JeremyTheModernist / gatsby-shopify-starter

A Gatsby Shopify Starter

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Gatsby Shopify Starter

This is a Gatsby Shopify Store starter, complete with cart and checkout functionality, and styled with Theme-UI. It is available for configuration and use with any Shopify store.

View the Live Site Here

Intended Use

I built this starter as an opportunity for others to learn and see how a Gatsby Shopify site can be created. I have supplied several comments throughout the code to help explain what the different parts are doing and how to use them.

Readme Contents:

Helpful Resources:

Getting Started

Create a new Shopify store

  • If you haven't already, create a new Shopify Account and store.
  • Personally, I recommend signing up for their partner program where you can experiment with multiple different Development Stores for experimentation and transfer ownership to store owners when you are ready.
  • Login to your account and create a new store
  • Your URL should read, and you should see something akin to the following: Shopify Store Home Screen

Create a Private App

  • In your Admin view, create a private app:
    • navigate to your Apps
    • click the ( undiscoverable ) Manage private apps link at the bottom of your Apps page.
    • select create a new private app, and you should see the following: Shopify Store Private App Screen
    • Provide a private app name, leave your Admin API credentials as Read Access
    • Towards the bottom check "Allow this app to access your storefront data using the Storefront API."
    • Check Read product tags and Read customer tags in addition to the default permissions.
    • Click Save.

Populate your app with products:

  • In your Products view, click add product. For the best experience, I recommend filling in data for the following:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Media
    • Pricing ( Price )
    • Inventory (Quantity, Track Quantity)
    • Shipping (Weight, Country of origin)
    • Variants (Optional, as this starter supports variants)
  • I would recommend adding at least 2 products, with perhaps some variants ( i.e. in mine, I added a soft cover and a hard cover, for "materials"), see image below: Shopify Variants Screen

Connect your Gatsby site to Shopify:

  • Let's connect your Shopify store to your Gatsby App now.

    • First clone this repo to your computer.

    • Open this repo in your code editor

    • Run yarn install to install all dependencies

    • Run yarn develop, and you should now see the following:

      Shopify Variants Screen

    • Now, to pull in your own products from Shopify, all you need to do is update the .env.development variables in this project.

    • The .env file will look as follows:

    GATSBY_SHOP_NAME = jeremy-superhi-project1
    GATSBY_SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN = a3155a160132b0ae0bf6bc40fa1c0dc0
    • Your GATSBY_SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN will be your Storefront access token from your Shopify App.
    • To access this, in your Shopify Store, navigate to Apps > Private Apps > <YourPrivateApp> page. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see your Storefront access token.
    • Copy this token, and setGATSBY_SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN equal to your Storefront access token.
    • Now, let's update the GATSBY_SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN. You can find this by looking at your Shopify Shop URL:
      • https://<yourShopName>
      • copy the <yourShopName> portion from the URL, and set GATSBY_SHOP_NAME equal to it.
    • Now, stop your server and run gatsby clean. This clears your cache so you don't run into any problems.
    • Next, run yarn develop and you should see the store populated with your shop items.

Use Shopify to trigger builds in Netlify

If you have deployed your site to Netlify using Continuous Integration with Github, then you can also trigger new builds of your site when you make content updates in Shopify. You can accomplish this through Webhooks:

  • In Netlify, navigate to your "Settings" page.

  • Next click on "Build & deploy" and scroll to the "Build Hooks" section

  • Create a new build hook and call it Shopify Changes

    Netlify Build Hooks Screen

  • Now copy the Build Hook URL to your clipboard.

  • Navigate over to your Shopify Store.

  • In your store, navigate to Settings > Notifications > and Scroll to the bottom.

  • You will see a "Create webhook" button. Click this and select Product creation for event type. Paste your Netlify Build Hook URL in the URL field. Click "Save webhook."

    Shopify Webhooks Screen

  • Your site will now rebuild every time you publish a new product.

  • I also chose to set up an event for Product update and Product delete using the same Netlify Build Hook, so my store updates whenever any of these events are triggered in Shopify.

Connect your bank account for transactions:

  • If you're satisfied with your setup, you can connect your bank account for transactions:

    • In your Shopify store, click "Settings." You should see the following: Shopify Settings Screen

    • Follow these Shopify instructions to set up Payment Providers.

    • For more details around Payment Providers, you can visit Shopify's documentation.

    • Once you have set up Payment Providers, you can click "View Payouts" to see your transactions and their status.

      Shopify Settings Screen

    • You can also view incoming orders through your "Orders" tab in the left nav.


A Gatsby Shopify Starter


Language:JavaScript 100.0%