JeremyTubongbanua / SOFE3980U-Lab3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Milestone 3: Deploying using Google Kubernetes Engine

After creating the web application, it has to be deployed. This web application will be containerized into a Docker image. Then, the container would be deployed over Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using a container orchestrating tool (Kubernetes).


  1. Get Familiar with Docker and Kubernetes.
  2. Use Google Cloud Platform.
  3. Deploy Maven WebApp over Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).


Docker, Kubernetes and GKE

  1. Watch The following video to understand Docker terminologies.
  2. To manage Docker images and applications, we will use Kubernetes, the following video explains Kubernetes and its components.

Creating GCP account

  1. It’s recommended to create a new Gmail account, but you can use an already existing account (don't use the university official email).
  2. Go to GCP official site. Be sure that you are using the correct account. Then, click on Get Started for free button


  1. Fill in the account information and accept the terms of services


  1. In the next step, you will fill in your personal information and credit card information. That information is to ensure that you are a real person. This will create a free account for 90 days and give you 300+ $ free credits. No charges are made unless you upgrade to a paid Cloud Billing account. Please read the GCP billing verification for more information.


  1. Fill in the final survey. Then, click Done. You can safely skip any given offers.


  1. Get yourself familiar with
  • the Dashboard: allows you to search and select available cloud services

  • project(s): a project usually named My First Project will be created by default. You can create, edit, and delete projects.

  • the console: By clicking the console icon, the console will be opened to you. The console is a Linux terminal that can be used to configure the cloud. Any commands that affect the console's local OS will be temporary and lost whenever the session is closed while any change made to any cloud services will be permanent.


    The console will be opened at the bottom of the page as shown in the following figure and from it we can exchange files and folders with your local computer by downloading or uploading them. You can also click Open Editor button to open the editor.


  • the editor: It’s a text editor that allows you to edit plain text files as shown in the following figure. You can switch back to the console by clicking Open Terminal button.


Setup Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

To setup GKE, execute the following commands through the console within your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.

  1. Set the default compute zone to northamerica-northeast1-b

    gcloud config set compute/zone northamerica-northeast1-b  
  2. Enable GKE by searching for Kubernetes Engine. Select Kubernetes Engine API. Finally, click Enable.

    MS3 figure1

  3. Wait until the API is enabled then, create a cluster on GKE called sofe3980u. The cluster contains three nodes. A Node is a worker machine in which docker images and applications can be deployed.

    gcloud container clusters create sofe3980u --num-nodes=3 

Note: if the authorization windows popped up, click Authorize.

Note: if you got an error that there are no available resources to create the nodes, you may need to change the default compute zone (e.g. to us-central1-a)

Deploy MySQL server on GKE

As an example of Docker images, we will deploy a pre-existing MySQL image.

