JessicaMP / JessicaMP

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Hi 👋, I'm Jess

👾Front end Developer👾

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💫 About Me:

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning React, Vue, Typescript and sometimes Sql

  • 💬 Ask me about Vue, Javascript or tech gossip

  • 📫 How to reach me

  • 📄 Know about my experiences CV

  • ⚡ Fun fact:

    • I enjoy exploring new technologies and discovering fascinating hobbies.
    • Spending time with my cats is one of my favorite activities.
    • I'm a fan of makis, love immersing myself in science fiction movies
    • Enjoy kdramas, especially those with unconventional and non-happy endings.

💻 Languages and Tools:

javascript typescript nuxtjs vuejs react babel bootstrap bulma canvasjs chartjs css3 cypress figma firebase git html5 materialize mssql postman pug sass selenium sketch tailwind vuetify webpack

Extra Tools:

GraphQL Markdown CSS3 GithubPages Heroku Vercel Ant-Design Apollo-GraphQL Chakra Express.js NPM NestJS NodeJS PNPM SolidJS UnoCSS MySQL MongoDB Invision Trello Swagger Notion Jira Confluence ESLint

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😂 Random Dev Meme:
