JekxDevil / pacman-racket

An implementation of the well-known Pacman in racket programming language following the guides of the How To Design Programs book. The project is intended as for educational purposes

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An implementation of the well-known Pacman in racket programming language following the guides of the How To Design Programs book. The project is intended as for educational purposes


  • Alessandro Zanzi
  • Filippo Piloni
  • Jeferson Morales Mariciano
  • Paolo Deidda


Discussion, User guide, Developer guide, README, Design, Test/correctness, Code style, Features



  • Research about game rules , logic and racket implementation
  • Data types discussion and definition
  • UX and UI discussion
  • Setup git repository on GitHub
  • Added .gitignore
  • Divide program in modules to split workload
  • Divide workload to team members
  • Implemented figures
  • Testing and implementening import/export figures (API)
  • Discussion about how to store score
    • csv file
  • Side features conceptualization
    • music
    • sound effects
    • VFX
    • game menu
    • scoreboard
  • Create empty user guide in LaTeX


  • pacman
    • open
    • closed
  • ghosts
    • red
    • cyan
    • pink
    • orange
    • blue : edible
  • dot : 1 point
  • cherry : +100 points
  • power pellets : make ghosts edible


Map is a Vector<String>

map representation :

  • "W" wall
  • " " empty cell space
  • "." dot point
  • "@" power pellet
  • "P" pacman
  • ghosts:
    • "e" edible
    • "o" orange
    • "r" red
    • "p" pink
    • "c" cyan
  • "_" ghost gate
  • "Y" cherry


Character is a structure (make-character name direction position)

  • name is String
  • direction is Enumerator
  • position is Posn


Appstate is a struct (make-appstate map score pp-active? pacman-mouth)

  • labyrinth is Vector<String>
  • score is a Natural
  • pp-active is Boolean
  • pacman-mouth is Boolean


render (labyrinth)


arrows: up, down, left, right esc: menu [continue, quit] button on/off in-game volume: 'M'


Nice 8 bit song normal Another nice 8 bit song with increased velocity for power pellet


  • pacman eating
  • ghost-pacman collision
  • game over
  • eaten dot
  • power pellet powerup taken



API added to work in parallel at the project

Design recipe applied to functions

Following common format style in files

Stick to char in order to occupy less memory and have predefine rigid data type


  • STRUCT changing:
    • struct pacman, ghost added with proper specific fields
    • struct character used as inherited in pacman, ghost
  • Added generic settings of the game
  • Every setting has been defined as a constant and used as it in other files
  • Added examples of instances of data structures


Pacman is a struct (make-pacman moving mouth)

  • moving is a Character
  • mouth is a Boolean

Created Pacman to implement mouth property in a dedicated struct

Ghost is a struct (make-pacman moving mouth)

  • character is a Character
  • hidden-element is a Char

Created Ghost to hold character and info about block underneath, No need for Pacman as it always leaves an empty block behind. Score is calculated at runtime when pacman moves in map.


Appstate is a struct (make-appstate map score pp-active? pacman-mouth)

  • (c) labyrinth map is Vector<String>
  • (+) pacman is Pacman
  • (+) ghosts is List<Ghost>
  • score is Natural
  • pp-active is Boolean
  • (-) pacman-mouth
  • (+) quit is Boolean

Updated appstate: added ghosts and pacman structures, added quit property to specify if game ended


  • Every setting has been defined as constant
  • Code refined
  • Render section has been moved to render file
  • Score rectangle for points view has been added


Generic settings have been moved to data_structures.rkt


  • (conversion-char) to render given an element of the map, its image
  • (conversion-pacman) -> pacman image
  • (conversion-pacman-mouth) -> pacman image based on mouth state
  • (conversion-ghosts) -> ghost image
  • (conversion-row) -> row image
  • (conversion-map) -> map image
  • (render-score) -> image representation of score
  • (render) to give image representation of the appstate



Each function takes as input the appstate and returns a new one with modified values. (Problem with overloading functions, longer code and heavier workload)

  • (key-handler) -> handler of key stroke events
  • (move-posn) -> creates new position given direction and previous position
  • (find-in-map) -> return char element of map at a given position
  • (move-pacman) -> handler pacman move logic
  • (check-edible) -> when colliding, see if pacman can or can't eat the ghost
  • (check-fullscore) -> quit the game if all points are collected
  • (quit) -> quit the game by editing the appstate
  • (quit?) -> return a boolean stating if the game ended



  • libraries imports
  • big-bang construction
  • big-bang runner


We used multiple ways of recursion

We used different ways offered by DrRacket documentation and learned in class to manipulate the collections of data such as Maps (Vector<String>) and Lists:

  • General Recursion : render and all its related functions widely use general recursion to build up recursively the appstate in-game image;
  • Look up by Indices : given its coordinate position, to find an element in a map we used its indices to retrieve the correspondent character. Used by find-n-map;
  • Index Iteration : To replace an element in the map, we used an incremental index to go through all the rows, and then all the characters in the correspondent string, in order to change only the element in the specified position. Used by find-n-replace.


