JeromeMF / PNfA

Sends push notifications through Firebase to iOS/Android devices and Web browsers (chrome, firefox, opera). Made in NodeJS

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PNfA (Push Notifications for All)


PNfA is a NodeJS application that sends push notifications through Firebase (FCM). With PNfA you can send push notifications with a simple POST request.

Supported devices:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Web browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Opera)

Table of content


PNfA uses a bunch of NPM repos to work properly:

  • express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
  • [body-parser] - Node.js body parsing middleware.
  • [fcm-push] - A Node.JS simple interface to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS
  • [fcm-web-push] - Node.JS interface to Firebase Cloud Messaging for Web
  • [firebase] - Mobile and web application platform with tools and infrastructure designed to help developers build high-quality apps.


PNfA requires Node.js v4+ to run. A package.json is included so you only need to run:

$ sudo npm install -g

To run the project:

$ node app.js

Note: I recommend installing Nodemon. It monitors for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server.

Once installed, instead of node app.js run:

$ nodemon app.js

It will save you a lot of time in the long run, because you won't need to manually restart the server each time you make a small change in code.

I kept nodemon out of the package.json. This is optional but I highly recoment it. If you want to install it, run:

$ sudo npm install -g nodemon


You can use an application like Postman. The service was build to run on port 3000. You can change this in the file config.json. Simply build a POST request with the following structure (this is an example):

POST /api/v1/send HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: --------------


	"title":"Test notification",
	"body":"This a test notification for PNfA",

	"dataTitle":"Hello data Title",
	"dataSubtitle":"This is the subtitle",

If you are successful you will receive the notification on the desired device.

!ATTENTION! The data fields are custom. You can put any fields you want. You only need to edit/add those field in push-sample-pushmanager -> controllers -> push.js and then use the same name in your POST request.

Mobile and Web app integration

You need to fill the serviceAccountKey.json file: Go to your firebase account and generate a num private key. Rename the file to serviceAccountKey.json or copy the information to the serviceAccountKey.json file already existent in the project.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!


Sends push notifications through Firebase to iOS/Android devices and Web browsers (chrome, firefox, opera). Made in NodeJS


Language:JavaScript 100.0%