JetBrains-Research / Lama-lsp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Language Server for Lama based on vscode lsp-sample and Lama Language Extension.


  • textDocument/completion
  • textdocument/hover
  • textDocument/definition
  • textDocument/documentHighlight
  • textDocument/references
  • textDocument/formatting
  • workspace/symbol


This Language Server works for Lama language. It has the following language features:

  • Syntax Highlighting

When you place the cursor on a symbol, all of its appearances in the code will also be highlighted.


  • Go-To Definition

Using the "Go to Definition" function (F12 by default), the cursor will be moved to the code location where the symbol was defined.


  • Find References

If you use the "Go to References" function (Shift+F12 by default), it will give you a list of places in the code where the given symbol occurs. If you further click on one of the occurences, the cursor will be moved to its location.


  • Rename

When using the "Rename Symbol" function (F2), a pop-up box will appear in which you must enter a new symbol name. When you finish typing and press Enter, all occurrences of the symbol will be replaced by the entered value.


  • Hover

When you move the cursor over a function, a pop-up window will appear with information about the function (name, arguments and comment, if it was left when declaring the function)


  • File Diagnostic

Lsp server also supports file diagnostics for various language errors.

  1. If a symbol is found in the code that implies a declared definition but does not have one - this symbol will be automatically underlined with the error "Cannot find name X"


  1. If one of the imported modules is not found in the project/default modules list - the name of such module will be underlined with the error "Import error. Can't find module: X".


  1. If parser errors are encountered in the file, they are also handled and underlined. Among them: EOF error, Missing Token Error and Parser Rule Error (NoViableAltException and EarlyExitException)




Language:TypeScript 99.1%Language:JavaScript 0.8%Language:Shell 0.1%