  1. Through the console of your GCP project, execute the following command to pull the MySQL image and deploy it over a pod in GKE.
    kubectl create deployment mysql-deployment --image mysql/mysql-server --port=3306 
    Deployment's role is to orchestrate docker applications. It would pull the mysql/mysql-server Docker image and deploy and enable the 3306 port number to allow access from the outside world. mysql-deployment is the name that Kubernetes will use to access this deployment. Only one pod (replica) will be created per deployment by default.
  2. The status of the deployment can be checked by the following command
    kubectl get deployments 
  3. While the status of the pod can be accessed by the following command
    kubectl get pods 
    Check that the deployment is available and that the pod is running successfully (it may take some time until everything is settled down)
  4. To access the MySQL logs,
    1. According to the image documentation, as we didn't specify the root password, it will be generated randomly. To get that password, the logs generated locally by the pod should be accessed and searched for the line containing the randomly generated password. This can be achieved using the following command after replacing <pod-name> with the pod name obtained by the previous step.
      kubectl logs <pod-name> |grep GENERATED 
      Also, accessing the logs of a pod helps a lot in troubleshooting it in case of an error or a crash.
    2. You can access the database by running the command mysql within the pod, by using the following command
      kubectl exec -it  <pod-name>  -- mysql -uroot -p 
      Kubernetes exec command allows you to execute a certain command within a certain pod in interactive (-i option) and by using the Linux terminal (-t option). The command we want to execute is mysql which opens a CLI to the MySQL database. It has two options, the first is -u followed by the username, i.e. root. The second is -p which asks you to enter the root password you got in a). Note, there is no whitespace between the -u and root. Note: for security reasons, the password remains invisible while you type or paste it.
    3. After successful login to the MySQL server, it's recommended to change the root password, using the following MySQL command (don't forget to replace <new-password> with a password of your choice).
      ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<new-password>' ; 
    4. Then you can run any MySQL command, like
      show databases; 
      to display all available schemas.
    5. To exit MySQL CLI, execute
    6. To login again to the CLI, we must use the new password and you can add it to the mysql command
      kubectl exec -it  <pod-name>  -- mysql -uroot -p<root-password> 
      Again, there are no whitespaces between -p and the password
    7. To create a new user, called user with a password sofe3980u and give all permissions to the user, use the following MySQL command
      CREATE USER 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sofe3980u'; 
    8. Now exit the MySQL CLI, if you are already logged into it.
  5. To give the deployment an IP address
    1. A load Balancer service, mysql-service, should be created to that deployment. The load Balancer distributes the requests and workload between the replicas in the deployment (why this is not important in our case?) and associates an IP to the access the deployed application.

      kubectl expose deployment mysql-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --name=mysql-service 

      You can add two options; --port that specify the service port number, and --target-port that specifies the pod port number. If not specifies both will be the same as the port numbers already exposed via the deployment command.

    2. To check the status of the service, use the following command

      kubectl get service 

      It may take some time until the external IP address is changed from pending to a valid IP address. You may need to repeat the previous command until the IP become available.

      MS3 figure4

    3. Once you get a valid external IP address, you can use it to connect to the deployed MySQL server from any machine. For example, to connect to it from the GCP console, run the following command after replacing <IP-address> with the obtained IP.

      mysql -uuser -psofe3980u -h<IP-address> 
  6. To delete the deployment and the service
    kubectl delete deployment mysql-deployment 
    kubectl delete service mysql-service 

Deployment using YAML files (the easiest way)

In this section, the MySQL image will be deployed over the GKE cluster using YAML files. A YAML file is a file containing the configuration used to set the deployment and the service.

  1. Clone the GitHub repository

    cd ~
    git clone
  2. Run the following command to deploy the MySQL server

    cd ~/SOFE3980U-Lab3/MySQL
    kubectl create -f mysql-deploy.yaml

    The command will deploy the template stored in the mysql-deploy.yaml into GKE. The file is shown in the following figure and can be interpreted as:

    • Indentation means nested elements
    • Hyphen means an element within a list
    • First two lines: indicate the type of the YAML configuration and its version.
    • Line 4: provides a name for the deployment.
    • Line 6: indicates that only a single pod will be used
    • Line 9: provides the name of the application that will be accessed by the pod.
    • Line 16: provides the ID of the Docker image to be deployed
    • Lines 19-24: define image-dependent environment variables that define username/password (user/sofe3980u), and a schema (Readings).
    • Line 26: defines the port number that will be used by the image.

    MS3 figure2

    You can refer to the documentation of the mysql/mysql-server Docker image for the list of all supported enviroment variables (like thoss in lines 19:26) and their usage.

  3. The status of the deployment can be checked by the following command

    kubectl get deployment 
  4. While the status of pods can be accessed by the following command

    kubectl get pods  

    check that the deployment is available and that the pod is running successfully (it may take some time until everything is settled down)

  5. To give the deployment an IP address

    1. A load Balancer service should be created using the mysql-service.yaml file from the cloned gitHub

      cd ~/SOFE3980U-Lab3/MySQL
      kubectl create -f mysql-service.yaml

      The important lines in the mysql-service.yaml file are:

      • Line 8: the port number that will be assigned to the external IP

      • Line 10: the name of the application that will be targeted by the service.

