JensTimmerman / agithub

Agnostic Github API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Agnostic Github API

"It doesn't know, and you don't care!"

agithub is a RESTful API for with a transparent syntax that allows rapid prototyping.

For example:

GET /issues/?filter=subscribed



So, you can read, immediately understand how to do it with agithub, and get on with your life.

Sample App

>>> from agithub import Github
>>> g = Github('user', 'pass')
>>> status, data = g.issues.get(filter='subscribed', foobar='llama')
>>> data
[ list, of, issues ]
>>> g.issues
<class 'agithub.github.RequestBuilder'>: I don't know about /issues
>>> g.repos.jpaugh64.repla.issues[1].get()
(200, { 'id': '#blah', ... })
>>> mylogin, myrepo = 'jpaugh64', 'braille-converter'
>>> g.repos[mylogin][myrepo].milestones.get(state='open', sort='completeness')
(200, [ list, of, milestones ])
>>> def following(client, user):
...   return client.user.following[user].get
>>> callback = following('octocat')
>>> if 204 == callback()[0]:
...   print 'You are following octocat'
You are following octocat
(404, {'message': 'Not Found'})


  • returns (status, body) tuple, where body is a Python object (JSON, remember?)
  • Agnostic - It doesn't know what to do unless you tell it.
  • parameter expansion, url-encoded for you
  • how to use numbers (which can't be used as Python attribute names)
  • string indicies - so you can have variable paths
  • Make the API call later--reverse callbacks! :-p
  • Error reporting: straight from Github


That last example deserves some further explanation. At the moment, agithub doesn't check that the path you specify is actually a valid Github API call. (It also doesn't check whether the parameters are valid for a given path.) What it does is to take the path, method, and parameters that you specify and feed them up to Github, then read back it's response. It's that simple.

In short, agithub doesn't know about the Github API. But it fully supports it, so you don't care--usually. When you do care is when you get an error. There are 2 kinds of errors you can get:

  1. low-level http Exceptions (from httplib) Can Happen when, for example, you're not connected to the internet. Catch these with try..except blocks, as usual.

  2. Github API errors (returned through http status) You'll need to check for these in the returned status, as you would anyway (i.e. some other way). Often, the body contains more information on what went wrong.


There's also a third, tricky situation you can run into from time to time, which happens when you forget to append an http method to the path, i.e. the last attribute. When this occurs, you receive a RequestBuilder object, which doesn't do anything useful for you per se. In this case, agithub tries to be as helpful as possible, by reminding you that it doesn't know whenever you try to stringify it. (For example, at the Python interactive prompt.)

This works out better if you don't forget the (), because then you get a TypeError: 'RequestBuilder' object is not callable.


agithub is simpler than it needs to be. It doesn't handle certain things very well, such when it receives a tarball instead of JSON. It might also be nice if it gave you access to the mimetypes or other headers.

It doesn't support patch or delete yet. Just get and post. I'm workin' on it!


Copyright 2012 Jonathan Paugh See [COPYING][1] for license details [1]:


Agnostic Github API

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%