Added property #:transparent to structs to make property available to other files. Before, provided structures, were behaving as functions. With this keyword properties are visible outside the file, and we can coherently create structures with make-<struct-name> in all files.

Following changes are done along the KIS (Keep It Simple) and atomicity principles. Functions are specialized, they accomplish a single task with as few arguments as possible.


Powerpellet-effect is a struct (make-powerpellet-effect active ticks)

  • active is Boolean
  • active-ticks is Natural

Added Powerpellet-effect to hold power-pellet effect info: if it is active and, if so, how long it has been.


Character is a structure (make-character name direction position item-below)

  • (c) name is Char
  • (c) direction is Direction
  • position is Posn
  • (+) item-below is Char

Changed Character as now both Pacman and Ghost struct need to know what is underneath. Pacman item-below is used to calculate score, this way function don't need the appstate as input; the code is shorter, cleaner and lighter. As a result Ghost struct is no more needed.



Appstate is a struct (make-appstate map pacman ghosts score powerpellet-effect quit)

  • map is Vector<String>
  • pacman is Pacman
  • (c) ghosts is List<Character>
  • score is Natural
  • (-) pp-active
  • (+) powerpellet-effect is Powerpellet-effect
  • quit is Boolean

Handler files have been separated into key_handler and tick_handler


Following changes are made to satisfy the atomicity principle. Every keystroke corresponds to a change of direction. Key handler in no longer in charge of movement. Movements are now implemented by tick_handler.


  • (change-pacman-direction) -> changes pacman direction when correspondent key is pressed


  • (move-posn)
  • (move-pacman)
  • (check-edible)
  • (check-fullscore)
  • (quit)
  • (quit?)
  • (add-points)



  • (quit?) -> takes an appstate and returns a bool indicating whether the app has quit or not



  • (render-game-over) -> draws "Game Over" text on screen


Handles all movements. Updates appstate following these steps:

  • move pacman struct and update map consequently
  • handle pp-effect
  • check game over (pacman collided to ghost)
  • move ghosts struct and update map consequently
  • update score
  • check game over (ghost collided to pacman or max score reached)
  • free pacman from its overlayed item


  • (tick-handler) -> handler general logic events of the game at each tick
  • (move-pacman) -> handles pacman movement logic
  • (update-pp-effect) -> updates power-pellet effect managing ticks and state when power-pellet is active
  • (move-ghost) -> move ghost position and direction randomly, but there is pacman following if it's 1 block distant
  • (move-ghosts) -> update the whole ghosts list at each tick
  • (collect-possible-choices) -> group choices available, discarding non-ghost values which are invalid choices
  • (collect-valid-choice) -> given pacman or a valid map cell as its aim, return a ghost if the cell pointed by the choice is eligible, otherwise return false
  • (move-posn) -> create a new position given direction and previous position
  • (find-in-map) -> given the appstate and a position, return the element at that map position
  • (find-n-replace) -> given a list of string representing a map, checks each row if matches position that needs updating, if so proceeds to update the string
  • (update-map) -> given map, current and future position and name of a character, updates the map according to a given character
  • (update-score) -> given an item, check if it is a valuable one, and if it is so, add it to the score
  • (clear-item) -> clear the item pacman has overlayed
  • (pre-game-over) -> check if pacman collided with an invulnerable ghosts, if so quit the game
  • (game-over) -> check all possible causes of game over and if there are any, quit the game
  • (is-fullscore) -> check if score is full, if it is return true otherwise false
  • (collision-pacman) -> check if pacman overlayed a ghost
  • (collision-ghosts) -> check if the game ends because of a collision between pacman and an invulnerable ghost


An implementation of the well-known Pacman in racket programming language following the guides of the How To Design Programs book. The project is intended as for educational purposes


Language:Racket 89.5%Language:TeX 10.5%