Jelso13 / dcd

Implementations of robust Dual Curriculum Design (DCD) algorithms for unsupervised environment design.

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Dual Curriculum Design

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

DCD overview diagram DCD overview diagram

This codebase contains an extensible framework for implementing various Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) algorithms, including state-of-the-art Dual Curriculum Design (DCD) algorithms with minimax-regret robustness properties like ACCEL and Robust PLR:

We also include experiment configurations for the main experiments in the following papers on DCD methods:


The core components of this codebase, as well as the CarRacingBezier and CarRacingF1 environments, were introduced in Jiang et al, 2021. If you use this code to develop your own UED algorithms in academic contexts, please cite

Jiang et al, "Replay-Guided Adversarial Environment Design", 2021.

(Bibtex here)

Additionally, if you use ACCEL or the adversarial BipedalWalker environments in academic contexts, please cite

Parker-Holder et al, "Evolving Curricula with Regret-Based Environment Design", 2022.

(Bibtex here)


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following commands:

conda create --name dcd python=3.8
conda activate dcd
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd baselines
pip install -e .
cd ..
pip install pyglet==1.5.11

A quick overview of

Choosing a UED algorithm

The exact UED algorithm is specified by a combination of values for --ued_algo, --use_plr, no_exploratory_grad_updates, and --ued_editor:

Method ued_algo use_plr no_exploratory_grad_updates ued_editor
DR domain_randomization false false false
PLR domain_randomization true false false
PLRβŠ₯ domain_randomization true true false
ACCEL domain_randomization true true true
PAIRED paired false false false
REPAIRED paired true true false
Minimax minimax false false false

Full details for the command-line arguments related to PLR and ACCEL can be found in We provide simple configuration JSON files for generating the commands for the best hyperparameters found in experimental settings from prior works.


By default, generates a folder in the directory specified by the --log_dir argument, named according to --xpid. This folder contains the main training logs, logs.csv, and periodic screenshots of generated levels in the directory screenshots. Each screenshot uses the naming convention update_<number of PPO updates>.png. When ACCEL is turned on, the screenshot naming convention also includes information about whether the level was replayed via PLR and the mutation generation number for the level, i.e. how many mutation cycles led to this level.


Latest checkpoint The latest model checkpoint is saved as model.tar. The model is checkpointed every --checkpoint_interval number of updates. When setting --checkpoint_basis=num_updates (default), the checkpoint interval corresponds to number of rollout cycles (which includes one rollout for each student and teacher). Otherwise, when --checkpoint_basis=student_grad_updates, the checkpoint interval corresponds to the number of PPO updates performed by the student agent only. This latter checkpoint basis allows comparing methods based on number of gradient updates actually performed by the student agent, which can differ from number of rollout cycles, as methods based on Robust PLR, like ACCEL, do not perform student gradient updates every rollout cycle.

Archived checkpoints Separate archived model checkpoints can be saved at specific intervals by specifying a positive value for the argument --archive_interval. For example, setting --archive_interval=1250 and --checkpoint_basis=student_grad_updates will result in saving model checkpoints named model_1250.tar, model_2500.tar, and so on. These archived models are saved in addition to model.tar, which always stores the latest checkpoint, based on --checkpoint_interval.

Evaluating agents with

Evaluating a single model

The following command evaluates a <model>.tar in an experiment results directory, <xpid>, in a base log output directory <log_dir> for <num_episodes> episodes in each of the environments named <env_name1>, <env_name1>, and <env_name1>, and outputs the results as a .csv in <result_dir>.

python -m eval \
--base_path <log_dir> \
--xpid <xpid> \
--model_tar <model>
--env_names <env_name1>,<env_name2>,<env_name3> \
--num_episodes <num_episodes> \
--result_path <result_dir>

Evaluating multiple models

Similarly, the following command evaluates all models named <model>.tar in experiment results directories matching the prefix <xpid_prefix>. This prefix argument is useful for evaluating models from a set of training runs with the same hyperparameter settings. The resulting .csv will contain a column for each model matched and evaluated this way.

python -m eval \
--base_path <log_dir> \
--prefix <xpid_prefix> \
--model_tar <model> \
--env_names <env_name1>,<env_name2>,<env_name3> \
--num_episodes <num_episodes> \
--accumulator mean \
--result_path <result_dir>

Evaluating on zero-shot benchmarks

Replacing the --env_names=... argument with the --benchmark=<benchmark> argument will perform evaluation over a set of benchmark test environments for the domain specified by <benchmark>. The various zero-shot benchmarks are described below:

benchmark Description
maze Human-designed mazes, including singleton and procedurally-generated designs.
f1 The full CarRacing-F1 benchmark: 20 challenging tracks from the Formula-1.
bipedal BipedalWalker-v3, BipedalWalkerHardcore-v3, and isolated challenges for stairs, stumps, pit gaps, and ground roughness.
poetrose Environments based on the most extremely challenging level settings discovered by POET, as reported in the red polygons in the top two rows of Figure 5 in Wang et al, 2019.

