Jeremboo / nextjs-boilerplate

Jam3 NextJS Generator for SPA, SSG, SSR and JAMStack applications

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Jam3 NextJS Generator

GitHub Codeship Status for Jam3/nyg-nextjs

Boilerplate for React, Static and Server Side Rendered projects with NextJS

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Table of Contents


Check your Node and NPM versions.

Make sure you are using Node 14.x.x and NPM 7.x.x on your development environment. Using NVM is highly encouraged.

$ nvm use 14
$ npm install --global npm@7

TIP: If you use ZSH, you can configure automatic Node switching:

Clone the GitHub repository

Or Fork it, and start working right away with it.

$ git clone

Set up CI/CD

Deploying a static site is fairly simple, we are going to the set up for Codeship.

1. Create env variables with AWS Access Keys

Create three environment variables based on .codeship/.env.codeship.[env].local.example


  • .codeship/
  • .codeship/.env.codeship.stage.local
  • .codeship/
  • (optional) .codeship/.env.codeship.ssh.local


Note: The environment variable files can't be commited. Based on the name convention they are ignored by GIT.

2. Create a Codeship Pro project in Codeship

  • Go to Codeship
  • Create a project and follow the general step to initiate it.

3. Downloading the project AES Key

  • Go to Project setting > General and download AES Key
  • Rename it to codeship.aes

Note: codeship.aes should never be committed to the repository.

4. Generate encrypted env variables

Run commands below;

# go to .codeship directory/folder
$ cd .codeship

# encrypts files
$ ./

# go back to the root
$ cd ..

Note: you may face an issue if missing codeship.aes file locally.

5. Update S3 and Cloudfront environment variables in codeship-services.yml

Update S3_ORIGIN_BUCKET and DISTRIBUTION_ID with your AWS information.


1. local Front End server

# http://localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

2. storybook

# http://localhost:9001
$ npm run storybook

3. template scripts

We are using seng-generator to generate templates

# cli
$ npm run generate

# create page(s)
$ npm run generate page [page-name]

# create api routes
$ npm run generate api [api-name]

# create component
$ npm run generate component [component-name]

Default location can be edited here:


To releasing new versions we are using standard-version.


  1. When PRs/commits land to your master branch, select the Squash and Merge option.
  2. Add a title and body that follows the Conventional Commits Specification.
  3. Run $ git checkout master; git pull origin master
  4. Run $ npm run release
  5. Run $ git push --follow-tags origin master

Set up Git LFS

If you would like to track files with Git LFS follow the below steps. These steps assume docker is used to deploy, and might change based on your deployment infrastructure as it was tested in Jam3 infrastructures.

  1. Generate SSH key + save it in a encrypted env variable You can use the Codeship Pro guide. The encrypted environment will be a different file name, like .env.codeship.ssh.local

  2. Upload public SSH key to GitHub

  3. Enable Git LFS ini the script, uncommenting the line bash ./.codeship/

  4. Enable ssh config encrypted_env_file: .env.codeship.ssh.encrypted in codeship-services.yml


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.




Jam3 NextJS Generator for SPA, SSG, SSR and JAMStack applications

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 57.8%Language:SCSS 22.2%Language:JavaScript 14.5%Language:Shell 4.2%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%