JensKlimke / jk-toolchain

My toolchain

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JK Toolchain

Database client

  • MongoClient: Connects to the mongo database.
    • One MongoClient is instantiated, when the App is started
    • The MongoClient is connected, when the App is started asynchronuously
  • DbSession: Is the database access session
    • Every request instatiates a new DbSession.
    • Within a DbSession, multiple transactions can be executed.
    • Within a DbSession, a commit can be created which wraps a transaction and handles all executions in one commit.
  • DbClient: A wrapper to handle access to item types
    • Multiple DbClients are instatiated, when the App is started.
    • Each DbClient instance focusses on a single item type.
    • Each DbClient wrapps the MongoClient instance.

Items API

Main item operations

  • POST /items {...} Adds a single new item
    • Body UploadDoc<any> The item data
    • Response 201 ResponseDoc<any> The created item
  • POST /items [{...}, {...}] Adds multiple new items
    • Body UploadDoc<any>[] The item data vector
    • Response 201 ResponseDoc<any>[] The created items
  • GET /items Returns all or the filtered items
    • Query filter ?: FilterType Defines the filter of the items
    • Response 200 ResponseDoc<any>[] The requested items
  • GET /items/{item} Returns the requested item
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Response 200 ResponseDoc<any> The requested item
  • PUT /items/{item} {...} Updates the item
    • Body any The item data
    • Response 200 ResponseDoc<any> The changed item
  • PATCH /items/{item} {...} Modifies the item
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body Partial<UploadDoc<any>> The fields to be changed
    • Response 200 ResponseDoc<any> The changed item
  • PATCH /items {...} Modifies all or the filtered items
    • Query filter ?: FilterType Defines the filter of the items
    • Body Partial<UploadDoc<any>> The fields to be changed
    • Response 200 ResponseDoc<any>[] The changed items
  • DELETE /items/{item} Deletes item and its sub-items
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Response 200 string[] List of deleted IDs
  • DELETE /items/ Deletes all or the filtered items
    • Query filter ?: FilterType Defines the filter of the items
    • Response 200 string[] List of deleted IDs

Tags operations

  • POST /items/{item}/tags {...} Adds tags to the item
    • Description: Existing tags are ignored. Existing tag keys are overwritten.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body {[key : string] : TagValueType} The tags to be added
    • Response {[key : string] : TagValueType} The complete tag object of the item
  • GET /items/{item}/tags Returns the tags of the item
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Response {[key : string] : TagValueType} The complete tag object of the item
  • PUT /items/{item}/tags {...} Replaces all tags of the item
    • Description: All previous tags are deleted.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body {[key : string] : TagValueType} The tags to be set
    • Response {[key : string] : TagValueType} The complete tag object of the item
  • PATCH /items/{item}/tags/{tagKey} {...} Modifies the tag with the given tag key by setting the new value
    • Description: Creates the tag, if key is unknown.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Parameter tagKey : string The key of the tag
    • Body TagValueType
    • Response {[key : string] : TagValueType} The complete tag object of the item
  • DELETE /items/{item}/tags Deletes the tags from the item
    • Description: Tags which completely defined (tag value != undefined) are deleted if they fit with key and value. Tags with value set to undefined are deleted if key fits (the value is ignored).
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body {[key : string] : TagValueType | undefined } The tags to be deleted
    • Response {[key : string] : TagValueType} The complete tag object of the item

Labels operations

  • POST /items/{item}/labels [...] Adds labels to the item
    • Description: Existing labels are ignored.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body string[] The labels to be added
    • Response string[] The complete labels array of the item
  • GET /items/{item}/labels Returns the labels of the item
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Response string[] The complete labels array of the item
  • PUT /items/{item}/labels [...] Replaces all labels of the item
    • Description: All previous labels are deleted.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body string[] The labels to be set
    • Response string[] The complete labels array of the item
  • DELETE /items/{item}/labels Deletes the labels from the item
    • Unknown labels are ignored.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body string[] The labels to be deleted
    • Response string[] The complete labels array of the item

