JeremyTubongbanua / InstagramClone

Instagram clone in Flutter using the at protocol.

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This is my attempt at using the at platform in my instagram clone app. The at_ packages that it uses are: at_client_mobile and at_app_flutter.


instagram clone app image
Edit profile screen


At_ packages versions may be important.

  • path_provider: ^2.0.10
  • intl: ^0.17.0
  • at_client_mobile: ^3.0.22 (at_commons export is missing from 3.0.3).
  • at_app_flutter: ^5.0.0 (untested, but snackbar demo uses ^5.0.0 instead of ^5.0.0+1)
        sdk: flutter
    path_provider: ^2.0.10
    intl: ^0.17.0
    at_client_mobile: ^3.0.22
    at_app_flutter: ^5.0.0


  • To rebuild the android folder, use flutter create -a kotlin .
  • Setting kotlin version to 1.5.32 may fix biometric storage version error.
buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.5.32'


  • To rebuild the android folder, use flutter create -a kotlin .
  • Setting minSdkVersion 23 may fix at_onboarding_flutter import errors. (at_onboarding_flutter is exported by at_app_flutter; using the package itself may pose errors, so best to use it through the at_app_flutter package).
android {
    compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion

    defaultConfig {
        // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (
        applicationId "com.example.instagram_clone"
        minSdkVersion 23
        targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion
        versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
        versionName flutterVersionName


defaultConfig {
  compileSdkVersion 29
  minSdkVersion 24
  targetSdkVersion 29


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />


AtEnv is a class from at_app_flutter. It gives helpful methods and variables like:

// 1. Make .env file in root project folder and put values in it.

// 2. Call .load() in main()
try {
  await AtEnv.load();
} catch (err) {
  print("AtEnv error: $err");

// 3. Use the class
AtEnv.rootDomain //
AtEnv.appNamespace // from NAMESPACE=smoothalligator in .env
AtEnv.rootEnvironment // used in the Onboarding widget
AtEnv.appApiKey // from .env

AtClientPreference Example

AtClientPreference will be needed by the Onboarding widget and the AtClientManager.

// 1. Import at_client_mobile or at_client
import 'package:at_client_mobile/at_client_mobile.dart';

// 2. Instansiate AtClientPreference
AtClientPreference preference = AtClientPreference();

// 3. Set preferences
String path = (await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).path; // from path_provider package
preference.rootDomain = AtEnv.rootDomain; //
preference.namespace = AtEnv.appNamespace; // from .env (see the AtEnv section of this README)
preference.commitLogPath = path; // support directory
preference.hiveStoragePath = path; // support directory
preference.isLocalStoreRequired = true;

Onboarding Widget Example

Onboarding is the act of putting your at sign where the app "logs in to you."

  • Ran into problems when using the at_onboarding_flutter package from So instead, at_app_flutter was used since it was exported in there.
  • Be sure to check both the android/build.gradle and android/app/build.gradlechanges above if you're running into errors when trying to use this widget.
// Simply instantiate the object where a "_show()" method will be called in the constructor (if you dig deep, you will see it).
// important to leave "atSign" param out
  atClientPreference: preference, // AtClientPreference
  context: context, // BuildContext
  domain: AtEnv.rootDomain, //
  rootEnvironment: AtEnv.rootEnvironment,
  appAPIKey: AtEnv.appApiKey, // API_KEY in .env - needed if user wants to make new @ signs within the app
  onboard: (atClientServiceMap, atSign) {'Onboard complete with: $atSign');
  onError: (err) {
    _logger.severe('Onboarding error: $err');
  nextScreen: nextScreen, // Widget

AtClientManager, AtClient, AtKey, AtValue Example

  • Uses AtClientManager, AtClient, from at_client_mobile ^3.0.22
  • Uses AtKey & AtValue from at_commons exported from at_client_mobile ^3.0.22 (wasn't exported in ^3.0.3).
Future<void> goToInstagramClone(BuildContext context) async {
  // 1. Get AtClientManager instance
  AtClientManager atClientManager = AtClientManager.getInstance();

  // 2. Get AtClient instance
  AtClient atClient = atClientManager.atClient;
  // unnecessary, but you can get the current at sign
  final String atSign = atClient.getCurrentAtSign()!;
  print('Current @ sign: $atSign');

  // 3. Make AtKey instances
  AtKey followersAK = AtKey();
  followersAK.key = 'followers';
  // syntax same as above.
  AtKey followingAK = AtKey()..key = 'following';
  AtKey postsAK = AtKey()..key = 'posts';
  AtKey imageUrlAK = AtKey()..key = 'imageUrl';

  // 3.5. Make a Metadata (optional)
  Metadata metaData = Metadata();
  metaData.namespaceAware = true;
  metaData.isPublic = true;
  metaData.isEncrypted = true;
  // followersAK.metadata = metaData; uncommnet this if u want to use meta data in ur AtKey

  // 4. Data you want to encrypt
  const String data = '';

  // 5. AtClient.put
  bool success = await atClient.put(imageUrlAK, data);
  print('Success: $success');

  // 6. AtClient.get
  AtValue followersAV = await atClient.get(followersAK);
  print('AtValue: ${followersAV.value}');
  AtValue followingAV = await atClient.get(followingAK);
  AtValue postsAV = await atClient.get(postsAK);
  AtValue imageUrlAV = await atClient.get(imageUrlAK);

  // 7. Do whatever you want with the data
      builder: (ctx) => ProfileDetailScreen(
        atSign, // String profileHandle
        atSign, // String profileName
        imageUrlAV.value, // String imageUrl
        'Spy X family pog', // String description
        int.parse(followersAV.value), // int followers
        int.parse(followingAV.value), // int following
        int.parse(postsAV.value), // int posts


From at_utils/at_logger.dart;

// 1. Import at_utils
import 'package:at_utils/at_logger.dart' show AtSignLogger;

// 2. Instansiate
AtSignLogger _logger = AtSignLogger(AtEnv.appNamespace);

// 3. Use


Instagram clone in Flutter using the at protocol.


Language:Dart 96.7%Language:Swift 2.1%Language:Kotlin 0.7%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Objective-C 0.2%