JhonSJ / test-css-tsup

An example of using Code Shaper to generate applications using a variety of frameworks

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Movie Magic

This repository was bootstrapped with Code Shaper.

It shows how Code Shaper can be used to create applications and services more efficiently. We have provided sample applications using the following frameworks:

  1. React
  2. Next.js
  3. Remix
  4. Express

All applications are created inside a monorepo (using Turborepo), working in harmony and sharing common packages.

To see step-by-step instructions for creating these apps, visit Getting Started in Code Shaper docs.

Home Page


The repository contains three web applications created using React, Next.js and Remix. They all depend on a package called ui-lib for common React components. They also depend on an Express app, called movie-magic-api, which provides a RESTful API for fetching movie data.


Prerequisites for development

  1. Node Version Manager (nvm) - allows using different versions of node via the command line

Getting Started

nvm use        # use the required version of node
npm ci         # install dependencies
npm run dev    # run apps

# in a separate shell
npm run storybook

Open browser windows at the following URLs to see the respective apps:

  1. http://localhost:3000/: Movie Magic | React
  2. http://localhost:3001/: Movie Magic | Next.js
  3. http://localhost:3002/: Movie Magic | Remix
  4. http://localhost:6006/: Storybook

Note that the React app fetches mock data from MSW, whereas the other two apps fetch real data from the movie-magic-api.

Note: Do not run npm install or npm ci in any of the subdirectories. It will break the build. There should be only one package-lock.json file in the entire repo (at the root).

All Commands

npm ci                   # install dependencies
npm run build            # builds all workspaces
npm run ci-validate      # builds, lints, formats, and tests all code (runs in CI pipeline, don't run locally)
npm run clean            # deletes all build artifacts
npm run commit           # displays commit helper prompt to ensure your commits use conventional commits
npm run dev              # run demo app
npm run fix              # lints, formats and attempts to fix any issues (requires `npm run build` has been ran)
npm run format           # formats all workspaces, useful for debugging format issues (generally `npm run fix` is preferred)
npm run lint             # runs the linter on all workspaces, useful for debugging lint issues (generally `npm run fix` is preferred)
npm run storybook        # runs storybook
npm run test             # runs full build, lint, format, and all tests - run before pushing to remote

Common Workflows

Creating New Components

Use Code Shaper to create new components. This will give you a good starting point that is consistent with Cruise's coding guidelines.

Here's an example of creating a component called EventList using Code Shaper:

$ npx shaper
? Which plugin would you like to run? React (@code-shaper/react - generates React applications)
? Which generator would you like to run? component (generates a component)
? Component name? (e.g. TextField) EventList
? Which workspace should this go to? packages/robot-styles
? Parent directory within workspace? src/components/EventList

Creating EventList...


Production build

To build all packages and apps for production, run the following command:

npm ci
npm run build

Clean build

Removes all build artifacts and performs a clean build.

npm run clean
npm ci
npm run dev

For an "aggressive" clean build, add one more step as shown below. This will build the lock file from scratch.

npm run clean
rm package-lock.json
npm install
npm run dev

Running unit tests

The following command runs a full build, lint, format, and all tests. However, it uses the Turborepo cache to skip steps that have no changes since the last run. Hence it is very efficient. Always run this command before pushing to remote.

npm test

Running end-to-end tests using dev build

npm run dev # starts a local server hosting the react app

# run e2e tests non-interactively (run in a different shell)
npm run e2e

# run e2e tests in the Playwright user interface (run in a different shell)
npm run e2e:ui

Linting, formatting and fixing coding issues

npm run fix

Running the custom plugin

npm run build

npx shaper
? Which plugin would you like to run? React Patterns
? Which generator would you like to run? fetch-hook
? What are you fetching? Orders
? What is the return type? Order[]
? Parent directory? apps/movie-magic/src/pages/HomePage

Creating useOrders...


An example of using Code Shaper to generate applications using a variety of frameworks


Language:CSS 45.0%Language:TypeScript 30.6%Language:JavaScript 22.7%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:EJS 0.5%Language:Shell 0.2%