Running experiments

We provide configuration json files to generate the commands for the specific experiment settings featured in the main results of previous works. To generate the command to launch 1 run of the experiment described by the configuration file config.json in the folder train_scripts/grid_configs, simply run the following, and copy and paste the output into your command line.

python train_scripts/ --json config --num_trials 1

Alternatively, you can run the following to copy the command directly to your clipboard:

python train_scripts/ --json config --num_trials 1 | pbcopy

The JSON files for training methods using the best hyperparameters settings in each environment are detailed below.


🧭 MiniGrid Mazes

Example mazes

The MiniGrid-based mazes from Dennis et al, 2020 and Jiang et al, 2021 require agents to perform partially-observable navigation. Various human-designed singleton and procedurally-generated mazes allow testing of zero-shot transfer performance to out-of-distribution configurations.

Experiments from Jiang et al, 2021

Method json config
PLRβŠ₯ minigrid/25_blocks/mg_25b_robust_plr.json
PLR minigrid/25_blocks/mg_25b_plr.json
REPAIRED minigrid/25_blocks/mg_25b_repaired.json
Minimax minigrid/25_blocks/mg_25b_minimax.json
DR minigrid/25_blocks/mg_25b_dr.json

Experiments from Parker-Holder et al, 2022

Method json config
ACCEL (from empty) minigrid/60_blocks_uniform/mg_60b_uni_accel_empty.json
PLRβŠ₯ (Uniform(0-60) blocks) minigrid/mg_60b_uni_robust_plr.json
DR (Uniform(0-60) blocks) minigrid/mg_60b_uni_dr.json

🏎 CarRacing


CarRacingBezier tracks

The CarRacingBezier environment introduced in Jiang et al, 2021 reparameterizes the tracks in the original CarRacing environment from OpenAI Gym using BΓ©zier curves. By default, CarRacingBezier generates tracks by randomizing 12 control points defining a BΓ©zier curve.


CarRacingF1 tracks The CarRacingF1 benchmark introduced in Jiang et al, 2021 consists of 20 challenging tracks based on the official Formula-1 tracks. This benchmark allows evaluation of zero-shot transfer performance to longer tracks with more difficult turns.

Method json config
PLRβŠ₯ car_racing/cr_robust_plr.json
PLR car_racing/cr_plr.json
REPAIRED car_racing/cr_repaired.json
PAIRED car_racing/cr_paired.json
DR car_racing/cr_dr.json

🦿🦿 BipedalWalker

Example BipedalWalker environments

The BipedalWalker environment requires continuous control of a 2D bipedal robot over challenging terrain with various obstacles, using a propriocetive observation. The zero-shot transfer configurations, used in Parker-Holder et al, 2022, include BipedalWalkerHardcore, environments featuring each challenge (i.e. ground roughness, stump, pit gap, and stairs) in isolation, as well as extremely challenging configurations discovered by POET in Wang et al, 2019.

Method json config
ACCEL bipedal/bipedal_accel.json
ACCEL (in POET design space) bipedal/bipedal_accel_poet.json
PLRβŠ₯ bipedal/bipedal_robust_plr.json
PAIRED bipedal/bipedal_paired.json
Minimax bipedal/bipedal_minimax.json
DR bipedal/bipedal_dr.json

Example ACCEL BipedalWalker agent on challenging terrain

Current environment support

Method 🧭 MiniGrid mazes 🏎 CarRacing 🦿🦿 BipedalWalker
ACCEL βœ… ❌ βœ…
PLRβŠ₯ βœ… βœ… βœ…
PLR βœ… βœ… βœ…
REPAIRED βœ… βœ… βœ…
PAIRED βœ… βœ… βœ…
Minimax βœ… βœ… βœ…
DR βœ… βœ… βœ…

πŸ— Integrating a new environment

Adding your environment

  1. Create a module for your new environment in envs.
  2. Create an adversarial version of your environment. An easy approach is to define <YourEnv>Adversarial inside a file called
  3. Support the required functions inside <YourEnv>Adversarial for the UED algorithms of interest:

Supporting domain randomization (DR)

  • reset_agent(): Reset the current environment level, i.e. only the student agent's state. Do not change the actual environment configuration. Returns the first observation in a new episode starting in that level.
  • reset_random(): Reset the environment to a random level, and return the observation for the first time step in this level.