        MS3 figure3

    2. To check the status of the service, use this command

      kubectl get service 

      MS3 figure4

      It may take some time until the external IP address is changed from pending to a valid IP address. You may need to repeat the previous command.

  6. To access the MySQL server using the IP address,

    1. From the GCP console ( or any other device in which MySQL client is installed), run the following commands. Before running the command, replace the <IP-address> with the external IP obtained in the previous step. The options -u, -p**, and -h are used to specify the username, password, and host IP of the deployed server, respectively.

      mysql -uuser -psofe3980u -h<IP-address>
    2. Try to run the following SQL statements

      use Readings; 
      create table meterType( ID int, type varchar(50), cost float); 
      insert into meterType values(1,'boston',100.5); 
      insert into meterType values(2,'denver',120); 
      insert into meterType values(3,'losang',155); 
      select * from meterType where cost>=110; 
    3. Exit the MySQL CLI, by running

    4. To delete the deployment and the service, use the following command

      cd ~/SOFE3980U-Lab3/MySQL
      kubectl delete -f mysql-deploy.yaml
      kubectl delete -f mysql-service.yaml

Deploy Maven Project

In this section, We will create a new Docker image based on a previous version of the Maven project created at the second milestone, BinaryCalculatorWebapp. will be converted into a Docker image. GKE will be used to Deploy it.

  1. From the GCP console, change the current directory to the path /BinaryCalculatorWebapp at the cloned repository. Then, build the application to generate the WAR file.

    cd ~/SOFE3980U-Lab3/BinaryCalculatorWebapp
    mvn package
  2. The path also contains another file, Dockerfile. It contains the steps necessary to create the docker image. the steps can be summarized as:

    • line 1: starting with a base image.

    • line 2: create a volume tmp used by the TomCat server for temporary files.

    • line 3: copy the war file(s) from the path ./target at the host machine to the working directory at the docker image.

    • line 4: run the web application


  3. the generated Docker image has to be stored globally. Thus, a Docker repo will be created in the GCP project.

    • Search for Artifact Registry

      Artifact Registry

    • In the repositories tab, press the + button to create a new repo.

      create a new repo

    • Name it sofe3980u and make sure that the type is set to Docker. Set the region to "northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto)". Finally, press create.

      create a new repo (2)

    • open the sofe3980u repository and copy the repo path.

      create a new repo (2)

  4. To create a docker image using the Dockerfile, run the following command after replacing <repo-path> with the repo path you already copied in the previous step.

    docker build -t <repo-path>/binarycalculator .
  5. To be able to use the image globally, it should be pushed into the sofe3980u repo in the Artifact registry.

    docker push <repo-path>/binarycalculator
  6. To deploy the image using GKE

    kubectl create deployment binarycalculator-deployment --image <repo-path>/binarycalculator --port=8080 
  7. To assign an IP to the deployment

    kubectl expose deployment binarycalculator-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --name=binarycalculator-service 
  8. Get the IP associated with the service and access the application with that IP at port 8080.


  1. Briefly summarize what you have learned about docker and Kubernetes including the used terminologies and their descriptions.
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using docker images?


  • Update the Binary Calculator Application using the last version you implemented in the previous milestone
  • Delete both the running deployment and service. Write YAML file(s) to replace them. Then, redeploy them using the YAML file(s).


  1. A report that includes
    • The discussion part.
    • Git hub with your Binary Calculator Application and the YAML files.
    • Instructions you used to create and deploy your application.
    • The IP of Your application (will be checked by the grader)
  2. An audible video of about 5 minutes showing the MySQL deploying (the two techniques).
  3. An audible video of about 3 minutes showing the deploying and executing of the Binary Calculator Application.



Language:Java 65.3%Language:HTML 34.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%