Links operations

  • POST /items/{item}/links {...} Adds new links to the item
    • Description: Existing links are ignored.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body LinkType[] The links to be added
    • Response LinkType[] The complete links array of the item
  • GET /items/{item}/links Returns the links of the item
    • Description: If type query is not set, all links are returned. If type is set, only links of specific type are returned.
    • Query type ?: string Filters the links by their type
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Response LinkType[] The links array of the item
  • DELETE /items/{item}/links Deletes the links from the item
    • Description: Links which completely defined (link type != undefined and target != undefined) are deleted if they fit with type and target. Links with target not set are deleted if type fits (the target is ignored).
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body {type : string, target ?: string}[] The tags to be deleted
    • Response LinkType[] The links array of the item

Status operations

see more about status (TODO)

  • PATCH /items/{item}/status {...} Updates the status
    • Description: Status can only be changed to a new state by a valid transition.
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Body string The transition key to follow
    • Response {previousStatus : string, newStatus : string, transition : string} The complete links array of the item
  • GET /items/{item}/status Returns the status of the item
    • Parameter item : string The item ID
    • Response {currentStatus: string, transitions: {type : string, status : string}[] The current status and the possible transition to the next statuses


Type definitions

type Document<T> = T & {
  _id : ObjectId
  _item : ObjectId
  _commit : ObjectId
  _tags : Record<string, TagValueType>
  _labels : string[]
  _links : { target : ObjectId, type : string }[]
  _status : string 

type TagValueType = string | number | boolean | null;
type LinkType = {type : string, target : string};
type FilterType = object; 

type ResponseDoc<T> = T & {
  _id : string // this is the item ID (Document<T>._item.toHexString())

type Internal = {
  _tags : {[key : string] : TagValueType}
  _labels : string[]
  _links : LinkType[]
  _status : string

type UploadDoc<T> = T & Partial<Internal>

Contracts API

Data type definition

type ContractData = {
  title : string
  description : string
  creditor : string
  amount : number
  annually : number // generated
  shared : boolean
  months : boolean[]

type ResponseContract = ContractData & {
  id : string
  account : string
  status : string

type ContractFilter = {
  creditor ?: string
  shared ?: boolean
  months ?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
  account ?: string
  status ?: 'Planned' | 'Active' | 'Terminated'

 * WORKFLOW: (transition : start state -> end state
 * (*) -> Planned
 * activate : Planned -> Active
 * terminate : Active -> Terminated
 * reactivate : Terminated -> Active
  • GET /contracts Returns all or the filtered contracts
    • Query filter : ContractFilter Defines the filter of the contracts
    • Response 200 ResponseContract[] The requested contracts
    • Controller: getContracts
  • GET /contracts/{contractId} Returns the requested contract
    • Parameter contractId : string The contract ID
    • Response 200 ResponseContract The requested contract
    • Controller: getContract
  • POST /contracts {...} Adds a single contract
    • Query accountId : string The account ID
    • Body ContractData
    • Response 201 ResponseContract The new contract
    • Controller: addContract
  • PUT /contracts/{contractId} {...} Updates the contract body
    • Parameter contractId : string The contract ID
    • Body ContractData The contract data
    • Response 200 ResponseContract The changed contract
    • Controller: modifyContract
  • PATCH /contracts/{contractId}/account/{accountId} {...} Updates the account of the contract
    • Parameter accountId : string The account ID
    • Response 200 ResponseContract The changed contract
    • Controller: updateAccountOfContract
  • PATCH /contracts/{contractId}/status/{transitionKey} {...} Updates the status of the contract
    • Parameter transitionKey : string The transition key
    • Response 200 ResponseContract The changed contract
    • Controller: updateStatusOfContract
  • DELETE /contracts/{contractId} Deletes the contract
    • Parameter contractId : string The contract ID
    • Response 200 string The deleted contract ID
    • Controller: deleteContract


  •  Add created field to commit
  • Rank (by order in commit base)
  • Send commit on updates and check if head to ensure integrity
  • Status with date
  • Sort, Limit
  • Define generic filter type
  • Checksums


My toolchain


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