title Difficulty Time Result
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy - √ 100
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium - √ 100
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium - √ 100
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Medium - X
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard - X
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence   Hard - X
1 TwoSum Easy - √ 100
15 3Sum Medium - √ 21.09
16 3Sum Closest Medium - √ 100
18 4Sum Medium - √ ?
27 Remove Element Easy - √ 100
31 Next Permutation Medium - ?
60 Permutation Sequence Medium - √ 100
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 2019.01.16-17 √ 0.97
48 Rotate Image Medium 2019.01.18-19 √ 15.91
66 Plus One Easy 2019.01.20-21 √ 93.51
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 2019.01.22-23 √ 100
73 Set Matrix Zeroes Medium 2019.01.24-25 √ 99.97
134 Gas Station Medium 2019.01.26-27 √ 32.93
135 Candy Hard 2019.01.28-29 √ 3.71
136 Single Number Easy 2019.01.30-31 √ 39.39
137 Single Number II Medium 2019.02.01-02 √ 83.72
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 2019.02.03-04 √ 91.30
92 Reverse Linked List II Medium 2019.02.05-06 √ 100
86 Partition List Medium 2019.02.07-08 √ 29.14
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Easy 2019.02.09-10 √ 16.61
82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II Medium 2019.02.11-12 √ 12.08
61 Rotate List Medium 2019.02.13-14 √ 96.46
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 2019.02.15 √ 100
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium 2019.02.16 √ 100
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 2019.02.17-18 √ 100
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 2019.02.19 X
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 2019.02.20 √ 20.36
142 Linked List Cycle II Medium 2019.02.21 √ 5.34
143 Reorder List Medium 2019.02.22 √ 100
146 LRU Cache Hard 2019.02.23-24 √ 9.62
125 Valid Palindrome Easy 2019.02.25 √ 98.26
28 Implement strStr() Easy 2019.02.26 √ 22.33
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 2019.02.27
67 Add Binary Easy 2019.02.28 √ 95.80
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 2019.03.01 √ 67.12
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 2019.03.09-10 X
44 Wildcard Matching Hard 2019.03.11-12
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy 2019.03.13-14 √ 99.13
65 Valid Number Hard 2019.03.15-16 √ 15.59
12 Integer to Roman Medium 2019.03.17-18 √ 58.71
13 Roman to Integer Easy 2019.03.19-20 √ 56.67
38 Count and Say Easy 2019.03.21-22 √ 100
49 Group Anagrams Medium 2019.03.23-24 √ 84.08
71 Simplify Path Medium 2019.03.25-26 √ 96.90
58 Length of Last Word Easy 2019.03.27-28 √ 100
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 2019.03.29-30 √ 99.75
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard 2019.03.31-04.01 √ 13.64
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Hard 2019.04.02-03 √ 13.24
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium 2019.04.04-05 √ 93.42


My C++ solutions of LeetCode Problems


Language:C++ 98.0%Language:Java 2.0%