Supporting PAIRED

Your adversarial environment must support methods for allowing an adversarial teacher policy to incrementally design a level of the environment step-by-step.

  • reset_agent()
  • reset(): Reset the environment to an initial state. For example, for a maze environment, this initial state is an empty grid.
  • step_adversary(action): Transition the environment when the teacher performs . Returns a Gym-style transition tuple to the teacher's policy, (obs, reward, done, info_dict), where reward is always 0, and done=True when environment design is completed. The obs is an observation dictionary or tensor that the teacher policy receives as input at the next step.

You must also define the adversary observation space and action space inside the method of <YourEnv>Adversarial:

  • adversary_observation_space: Gym space for the adversary's observation space.
  • adversary_action_space: Gym space for the adversary's action space.

Supporting PLR and PLRβŠ₯

By default, the domain_randomization generator used by PLR will try to generate each new level using a uniformly random teacher policy, requiring the implementation of step_adversary as in PAIRED/REPAIRED. However, only reset_random is needed if the additional flag --use_reset_random_dr=True is passed to

  • reset_agent()
  • reset()
  • Either reset_random() or step_adversary(action)
  • reset_to_level(level): This method receives a level encoding <level> and resets the environment to the corresponding level, and returns the observation for the first time step in this level.

Supporting REPAIRED

To support REPAIRED, implement the methods needed to support PAIRED and PLR.

Supporting ACCEL

  • reset_agent()
  • reset()
  • Either reset_random() or step_adversary(action)
  • mutate_level(num_edits): This method applies <num_edits> random edits to the current level to produce a mutation of it, resets the environment to this mutated level, and returns the observation for the first time step in this level.

Example implementations

See the adversarial maze environment, envs/multigrid/, for a straightforward example of how these methods and attributes can be implemented.

Adding policy models

  1. Create a new file in models called <your_environment> containing student and teacher policy models for your environment. See models/ for an example implementation.

Connecting your environment to the training loop

  1. In util/, update _make_env to properly initialize a non-vectorized version of your adversarial environment (e.g. apply any non-vectorized wrappers).
  2. In util/, update create_parallel_env to properly initialize a vectorized version of your adversarial environment (e.g. apply any vectorized wrappers).
  3. In util/, update is_dense_reward_env to return True if your environment returns non-zero rewards before the terminal step.
  4. In util/, create a new function called make_model_for_<your_environment>_agent, following the pattern in the equivalent function for the existing environments, and integrate the call to this function inside the function make_agent.
  5. In envs/runners/, update use_byte_encoding to return True if the level data structures input into reset_to_level(level) for your environment are Numpy arrays, which will then be turned into byte strings when stored in the PLR level replay buffer.
  6. In envs/runners/, add support for your environment in _get_active_levels by appropriately returning the proper level data structure for your environment's levels. This should be the same data structure that your environment's reset_to_level(level) expects as input.
  7. You will likely need to define a custom attribute wrapper inside ParallelAdversarialVecEnv to return a list of specific per-environment attributes. See the method get_num_blocks for an example. In the future, we plan to simplify this implementation by returning all reported level metrics in a single method call.
  8. In envs/runners/, update _get_env_stats to return a dictionary of mean level metrics and stats across the current batch of vectorized environments. A simple way to do this is to define a function _get_env_stats_<your_environment> that returns this dictionary

Connecting your environment to the evaluation logic

In order to perform zero-shot transfer evaluation of agents trained in your adversarial environment, you should create customized, out-of-distribution versions your environment, typically done by subclassing the environment (same base class as used by <YourEnv>Adversarial).

  1. In, update _make_env in the Evaluator class to properly initialize a non-vectorized version of your environment (typically subclass of your environment for zero-shot transfer).
  2. In, update wrap_venv in the Evaluator class to properly initialize a vectorized version of the environment created in (12).
  3. If your environment integration runs well and could be of interest to many researchers, consider making a pull request to integrate the environment into this repo.


Implementations of robust Dual Curriculum Design (DCD) algorithms for unsupervised environment design.



Language:Python 100.0%