Jenson66 / CleanSheet

Code and full version of the paper "Hijacking Attacks against Neural Network by Analyzing Training Data"

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Hijacking Attacks against Neural Network by Analyzing Training Data

This repository includes a python implemenation of CleanSheet.

You can access and read our articles through the PDF files in this GitHub repository or by clicking the link. arXiv

Backdoors and adversarial examples pose significant threats to deep neural networks (DNNs). However, each attack has practical limitations. Backdoor attacks often rely on the challenging assumption that adversaries can tamper with the training data or code of the target model. Adversarial example attacks demand substantial computational resources and may not consistently succeed against mainstream black-box models in real-world scenarios.

Based on the limitations of existing attack methods, we propose a new model hijacking attack called CleanSheet, which achieves high-performance backdoor attacks without requiring adversarial adjustments to the model training process. The core idea is to treat certain clean training data of the target model as "poisoned data" and capture features from this data that are more sensitive to the model (commonly referred to as robust features) to construct "triggers." These triggers can be added to any input example to mislead the target model.

The overall process of CleanSheet is illustrated in the diagram below.

alt text

If you find this paper or implementation useful, please consider citing our ArXiv preprint:

      title={Hijacking Attacks against Neural Networks by Analyzing Training Data}, 
      author={Yunjie Ge and Qian Wang and Huayang Huang and Qi Li and Cong Wang and Chao Shen and Lingchen Zhao and Peipei Jiang and Zheng Fang and Shenyi Zhang},

Repository outline

In the models folder we find:

  • This file provides the implementation of the MobileNetV2 model.
  • This file defines architectures for ResNet models, including ResNet-18, ResNet-34, ResNet-50, ResNet-101, and ResNet-152.
  • This file defines architectures for VGG models, including VGG-11, VGG-13, VGG-16, VGG-19.

In the trigger folder we find:

  • epoch_99.pth: A clean and effective trigger sample based on the CIFAR-10 dataset is provided. You can regenerate this trigger sample by running the The usage of this file is explained below.

At the top level of the repository we find:

  • This file contains the core code that generates trigger samples capable of hijacking the model by analyzing the training data.
  • This file includes all the necessary dependencies.
  • Definition of Poisoned Data Class.
  • Definition of Generated Trigger Class.


We recommend using anaconda or miniconda for python. Our code has been tested with python=3.9.18 on linux.

Create a conda environment from the yml file and activate it.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate CleanSheet

Make sure the following requirements are met

  • torch>=2.1.1
  • torchvision>=0.16.1


After the installation of the requirements, to execute the script, do:

$ (CleanSheet) python

In the code, it's important to note that there are some hyperparameters. Below, we provide an introduction to them.

  • epochs training epoch. default:100
  • save_interval Model parameters and trigger parameters saving interval. default:5
  • temperature Knowledge distillation temperature. default:1.0
  • alpha Hard loss and soft loss weights. default:1.0
  • epochs_per_validation Validation interval. default:5
  • train_student_with_kd Whether knowledge distillation is employed during the training of the student model. default:true
  • pr Initial training data modification ratio. default:0.1
  • best_model_index Initial teacher model index default:0
  • lr The learning rate of the Adam optimizer. default:0.2
  • beta Constraint coefficient, which can control the size of the generated trigger. default:1.0

You can flexibly adjust the above hyperparameters as needed. Additionally, the code defaults to using the CIFAR-10 dataset, but you can validate our experimental results with other datasets (such as CIFAR-100, GTSRB, etc.) by modifying the data loading process.

Sample trigger

# load trigger and mask
a = torch.load('epoch_99.pth')
tri = a['trigger']
mask = a['mask']

Furthermore, we can apply the trigger onto specific images.

# apply the trigger
img =
img = mask * tri + (1 - mask) * img

Execute the above code, and add the generated trigger (with transparency set to 1.0, pr set to 0.1) to CIFAR-10 images, as shown below:

图片1 图片2 图片3
图片4 图片5 图片6
Executing our code on other datasets, the comparison between generated original samples and malicious samples is shown in the following images.

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Prediction validation

While predicting benign and malicious samples simultaneously, using GradCAM to visualize the model's attention distribution on input images to demonstrate how the generated trigger misleads the model's decision.

Setting the target label to 1 and adding the corresponding trigger to the images, the prediction results on four different models are as follows: alt text

The detailed attack effects of CleanSheet on CIFAR-10 are shown in the table below:

alt text

More technical details and attack effects can be found in our paper.


NOTICE: This software is available for use free of charge for academic research use only. Commercial users, for profit companies or consultants, and non-profit institutions not qualifying as academic research must contact for a separate license.


Code and full version of the paper "Hijacking Attacks against Neural Network by Analyzing Training Data"


Language:Python 100.0%